Final Flashcards
A neurological remedy, slowness, dullness, confusion, and dryness. Gradual paralysis (MS, ALS). Extreme constipation. Great straining, even with soft stool. Confusion of identity.
Closed. Fear insanity. Very upset if hurried or pushed, get more confused and flustered. Slow to answer, reflects long. Fear knives and blood. Impulse to kill when sees a knife. Desires indigestibles. Intense itching, itching without eruption, scratches until it bleeds.
Electric shock sensation
Worse noon
Inflammation or swelling of cartilage, esp. of knee
Vertigo, sudden onset
Testicular pain, esp. right side. Left ovarian pain
argentum metallicum
Depressed and anxious. Fear of death Fastidious Worse around midnight Suffered a lot, may be sympathetic Tremendous guilt Reproaches self or others Forsaken feeling Anxiety about health Restlessness Hx of suppressed anger and grief Often desire company Sensitive to quarrels
aurum arsenicum
serious, high standards, depressed, intense, likes music, reproaches self, etc.
soft, sympathetic, and desires company.
Strong sexuality
Silent grief
Can confuse with Aurum, Nat mur, Carcinosin Medorrhinum or Tuberculinum
Love wind, open air
May have desire for company
Anxiety about health
Heart problems (palpitations, arrythmias, angina, etc.)
AF grief, insults, mortifications
Angry thinking of his complaints
Sadness alternates with periods of joy
May appear abrupt, rough, but really affectionate
Sympathetic, warm-hearted person
Horrible stories affect her profoundly
Heart symptoms, esp. palpitations, angina, etc.
Romantic, passionate. open/outgoing
Love wind in their face, walking in wind or open air
Sycotic or Tubercular: high sex drive, warts on tongue or genitals
aurum muriaticum
Sensitive, refined, fragile
Hormonal imbalances in women, causing dysmenorrhea, fibroids, etc.
PMS, depression, anger, anxiety, headaches.
#1 remedy for uterine tumors (benign or malignant).
loving the sun.
May have salt issues, desire or agg from salt
May have low confidence
Fear of failure, compensate by planning excessively
Stuck in past griefs. Silent grief
Worse consolation
Forsaken feeling, fear rejection
May have a strong need for emotional support and nurturing, but may be quite independent.
May have history of conflict or grief with mother, such as mother dying when they were young
Sighing from controlling emotions
Tense, fastidious
Grief and disappointed love
Prone to deep pathologies, cancer, etc.
aurum muriacticum natronatum
murex is other uterine remedy
Jealousy. Irritable. Desire for green, sour, unripe fruit. Fear of birds or flying things.
Lamenting if not appreciated. Feels he never gets enough. Sweat on scalp. Obstinate.
Anxiety in the evening. Recurrent colds, coughs. Tendency to suppuration, injuries easily
suppurate. Thick yellow pus. Chronic otorrhea. Pimples, pustlules on the face.
Warm blooded and
calc sulph
Ailments from loss of sleep or night watching. Ailments from a combination of PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL STRESS: NURSING THE SICK, i.e. LOSS OF SLEEP + anxiety about the health of the sick person.
Ailments from CARES, WORRIES + physical EXERTION.
All SLOWS DOWN due to the prostration. TIME passes tooQUICKLY. Slowness, reflects long before answering.
Worse MOVING SURROUNDINGS [i.e. looking outside when traveling in a car]. Slowness of accommodation. Weakness, vertigo, nervous symptom complaints, especially motion sickness, ailments from or aggravated by riding in boats, cars, planes, or from prolonged loss of sleep.
Dazed feeling. Things seem unreal. Spacey. Vertigo as if drunk, with nausea. Painful paralytic weakness of back and limbs, lassitude. Too weak to talk or stand. Weak, numb, empty feeling.
Cervical muscles too weak to hold the head up.
Extreme aversion to food, though hungry. Nausea at smell or sight of food. Great distention in abdomen. Seems full of sharp stones, on movement.
Dysmenorrhea, with crampy colic, distention, nausea. During menses too weak to stand or talk. Trembling of hands, arms. Hands numb. Hands and feet easily go to sleep. Knees give way while walking. Time passes too quickly.
Stout, plethoric people. Anemia or circulatory problems. Weakness, face flushes easily. Can be aggressive, domineering, positive they are right. Can’t stand contradiction. Very sensitive to noise. Desire solitude. Worse exertion or sitting still. Better walking slowly. Flushes of heat from slight exertion. Face flushes easily from wine, excitement, emotion. GI symptoms, nausea, vomiting. Crave sweets, sour, averse eggs. Dictatorial. Tend to shoulder problems.
1. Desire for solitude. Irritability. Intolerance of noise and contradiction. 2. Irregular and changeable: moods and circulation. 3. Redness of face from least pain, motion, emotion, exertion etc. 4. Chilly persons. 5. Desire for motion, slow motion >; restlessness. Better walking slowly outside. 6. Desires sour, tomatoes
ferrum metallicum
High fever, flushed cheeks.
bleeding, thirst for cold, anxiety
Inflammations, acute illness lacking clear remedy picture (unlike Bell, Puls, Cham, etc.)
Headaches from noise, light. Dentition difficult. Whooping cough, bloody expectoration. Sleepless with measles, sleepless from pain.
ferrum phos
Ailments from sudden shock, children develop great fear of being alone. Great desire for
company, consolation. Jealousy. From fear, become dictatorial, abusive, violent, destructive,
malicious. Fear of dark, ghosts. Jealousy leads to controlling behavior. Can look like Stramonium
or Tuberculinum.
gallic acid
Delusion despised. Delusion alone in world. Delusion lost affection of friends
Biting fingers, self
Unfortunate feeling
Floating sensation
Feel an outcast, as if a leper
Aversion to looking in a mirror
Dreams of destruction, buildings destroyed, dead people.
AF: being an unwanted child, being abused and neglected.
People with deformities, ridiculed or shunned by other kids
Restlessness. A hot remedy. Trembling. Big appetite but emaciates. Hard, swollen lymph glands. Laryngismus.
Worse sitting. Impulsive; impulse to kill.
A hot, syphilitic
Worse heat, worse nights, worse touch and pressure. Better motion, walking in > cool air. Irritable. Abusive. Burning pains. Restless. 5 a.m. aggravation. Affinity for the nose and eyes. Sinusitis and/or hay fever with pain at root of nose. Eye pain and inflammation. Ulcerations, apthae. Atrophy of mammae in women.
kali iodatum
Yellow discharges. Warm, worse heat, need fresh air, outside. Warmth
agg. All sx better in cold air. Wandering joint pains. Want cold drinks, averse hot drinks. Fear
dying in night. Child may look like Pulsatilla, quite ill but want to play outside. Coughs, asthma,
otitis. Like a sycotic Sulphur (some psora too).
kali sulph
Alternation of sides
Affects throat, diphtheria, or tendency to sore throats, esp. at menses recurring sore throats and tender breasts.
Breast symptoms, very sore PMS or during menses.
Weeping during or after coition
Ailments from sexual abuse or traumas
PMS: sadness, despair, mood swings
Fear of and dreams of snakes
Oversensitive, mood swings, restless, spacey
Floating sensation, not fully in the body, at times
Full of imaginations. Believes every symptom a serious disease
Sudden anger. Hypersensitive, can’t stand fingers to touch so sensitive
Spacey, confused, easily distracted, absent-minded
Migraines, esp. changing sides every time
Rheumatic symptoms alternate sides
lac caninum
Sensitive and anxious. Sensitive to pain, to cold, to quarrels. Averse to be looked at.
Anxiety in bed. Anxious about robbers, about family. Anxiety disturbs sleep.
Peacemakers. Worse talking about their problems. Worse touch.
Problems around life changes: Menses, pregnancy, menopause.
Better motion, better pressure.
Sour: sour perspiration, sour taste, sour eructations, sour stool. Gas, poor digestion. Milk agg.
Unrefreshing sleep.
Chilly, a weak remedy.
Psora, a little syphilis.
magnesium carbonicum
mag carb averse to being looked at, lac caninum averse to be touched
Liver remedy. Nervous, irritable, suppressed anger. chilly but need cool air. Anxious and restless. Need to uncover. Anxiety on closing the eyes. Anxiety better open air. Closed, few or no friends. Delusion friendless. Morose. Obstinate. Sensitive to noise. Mental exertion is difficult. Silent but irritable inside. Better stretching, hanging. Liver pain can’t lie on right side. Heaviness in liver. Milk agg. Constipated. Fats aggravate, milk agg. Cold food agg. Fruit agg. Sun agg.
Dreams of robbers.
magnesium muriaticum
A bleeding remedy, syphilis and sycosis. Bright red blood. Bleeding without complaining. Memory weak, dullness, confusion. Feel as if they have forgotten something. Bleeding after childbirth, after tooth extraction. Strokes; cerebral hemorrhage with red face. Menses copious.