Final Flashcards
The most important questions during an interview, from either side of the pastor’s desk, are those that clarify:
The relationship between associates and senior pastors has a lot of parallels to the __________ relationship.
It’s been said that “It’s time to leave when you can no longer be your pastor’s..
The pastor is the one who gets shot down first. It may seem that he gets all the _________, but he also catches most of the flak.
Like a marriage, the staff relationship has to be based on:
The author gave “Seven Easy Steps to Betray a Pastor’s Trust”. Please list two.
- Take you Choir to Las Vegas
- Discuss who came in for counseling, staff meetings and other confidential information
It’s vital for pastor and associates to _________ together, not just over plans and programs but over personal and family needs as well.
No matter how good our relationship with someone is, it’s hard to accept..
There are pastors Who feel threatened by successful associates, and since music ministers tend to have more visibility than, say, Christian education directors, we can be more threatening. How can this problem be eliminated or improved?
Let them know you’re on the team and not out to “get” anyone.
When we boil it all down, there are only a few options open to us when we’re having relationship problems. The first option is to ____________.
The second option is to _____________ put.
The third option is to _______________.
- Confront
- Stay
- Leave
Whatever option you choose, do it carefully and _____________.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for ________, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” (Colossians 3:23)
True or False:
The self-esteem of people is often very fragile. Even overachievers who appear to have boundless confidence are often wrapped in a thin veneer that is often brittle and easily shattered.
For most people, nothing is more emotionally transparent than their..
Cultivating ______________ in music is a worthy goal. But it must not take precedence over the people who make the music.
“People need people who ________ in them, and expect much of them.”
True or False:
We never have the right to publicly embarrass someone in order to curb their undesirable behavior.
The challenge when dealing with people-related problems is to correct the problems without ____________ the person.
One of the touchiest situations to deal with is a confrontation with a ____________’s wife, son or daughter.
_____________ I always necessary when confronting.
What is the sandwich method of addressing a problem?
_______________ can be used to patch up differences, apologize, say ‘No’, criticize, gain cooperation, dissolve a hostile confrontation, and keep a small misunderstanding from escalating into a big deal.
We should put more laughter in our lives. List 2 ways.
- Smile more
- Laugh at yourself
What can you do to avoid getting caught in the middle of two opposing sides?
- Stay out of the problem/middle
- Don’t talk to them about it
- Suggest they take it to the pastor if it’s a big deal
The key is ____________.
Being called by God is a ___________ thing.
Signs of burnout:
- You entertain thoughts of suicide
- Your emotions fluctuate wildly
- you are chronically angry or depressed
- you have resentment towards choir staff or family members
It’s been said that your effectiveness will come from about 20% ___________ and 80% ____________.
- Ability and education
- Skill in dealing with people
The Great Balancing Act:
- Ministry to the Lord
- Ministry to the body of Christ
- Ministry to our families
- Ministry to the unsaved
Questions to ask when priorities collide:
- which obligation has eternal value?
- 10 years from now, who will care if I was there?
- am I doing this for the Lord or for myself?
Dealing with people is __________.
Knowing that you are called to a specific __________ for a specific _______ how do you stay when the going gets __________.
Questions to ask when I want to leave:
- Am I still called to this place of ministry?
- If not, am I called somewhere else?
- Am I running from a problem here?
- Would my leaving be good for my family?
If you have been given leadership, it is your role not just to ________ but _________.
5 Ways Jesus Made Disciples:
- Notice the unnoticed
- Ask powerful questions
- Don’t do ministry alone
- Send people out
- Delegate, but don’t disengage
_____________ is enthusiasm on a big scale.
You can’t expect to be a _________ employee, if you don’t make yourself ___________.