Final Flashcards
Alma 30
The false doctrine of the Anti-Christ Korihor
Alma 31
Alma and his companions teach the apostate Zoramites
Alma 32
Alma invites the poor Zoramites to humble themselves because of the word and then to experiment upon it by planting it in their hearts and letting it grow
Alma 33
Alma quotes three Old Testament Prophets who teach and testify of Christ
Alma 34
Amulek testifies of the infinite and eternal atonement of Jesus Christ
Alma 36
Alma shares his conversion story and His soul deep continual repentance with His son Helaman
Alma 37
Alma teaches Helaman about the power of the scriptures and his great responsibility to care for them and follow their teachings
Alma 38
Alma praises and teaches his son Shiblom
Alma 39
Alma teaches and corrects his son Corianton after he has been involved in serious sexual sin
Alma 40
Alma teaches Corianton about the spirit world and the resurrection
Alma 41
Alma teaches Corianton about the Law of the Restoration
Alma 42
Alma teaches Corianton about the purpose of mortality, justice, judgement, and agency, repentance, and mercy and again calls him to the ministry
Alma 43-63
War chapters
Helaman 5
Helaman teaches Nephi and Lehi and they go and preach and teach to the Lamanites and are imprisoned and have a miraculous conversion experience with 300 Lamanites
Helaman 10
Nephi is given the sealing power of the Priesthood
Helaman 13-16
Samuel the Lamanite preaches about the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the coming signs and wonders, and the coming curses and challenges that will soon be coming among the Nephites
3 Nephi 1
The wicked seek to kill all of the believers but the night before the sign of Christ’s birth
3 Nephi 8-9
Terrible destruction of the wicked in the new world because they reject and stone the prophets
3 Nephi 10
The voice of the Lords is heard. Christ will gather any who will come unto Him as a “hen gathereth her chickens”
3 Nephi 11
Christ appears and ministers to the Nephites
3 Nephi 12-14
Christ gives the Sermon to the Nephites. Very similar to the Sermon on the Mount
3 Nephi 15-16
Gathering of scattered Israel. Fulfillment of John 10:16
3 Nephi 17
Christ heals all who come unto Him and blesses the children one by one; angels in circle the group and Christ and minister unto them
3 Nephi 18
The sacrament is introduced to the Nephites
3 Nephi 19
The people are given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Beginning of day 2 among the Nephites
3 Nephi 27
Christ lays out the name of His church and teaches His perfect gospel
3 Nephi 28
Christ blesses the 3 Nephites to live, work, and minister among men until the second coming
Mormon 6
Total destruction of the Nephite Nation
Ether 2-3, 6
The Brother of Jared sees the finger of the Lord and then is shown all. Jaredites journey to the Promised Land
Ether 12
Moroni discourses on faith and then has his own faith strengthened as he is promised that his weakness in writing and his weaknesses in mortality can and will be strengthened in Christ
Moroni 1-6
Moroni teaches about Christ, priesthood, the Holy Ghost, the sacrament, and the purpose and power of repentance and obedience in the church of God
Moroni 7
Letter from Dad. Faith, hope, charity, ministry of Angels and becoming like Christ
Moroni 8
Letter from Dad. Children are alive in Christ and infant baptisms are an abomination
Moroni 9
Letter from Dad. Press on in Christ despite darkness, fear, and intense wickedness
Moroni 10
Moroni closes his record by giving us a promise for the Book of Mormon and serveral exhortations/sincere and pleading invitations
Alma 31:5
And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just–yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them–therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God
Four major principles in Chad Webb’s talk
- The attitude and intent with which we ask
questions will greatly affect our ability to learn from the
Holy Ghost.
-When we turn to the Lord in faith,
holding fast to what we already know to be true, additional spiritual knowledge and understanding will
come. - As we examine concepts and
questions with an eternal perspective, we are better able to cut through the confusion and recognize eternal truth.
-Seeking knowledge
and understanding from the Lord’s divinely appointed sources dispels darkness, doubt, and confusion.
Denying the Holy Ghost in Alma 39
-Unpardonable sin
Alma 34 and Atonement
Infinite without limit or capacity, Eternal without limit of time
Christ is the Savior of many worlds
Alma 31:38
And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Now this was according to Alma; and this because he prayed in faith.
Stripling Warriors
2060 stripling warriors. We gained warriors. None were killed.
Alma 32:27-28
Knowing a “seed” is good by exercising a particle of faith, then allowing it to grow within you. It will swell within you and enlighten our understanding
President Packer’s talk on complete forgiveness
- Mending things that cannot be mended
- Relief of suffering is made through His Atonement
- There is nothing exempted from complete forgiveness
- We receive mercy “after all we can do.”
Helaman 5:1-14
Repeat word is “remember”
Samuel the Lamanite
- Prophesies of Christ’s birth
- He prophesies of the signs concering of Christ’s birth, the light during the night and the new star
- He talks about how Christ redeems people from temporal and spiritual death
- The signs of Christ’s death (three days of darkness, rending of rocks, nature’s upheaval)
- Cries repentance to the Nephites
- Prophesies the destruction of the Nephite people
- The Nephites who believe Samuel are baptized.
- He stand on a wall and cannot be hurt
Christ in the Americas (Breakdown)
3 Nephi 11-28
Day 1: 11-17
Day 2: 17-18
Day 3: 19-28
3 Nephi 19:9
And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them
3 Nephi 27:27
And know ye that ye shall be judges of this people, according to the judgement which I shall give unto you, which shall be just. Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am
3 Nephi 18:1-11
Sacrament, remember (rememberance). repentance
3 Nephi 17:5-10
The Nephites do not want Christ to leave, he has compassion on them and invites them to bring the sick and afflicted to Him. He heals them. They worship Him.
3 Nephi 11:15, 17:21, 18:36, 28:1 (Repeat message)
One by one
Mormon 7:8-9
Repent and be baptized and take upon the word of Christ
Ether 6:8
The wind blew the Jaredites to the Promised Land. I guess the Lord can control everything. THIS IS IMPORTANT
Elder Bednar quote about Ether 12
Screw this
Ether 12:27
The Lord gives men weaknesses that they may be humble. It is by grace that we are able to make our weaknesses become strengths
Moroni 6:36-37
Miracles are brought by faith. It is because of unbelief that these things have ceased
Moroni 1-6 distinguishing doctrines
- Prophets of God
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost
- Priesthood and Priesthood Authority
- Covenants and Ordinances
- Repentance and Obedience
Moroni 10:3-5
Moroni’s challenge. Exhortation to the people to ask if these things are not true. By the power of the Holy Ghost they shall know that these things are true.