Final Flashcards
Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)
Who/What: first president of the republic of turkey (also the founder of the republic of turkey); after the treaties the allies set up post WWI, he revolted against the government they had set up, overthrew it, and set up his own government with nationalists in charge
When: 1920’s
Where: Turkey
Historical Significance: Nationalists set up their own country
Princess Ka’iulani
Who/What: princess of hawaii when US was trying to decide if they were going to annex it or not; spoke out against annexation sovereign
When: 1890s (Annexation: 1898)
Where: Hawai’i and Washington D.C. (?)
Historical Significance: met with Grover Cleveland and spoke out against imperialism by the United States.
Sun Yatsen
Who/What: prominent nationalist leader in China; leader of Nationalist People’s Party or Guomindang. Accepted Soviet aid
When: 1923-1926
Historical Significance: Soviets gave China the basis of their new political system
Theodor Herzl
Who/What: one the founders of Zionism. Wrote “The Jew State”: Jews need a homeland in Jerusalem; organized first meeting of the Zionist Congress in Switzerland (1897)
Where: Austria, Switzerland
When: 1896
Historical Significance: started the modern Zionist movement; eventually this Zionist
movement was one of the sparks that set off the Palestine/Israel conflict
Milunka Savic
Who/What: serbian war heroine who fought in WWI and in Balkans. Very decorated soldier, went in place of her brother.
Where: Serbia
When: early 1900’s, 1892-1973
Historical Significance: might be the most decorated female combatant in warfare
history, she was a woman and women weren’t supposed to fight
May 4th Movement, 1919 (China)
Who/What: nation wide uprising in China (but especially in urban areas and among students) about the unfair terms of the treaty of Versailles (giving Japan more influence over China).
When: May 4th, 1919
Where: Beijing
Historical Significance: leaders pledged to remove imperialism from China and
nationalism became much more common. Also allowed for communist ideas to be considered as an alternative to imperialism
Josip Broz Tito
Who/What: communist leader of Yugoslavia, seen as a benevolent dictator When: 1945-1980
Where: Yugoslavia
Historical Significance: first communist leader to defy soviet hegemony
Carmen Miranda
Who/What: portuguese Brazilian dancer, singer, and hollywood actress. Famous for her signature fruit headdress she wore in her American Films
When: 1940’s
Where: Hollywood
Historical Significance: helped bridge the gap between America and Brazil; the Good
Neighbor Policy (trying to be less imperialistic to the latin american nations) shown by hollywood’s acceptance of a latin american actress
Jacobo Arbenz
Who/What: Becomes President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1950 When: 1950
Where: Guatemala
Historical Significance: He starts making radical reforms and puts Guatemalan Communism in power. This supports the idea that communism is rising up in our own “Backyard”. The US at this time sees things as if the whole world is becoming communist. The US organizes a rebellion to overthrow him.
African Americans in WWI
Who/What: 370,000 joined military during war, but didn’t see any major social reforms concerning their status as second-class citizens because of their skin color
When: 1914-1919
Where: America
Historical Significance: called into question the purpose of the war: if US got involved to
bring peace and democracy to world, shouldn’t they start at home with their own citizens?; gives African Americans more organization to combat racism in the future.
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Who/What: Mao Zedong tried to mobilize chinese and bring back revolutionary spirit by encouraging rooting out foreign, bourgeois, or anti communist values in China. Elite major target of this “cleansing”
When: 1966-1976
Where: China
Historical Significance: cost China years of stability and its educational system (because
all the people who were out rooting up anti-China sentiment were young)
Kwame Nkumah
Who/What: leader of Ghana’s movement for independence from the British. Jailed several times for his actions; became spokesperson for Pan-African unity
When: 1957
Where: Ghana
Historical Significance: achieved independence peacefully; the success of the
independence signaled the end of England’s empire in Africa (first African country to do so)
Berlin Wall
Who/What: Wall built by the gov of East Germany; separated East and West Berlin When: 1961-1989
Where: Berlin
Historical Significance: Divided people of Berlin and they had little contact with each
other. It was demoralizing and showed how much division and tension there was during the cold war; showed how little legitimacy the regime had among its own people (had to build a wall to keep them in)
Ho Chi Minh
Who/What: Vietnamese communist leader who took power after WWII, fought off the French when they tried to reclaim their imperial rule after the war
When: 1940’s-1950’s
Where: Vietnam
Historical Significance: ruled north vietnam during the vietnam war. His communist ties
are what motivated the US to divide vietnam into two parts in the first place
Truman Doctrine
Who/What: “ I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures.” When: 1947
Where: USA
Historical Significance: He is saying that we (United States) will protect free people from armed minorities (like communists in Greece) and communist threats. Supposedly gave the US right to interfere in the affairs of other countries.
Who/What: a famous leader in the student movement and eventually joined the communist youth. Her family was very traditional, but she broke the mold
Where: China
Historical Significance: one of thousands of students to participate in the Chinese
revolution; her life shows the turbulence of the time period (especially between the world wars)
Lazaro Cardenas
Who/What: President of Mexico in the 1930’s
When: 1938
Historical Significance: Nationalized the Mexican oil industry, upsetting British and
American investors and it intervened with the Convention on the rights and Duties of States, which said that no state has the right to interfere in the internal or external affairs of another (BZS 31)
Lenin’s Marxism
Who/What: a practical application of Marxism designed to achieve a dictatorship of the proletariat; called for professional revolutionaries to lead the masses in overthrowing the imperial government of russia at the time.
When: 1917
Where: Russia
Historical Significance: the original form of communism, it influenced many other
countries that followed its example.
Potsdamer Platz
Who/What: the square in the middle of berlin that was split in half by the Berlin Wall When:1961-1989
Historical Significance: site of fascination for many people while the wall was up. The
place where the wall was originally brought down
Red Dawn
Who/What: Movie about a hypothetical Russian Invasion of the US. People at that time thought this was not a question of “if” but “when”. Represented the fears of many americans at the time.
When: Came out in 1984 (First PG-13 movie)
Where: Invasion takes place in the US
Historical Significance: Shows the culture of the time and the fears that many had of
what WWIII would look like. Russians/communists were the ultimate enemy.
Travel Restrictions in Berlin
Who/What: couldn’t cross from east to west berlin freely
Where: Berlin…
Historical Significance: These restrictions limited the freedom of East Berlin, separated
families, and caused suffering for decades.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who/What: USSR sends nuclear missiles to Cuba When: October 1962
Where: Communist Cuba
Historical Significance: A pro-Soviet Cuban government, allows the Soviet Union to send nuclear missiles to Cuba, partly in response to the U.S. having missiles in Turkey that had the potential of striking the United States. There was a lot of tension for 2 weeks. Closest we got to having a nuclear war during the cold war.
Ali Mazrui - “quenched”
Who/What: writer and professor of African and Islamic studies, born in Kenya; openly against Zionism
When: 1980’s
Where: University of Michigan
Historical Significance: shows how the world was taking sides on the Israel
Who/What: a combination of a trade union and nationalist movement that allowed Poland to resist the price raising of the communist nation
When: 1989
Where: Poland
Historical Significance: put economic pressure on the already destabilised communist
nations in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland. Lead to the collapse of the Polish communist government and the organization of a market based economy
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Who/What: A Declaration of Human rights made by the UN after WW2
When: 1948
Where: UN Headquarters? Palais de Chaillot, Paris .
Historical Significance: the 50 signing nations pledged “universal respect for, and
observance of, human rights, and fundamental freedoms” Basically an agreement to take care of any human rights violations in the world.
Alexander Morrison - God in History
Who/What:- Seventy of the church, wrote “God in History”. We’ve got to be careful to know that God respects agency. Another possibility is that he plays part of the momentous events in history, but that he isn’t everything. (for example, he gives perfect ideas to imperfect people; like discovering America was inspired idea, killing and mistreating the natives was not)
When: 2005
Where: BYU Religious Studies
Historical Significance: can’t say that God decides what happens in the world because that would be blaming Him for all the atrocities that have happened over the course of human history
Diego Riveranba
Who/What: Mexican Artist
When: lived 1886-1957
Where: Mexico
Historical Significance: Painted murals in Mexico to help establish Mexican nationalism.
His art reflected the turmoil and shifting political sensibilities taking place during the Great War and its aftermath. Also used art to critique economic dependency caused by U.S. Neocolonialism (BZS 31)
Maurice Ravel’s The Waltz
Who/What: A waltz that starts out beautiful but slowly becomes devastating
When: 1919
Where: France
Historical Significance: Takes us from the Belle Epoch to the Great War, symbolizes the
destruction of the upper class privileges and wealth
June 17th 1953, Berlin
Who/What: There was an uprising of workers in East Berlin protesting the new work quota put in place to try to prop up the failing economy. Crushed by soviet forces requested by the east German government
When: 1953
Where: East Berlin, Germany
Historical Significance: another reason showing that people weren’t happy.
Mikael Gorbachev
Who/What: sought political and economic reform desperately to try to keep Soviet Union from collapsing
When: 1985
Where: Soviet Union
Historical Significance: his efforts, while valent, didn’t work. There were too many
reformers pitted against people who wanted to keep everything the same (usually because of economic interests). Lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union
Richard Bushman
Who/What: author of “My Belief”
When: 1986
Where: SLC
Historical Significance: there are different ways to reconcile religious beliefs and
scholarly life. Bushman chose to accept that he was not going to convince the world of the truthfulness of Mormonism (because that approach is haughty). He focused more on deciding why he believed what he did; most important part is to listen carefully and openly in an attitude of trust. This is how one becomes converted.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Who/What: advisor to President Carter during the Soviet’s Afghanistan invasion. Supported sending weapons into Afghanistan to aid against the Soviets
When: 1979
Where: USA
Historical Significance: sent weapons into Afghanistan that were probably eventually
used against the US. Showed the extremes of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” policy
November 9th (Germany)
Who/What: the fall of the Berlin Wall. east and west germans were able to freely cross the border between the two countries for the first time in decades.
When: Nov 9th, 1989
Where: Berlin, Germany
Historical Significance: showed the collapse of the soviet union, the reconciliation
between the east and the west in global terms; the unification of europe under a free market
Walter Ulbricht
Who/What: leading politician and supporter of the Communist Party of Germany; played a leading role in establishing east germany and was the chief decision maker in that country after the death of Wilhelm Pieck
When: 1950-1973 (time of power in East Germany)
Where: East Germany
Historical Significance: was a staunch Stalinist, made sure that East Germany followed
closely in the USSR’s footsteps
Comfort Women
Who/What: women from nations Japan had invaded (mostly Koreans) that were forced to provide sexual services (aka “comfort”) to Japanese troops. Were often on front lines and injured/killed
When: during WWII
Where: wherever in Asia Japan had troops
Historical Significance: shows the horror of war and how Japanese nationalism got so
strong that they considered all other Asian ethnicities to be inferior to them