Final Flashcards
John Dryden
Epigram on Milton, Alexander’s Feast
Jonathan Swift
Gulliver’s Travels, Description of a city shower, verses on the death of Dr. Swift, The Lady’s Dressing Room
Alexander Pope
The Rape of the Lock
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
The Reasons that induced Dr. Swift to write…, Epistle from Mrs. yonge to her Husband, The Lover: a Ballad
Aphra Behn
Oroonoko; or the royal slave
Anne Finch
The Introduction, Nocturnal reverie
Thomas Gray
Elegy Written in a country churchyard, Ode on the death of a favorite cat
William collins
Ode to Evening
Christopher Smart
My cat jeoffry
William Cowper
Olaudah Equiano
Samuel Johnson
Epigram on Milton, Alexander’s Feast
John Dryden
Gulliver’s Travels, Description of a city shower, verses on the death of Dr. Swift, The Lady’s Dressing Room
John Dryden
The Rape of the Lock
Alexander Pope