Final Flashcards
What are the steps of the speech making process in the correct order?
Consider your audience, Select and narrow topic, determine purpose, develop central idea, generate main ideas, gather supporting material, organize speech, rehearse speech, deliver speech
Vertical search engine
Google scholar for example. You can help narrow your search to academic sources and index job websites.
Boolean search
This helps narrow your search as well. You can enclose phrases in quotation marks or parentheses so that the results include only those sites on which all words of the phrase appear in that order.
It is hard to determine if the information from your website is accurate. Consider whether the author or sponsor is a credible authority. Assess the care with which the site has been written. It should be free of writing errors. Conduct additional research into the information on the site.
List and describe the sources of supporting materials?
Internet resources, online databases, books, reference resources, news paper source
What are the benefits of an Internet source as a supporting material? What are the drawbacks?
Benefits- wide variety, quick and simple
Drawbacks- there is a lot of uncredible information, troubles narrowing search and finding the correct sites
What is the difference between a database and Internet search?
Online databases provide access to bibliographic information, abstract, and full tax for a variety of resources. Most databases are restricted to the patrons of libraries that scribe to them. Your library missing scribe to several or all of the following popular fulltext searchable database is.
CRAAP test
Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose
Brief illustrations
Brief illustrations are often no longer than a sentence or two. A series of brief illustrations can sometimes have more impact than either a single brief illustration or a more detailed extended illustration.
Extended illustrations
Extended illustrations are longer and more detailed than brief illustrations they resemble a story. They are vividly descriptive and they have a plot which includes an opening, complications, Climax, and a resolution. Longer stories take more time, but they can be very dramatic and emotionally compelling.
Hypothetical illustration’s
Hypothetical illustration’s maybe either brief or extended. They describe situations or events that have not actually occurred but that might happen.
The description tells you what something is like. Descriptions provide the details that allow audience members to develop mental pictures of what speakers are talking about.
An explanation of the statement that makes clear how something is done or white exist in its present form or existed and it’s past form. Speakers who discuss or demonstrate processes of any kind reliable lease in part on explanations of how those processes work.
Definitions have two uses and speeches. First speaker should be sure to define any and all specialized technical or little-known terms and the speech. (Textbook definition)Second, a speaker made to find a turn by showing how works or how does applied in specific instance what is known as an operational definition.for example a speaker made to find a disease such as rickets by explain the effects on people who develop it, rather than using a dictionary definition.
An analogy is a comparison. Like the definition and analogy increases understanding I’m like a definition of deals with relationships and comparisons between the new and the old the unknown and a known or any other pair of ideas or things.
Literal analogy
A literal analogy is a comparison between two similar things. But because it is creative, it is inherently interesting and should have grabbed audiences attention.
Figurative analogy
If you describe the relationships among a group of coworkers Aza seething snakepit filled with his and gossip and Sharpbend attacks, you were using figurative analogy.
Expert testimony
Expert testimony, the testimony of a recognized authority, can add a great deal of weight to your arguments. You may “experts directly or paraphrase of words, as long as you’re careful not to alter the Intent of their marks
Lay testimony
Lay testimony, the opinions of nonexperts, concern audiences emotions. And, although neither of the sort of nowhere as unbiased as expert testimony lay testimony is often more memorable
How can you use illustrations most effectively?
To use illustrations effectively, be certain that your stories are directly relevant to the idea or point they are supposed to support. They should be typical of the situation or represent the trend. The best illustrations are personal ones that your listeners can imagine experiencing themselves.
How to use descriptions and explanations effectively
Avoid overuse, alternate descriptions and explanations but other types of support. Keep them brief. Be specific, use vivid, concrete words that appeal to the senses
What are the two types of definitions discussed? How should he use definitions effectively?
Classification(textbook definition) Operational definition (describing a definition) Use the definition only when needed. Make definitions immediately and easily understandable to your audience.
What is the purpose of using statistics? What are the principles for using statistics affectively?
Statistics can help a speaker express the magnitude or seriousness of the situation. Or statistics can express the relationship part to the hole. Make sure to use reliable sources, reputable sources.
Manuscript speaking
Reading from a manuscript is usually a poor way to deliver a speech. Although It may provide insurance against forgetting the speech, manuscripts freaking is rarely done well enough to be interesting
Memorize speaking
Memorized speaking sound Steph, stilted, and ovary hurts. You also run the risk of her getting parts for your speech and awkwardly searching for words and for your audience.
Impromptu speaking.
You have undoubtedly already delivered many impromptu presentations. Your response to question posed by teacher and class and you’re on rehearsed rebottle to comment made by calling during a meeting are examples. The advantage of Impromptu speaking is that you can speak informally and maintain direct eye contact with the audience.