final Flashcards
golden rectangle
perfect ratio 1:3
living unit
household, all the people living together in a unit
basic lifestyle
living simply without modern technology, may be concerned with pollution
type of decor based on a mixture of different periods and countries
diffused light
indirect lighting reflected off ceilings and walls, softer
cove lighting
next to the ceiling directs light upward
lightness or darkness of a hue
rhythm by radiation
parts are balanced and repeated around a central axis ex. daisy and its petals
blended fam
parents and children from previous marriage living together
human ecology
study of people and their environment
free form
random, untraditional, sense of freedom
area around or inside a form
rectangular lines, large pieces, folding down tables
will and mary
gilded designs
queen anne
cabriole legs, simple, wing shaped cut out backs