Final Flashcards
Belief in a God who created all things but is not relational or involved in the world
Belief In a personal and relational God who created and sustains all that exists
Belief that “all is God” and a strong sense of spiritualism but not in a personal God
Holds that the universe, including all of life, was created by God in six 24 hour days.
Young earth view
Believes that the biblical account of creation was an extended historical event, the creation days being long periods of time. They believe the earth is billions of years old, but that life was created in stages by God.
Old earth view
The belief that life evolved as mainstream scientists say, but was empowered and directed by God.
Theistic evolution view
Absolute authority over creation
God taking flesh and dwelling with humans
The ways that God reveals himself to individuals and communities who can then share what he has made known to others.
Special revelation
The ways God reveals himself generally to all through what he has created, throughout the course of history, and in the natural laws that commonly are discerned through scientific analysis
General revelation
The concept that there are many ways to God, that one’s own religion probably is not the whole story, and that other religions add to the full understanding. Religious pluralism will also hold that differing religions, when considered carefully, are not really all that different . . . According to this view, ultimately, all religions say the same things or at least offer a piece of reality
The concept that there is only one way to God or to pleasing God. This is sometimes referred to as a restrictivist, or essentialist view . . . It would be too general a statement to say that all religions are exclusivist, but it would be fair to say that most religions are going to believe themselves to be right, or they would simply not exist
derives “from the Greek words for God and justice”. can be defined as “a defense of God’s goodness and power despite the presence of evil and suffering in the world
God rescued people from torment in hell and eternal separation from God by sending his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sin
The granting of salvation, occurs when you accept Christ as your savior by faith.
The work of the Holy Spirit who comes into your life when you accept Christ and begins to transform us from the inside, and we become a new creation and begin a life that will lead on into eternity.
This is thee biblical response to Gods offer of salvation through Christ, it is a change of mind which results in a change of action
Gods just wrath is directed to those who live in rebellion against him, and Christ paid the penalty for sin through his death
The setting apart of the believer in Christ
The bringing of the sinner into a peaceful relationship with God through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
Belief based only on the natural or physical realm with no spiritual or supernatural
Refers to Genesis 3:15, when Jesus speaks of crushing the snakes head
Shaped by an individual’s life story, experiences, therefore expressed by individualized language, belief and practice
Private worldview
Shaped by a community of thinkers and practitioners across times and places, and therefore expressed by shared language, belief and practices
Shared worldview