final Flashcards
tympanic reflex does what and involves what
protective reaction to sound
tensor tympani controlled by trigeminal and stapedius muscle controlled by facial N
what is primarily responsible for maintaining the function of the middle ear
eustachian tube
normal right ear where is the cone of light?
normal left ear where is cone of light
cone of light is at 3 o clock and manubrium appears horizontally oriented the tympanic membrane is most likely
pt has itching external auditory canal when scratches it burns
otomycosis externa
swimmers ear MC associated with
pseduomonas infection
what causes conductive hearing loss
pt bilat ear px. upper respiratory infection just back from vaccation in bahamas examine ears and bluish grey tympanic membrane
acute otitis media
reaction of periosteum resulting from stimulation of auditory canal by repeated exposure to cold water
sequence of development of otitis media
eustachian tube blockage, tympanic membrane retraction, serous otitis media, purulent otitis media, tympanic membrane rupture
cholesteatoma results from what
chronic and repeated middle ear infections
abnormal sensation of movement, usually rotary, associated with difficulty maintaining balance
recurrences of sudden attacks of whirling vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss, with nausea and vomiting at the peak, when attack subsides residual low level tinnitus and hearing loss
Meniere’s syndrome
hyperemic vessels across tympanic membrane which is usually bulging landmarks are obscured with significant pain and drum may perforate
acute purulent otitis media
complication of endolymphic hydrops
neural hearing loss
perception of sound in the absence of acoustic stimulus
condition results from recurrent inner ear infections
bullous myringitis
viral otisis media serous or hemorrhagic blebs appear on tympanic memb
bullous myringitis
cyst like mass filled with cellular debris, cottage cheese appearance MC in middle ear spread to skull even into cranium causing CNS dysfunction
MCC conductive hearing loss
Cerumen (earwax)
clear otorrhea seen after head trauma is highly suspicious of
pxful ear condition associated with vesicles on tympanic membrane
bullous myringitis
repeated blunt trauma to the pinna
cauliflower ear
nodules result of deposits of uric acid crystals in pinna
condition presents as a small elevation in the rim of the pinna that is harmless congenital variant
darwins tubercle
furstenberg diet usually recommended for people who are experiencing complaint related to
labyrinthine hydrops
frequency range that a human ear is most sensitive
recommended by OSHA that hearing pro be used in which of the following noise exposure situations
> 90db for >4 hrs
hearing loss associated with chronic and prolonged exposure to loud sounds starts where
4000hx and spreads to the remainder of the frequencies
menieres disease requires what kind of diet
low Na
discharge associated with acute rhinitis
watery and clear may turn purulent
allergic rhinitis nasal mucosa appears
pale swollen and edematous
ozena is associated with
atrophic rhinitis
nosebleed can be serious if associated with
primary concern when evaluating spontaneous epistaxis
take the pt blood pressure
primary lesion of syphilis is called______ and is usually located on which lip
chancre, upper
appearance of pharynx that is strongly suggestive of strep
bright red mucosa studded with white or yellow follicles
trench mouth is associated with
fusobacterium ploutivincenti
Vincent’s stomatitis is associated
gum infection and very bad breath
ammonia smelling breath is associated with
musky smelling breath is associated with
liver disease
black hairy tongue
aspergilius niger
white hairy tongue
candida albicans
magenta cobblestone tongue
riboflavin deficiency
scrotal tongue
transverse furrows
geographic tongue
transient denuded patches
strawberry tongue
red enlarged fungiform papillae
vocal cords subjected to extended vocal abuse can develop
vocal nodules
recommendations given to a patient with laryngitis
complete vocal rest
lesion of optic N
unilateral blindness
lesion at optic chiasm
bitemporal hemiansopia
lesion in optic tract
Homonymous Hemianopsia
partial lesion of optic radiation
Homonymous Upper Quadrant
complete interruption of optic radiation
Homonymous Hemianopsia