Final Flashcards
● Pregnancy: anxiety, fear of death, tooth pain, itchy vagina, cough, convulsions
● Delivery: delusions about to die, retention of urine, restlessness
● After delivery: cough, chest-milk absent, sleeplessness, perspiration
● Croup after exposure to cold, dry air; threatening croup; dryness of trachea; pain in larynx worse cold air (rawness)
● Voice lost after fright
● Sudden onset, restlessness, anxiety, ailments after cold/dry/bitter winds
● Chill internal coldness in blood vessels, Fever with one cheek PALE/COLD and other RED/HOT; night fever dry burning heat; internal heat, external chill
● Itchy nose, ears, palate, Catarrh
● Hay fever accompanied by itching in ears and palate
● Discharge, watery with chorea
● Sneezing after cough (Kunzli- Agar. 3)
● Hay fever in August (3). Sneezing, open air ameliorates
● Acrid, excoriating d/c, coryza w d/c in evening/warm room, from flowers,
Allium cepa
● Boils: on septum, leg, blue, burning, in small crops, in DM
● History of recurrent boils/abscesses
● Abscess on lip
● Face- eruptions- rhus poisoning, burning, itching vesicles, angioedema
Sensation: Caught, stiff, tight, tension, stuck, cramps, clenched
Passive: Paralyzed or immobile
Active: Motion ameliorates, sitting/ sedentary aggravates, first motion agg, restlessness, stuck and wanting to move continually
Compensation: Always on the move
● Eczema in neurasthenic persons (basically means depressed), yellow d/c from skin eruptions, burning, itching vesicles from rhus poisoning
● Back- warts- soft- cervical region (only Rx), warts surrounded by circle of ulcers
● HORNY excresences, esp. on extremeties, soles of feet, under fingernails
● Skin- excrescences- fungoid(cauliflower) (3)
● Eruptions: crusty, scabby, yellow, honey-colored; inside and on nose
● Impetigo
Antimonium crudum
● The usual qualifiers: Extravasation and SORE/bruised feeling, as if BEATEN, As from a BLOW, As from a FALL, AVERSION/FEAR to being TOUCHED or APPROACHED; least he be harmed, Says he is well when very sick
● Cough after anger, crying agg., must hold chest with both hands, dry in morning but loose in evening, worse sleep, seems to come from stomach
● Respiration- asthmatic- heart- fatty degeneration of the heart, from
● Boils on neck or head, blood boils on chest, small boils
● Psoas abscess, remedy to abort abscess, incipient abscess, abscess from elimination of foreign bodies
● FAVUS (aka honeycomb ringworm, caused by a fungus)
● Eruptions: coppery, like fish scales, syphilitic (psoriasis, scaly)
● Restlessness (anguish driving pt from place to place)
● Lichen planus, epithelioma
● Yellow, honey-like nasal d/c
Arsenicum iodatum
● Ear- boring finger, in- children, in (Kunzli)
● Mouth- salivation- coryza, during (Calc-p)
● Itching in the nose
● Face- eruptions- eczema- mouth, corners of (2)
● Urticaria: chronic; with liver sxs; with erysipelas
● Mind- weeping- AMEL.
● Head- eruptions- milk crust- children, in- newborns- adenitis, with (1 of 3 Rx)
● Mouth- stomatitis- ulcerative (3)
● Abdomen- pain- LIVER- CRAMPING
Astacus fluviatilis
● Urination: weakness of bladder or morning dysuria in old men, involuntary urination in elders, brown-reddish urine, >during urination, >when urine contains sediment
● Gouty knees, Arthritis or gout with or alternating with offensive, thick urine with sediment.
● Kidney pain: L-sided, drawing,
Benzoic acidum
● Lumbar region: pain and numbness (also in kidney region); complaints extending to forehead; itching, burning pain; stitching pain extending around to abdomen
Berberis vugaris
● Urethra inflamed and painful
● Worse from touch and walking with legs too close together. Burning pains at the meatus, especially with the last few drops
● Must wait a long time before urine begins to flow. Cramp in the bladder after urination
● Forked stream on urination. Discharge is gluey, thick, and/or yellow-green
● Inflammation of the Cowper’s gland
Cannabis sativa
● Pregnancy: anxiety; delusions she is pregnant; cholasma after menses
● Delivery: hysteria, nausea, thirst, paraplegia after delivery, labor pains with thirst; Spasmodic contractions of OS UTERI during labor; false labor pains
● Mind- irritability- abortion, in (2)
● Irritability of children, sends nurse out of the room, children crying because they can’t have what they want
● Face swelling with hot cheeks
● Painful menses and cramping after anger
● Basically jaundiced (LV, GB affinity), right sided, nauseated, tongue yellow or brown or cracked, better warm drinks.
● Tongue brown and/or cracked during influenza
● Chill on RIGHT SIDE (Opp. Caust.); BEGINNING IN FEET and/or HANDS; as if COLD WATER DASHED OVER HIM (Arn., Rhus-t.)
● Gastric fever. Cholecystitis. Hepatitis. Gastritis. Any liver or gall bladder dz
● Pain referred to inferior angle of RIGHT scapula. Stitching pain extending to back. Pressing/stitching pain in LV. Eructations constant. Bitter water brash; warm drinks esp. warm milk; Vomiting of bile during headache. Right sided
● Jaundice in newborns (rubric). Irritable with discomfort. Mind- stupor- jaundice, in (3)
● Abdomen- constriction- as by a string. Cancer of the liver and specifically gall bladder
● Complaints of the liver accompanied by neuralgic pains in the face
● Pregnancy: makes vomiting
● Delusions will become insane during delivery, INSANITY during pregnancy, fear of approaching labor, sadness during delivery
● Acute hearing during labor pain, spasmodic contractions of os during labor, labor pain ceasing
● Leukorrhea
● Warts on iris*, eyelids
● Rectum- condylomata (3)
● Condylomata on male genitalia: bleed easily, fetid, fan shaped on penis, prepuce, frenum
● Motion sickness, Vertigo on looking at moving objects (Con.)
● Symptoms
Cocculus indicus
● Pregnancy: aversion to friends, chloasma
● Ailments from abstinence in alcoholic; delirium in evening (when dark), fear death at night; Delusion feet scarcely touch the ground when walking
● Before epileptic convulsions: flushes of heat; constriction of heart
● Garlic taste in mouth
● Pancreatic cancer (1 of 5 Rx)
● Diarrhea after sweet potatoes
Calcarea arsenicosum
● Acne, rosacea, constipation with acne
● Delusions talking with dead people
● Male genitalia/sex- empyocele (pus in scrotum) (Kali-s, Sil, Sulph all 3)
Silicea will lead to great sense of self-consciousness
Calcarea silicata
● Cough:
Capsicum annum
● Whooping cough: epistaxis, HEMORRHAGE OF LUNGS, vomiting
Cerium oxalicum
● Delusion he is falling head on
● Urination: inflammation w bloody urine; LABOR-LIKE pains before; smarting pain extending to meatus
● Retention of urine from enlarged prostate; dribbling urination with retention, must wait for urine to start
● Can only pass urine while standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward
Chimaphila umbellata
● Cracks everywhere: canthi (corners of eye), fingers/PALMS, hands
Cistus canadensis
● Delivery: delusion will become insane during; despair; fear of death; weeping; heat in face; sleeplessness
● Mind-ailments-JOY-SUDDEN; Mind-ailments-surprises-PLEASANT
● Fear of death from pain
● F G/S- pain- afterpains- FEAR OF DEATH, with (3 only Rx)
Coffea cruda
● Cholera infantum, and morbus. Diarrhea IMMEDIATELY after drinking or eating. Diarrhea sudden. Gurgling in abdomen before stool.
● Pain in rectum on pressing on umbilicus; umbilibal pain extending to anus
● Mammae- pain- nipple- nursling the child, when- drawing pain, as if with a string (3). Vesicular, red eruptions around areola.
● Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Head eruptions crusts/ scabs. Face eruptions vesicles confluent/ itching. Skin eruptions vesicular/burning/confluent/inflamed. Impetigo.
● Male genitalia/sex- eruptions vesicular (3). Vesicular eruptions of scrotum (3).
● Respiration- asthmatic- ALTERNATING with- eruptions*. Cough- ALTERNATING with- eruptions
● Thick, heavy, high up, yellow orange nasal d/c c crusts/scabs* (only Rx)
● Skin- eruptions- crusts- renewed daily; pustules- crust- covered with a
Croton tiglium
● Delivery: loss of vision; cramps in fingers, legs, or toes; numbness of extremities; rash; convulsions
● Mind- barking- BELLOWING- convulsions- before (3 only Rx). Generals- convulsions- epileptic- aura- BELLOWING (3 only Rx).
● Stomach- pain- deathly feeling- sternum, below- cramping (3 only Rx)
● Cough- irritation, from- fauces/larynx/lungs/throat; suffocative; TICKLING of bronchi, R THROAT; whooping cough, spasmodic phase.
● *Nocturnal seminal emissions without erection, Stretching out
● Uses Wrong words; Sadness when looking down while walking down the street; Del, Standing on his head, Sciatica > Standing on toes;
● *Cutting, Cramping, Twisting, Coiling/Uncoiling, Neuralgic, Squeezing Pains > Stretching, Standing Erect
● Pain Extending to Distant Parts; Cramping of the Fingers during Delivery**
● Bending forward aggravates. Twisting pain in abdomen
Liver pain extending to chest and arms
● Nose- epistaxis- whooping cough (3) (Kunzli); Mouth- bleeding- accompanied by- cough (3)
● L/T- constriction- larynx- WALKING- AMEL.
● Cough- hold- chest with both hands- while coughing must hold; lying- AGG.- AS SOON AS HEAD TOUCHES PILLOW- NIGHT
● Suffocative cough (as if choking/drowning from mucus); Respiration- GASPING- cough, during- AGG.
● Involuntary urination at night with no tangible cause except habit; bed-wetting while dreaming of urinating
● Urging increases as the volume in bladder decreases. The fuller the bladder, the less discomfort. Bladder-FULLNESS-SENSATION OF.
● Pressing or biting pain after urination. Tenesmus after urination.
● Incontinence with involuntary stool in the elderly
Equisetum hyemale
● Mind- ailments- domination- children, in. Mind- yielding disposition.
● Vision- colors before the eyes- yellow- white objects look yellow (only Rx)
● Stool- yellow
● Urine- milky- left standing for a while, when (1 of 5)
● Dreams- nakedness/ shameful/ trees- cut off
● Skin- eruptions- rhus poisoning (2)
● Generals- hemorrhage- orifices of the body, from
Erechthities hieracifolia
● Eruptions on dorsum of face. Crusted eruptions on chest. Elevated red blotches on palms.
● AF debauchery (2)
● Aversion to wife; indifference to loved ones but animated towards strangers.
● Head pain along SUTURES. Pressing pain on temples and vertex if urge to urinate not attended to.
Fluoricum acidum
Eczema freaking everywhere: lids, behind the ears, on corners of mouth and wings of nose, chest, legs. ITCHY eczema on scalp, MOIST eczema on face
● Respiration- asphyxia- children, newborns
● Generals- convulsions- children, in- infants, in (2)
● Mind- delusions- friend- surrounded by friends, being- shaking hands and calling them by name
● Mind- fear- falling, of- houses, of
● Head- inflammation- meninges- accompanied by- tongue- paralysis of tongue (2 only Rx)
● Chest- pain- heart- CLAWING (only Rx)
● Generals- tetanus- accompanied by- narcolepsy (only Rx)
Hydrocyanic acidum
● Horrible nausea with hanging down sensation in the stomach
● No relief from vomiting. Nausea with hemorrhage (uterine, epistaxis, etc.)
● Stomach disordered/Indigestion after vexation. Stomach- loathing of food
● Nausea in the morning before and/or during menses (Cocc.)
● Nausea during cough, during delivery. Nausea deathly. Nausea comes in waves. Vomiting during cough, dentition, diarrhea, pregnancy
● Cramping in Lumbar Region,L sided sciatica shooting downward, Sciatica AFTER INFLUENZA, CRAMPING WITH SCIATICA
● Sitting, walking, motion AGG.
● Burning in stomach and through whole GI tract
● Migraines with nausea and vomiting. Nausea with profuse, ropy saliva. Nausea worse after exertion. Vomiting during diarrhea, during pregnancy. Vomiting without relief. Vomiting of bile DURING headache
● Herpes on abdomen, herpes zoster, right sided, herpes zoster with stomach/gastric complaints
Iris versicolor
● Milky, white d/c: ear, stool mucus, expectoration.
● Throat- hawks up cheesy lumps (3 + Kunzli)
● Membranous croup; croup extending to trachea
● Urethra- chordee (congenital, penis curves down, may have hypospadias)
Kali- chloricum
● Lumbago- Pressing pain- AS IF IN A VISE; sitting bent forward
● Abusive toward one’s family. Anxiety with red face. Fear of death from pain at root of tongue. Fear of evil with sadness and weeping. Malicious in sadness.
● Vision- blurred- only noticed when looking to LEFT
● Nose- discharge- Greenish black (3 only Rx)
Kali- iodatum
● Pain shooting upward (proximal) from fracture
● Threatened infection in compound fractures
● Sighing during shock from injury
● DEEP PURPLE or BLACK discoloration
● Mind- gestures, makes- angry- somnambulism, in. Head- enlarged sensation- nausea, with ill humor
● Vertigo- turning in bed, AGG. (Kunzli) , Head- pain- turning, bed, in AGG.
● Eye- protrusion- exophthalmus- accompanied by- trembling, choking. May be goiter.
● Face- discoloration- bluish- cough, AGG- during- whooping cough
● Throat- choking- eating- AGG. (Kunzli). Food drops into larynx/ foreign substances drop into larynx when drinking or talking/ liquids pass into larynx
● Respiration- asthmatic- cold water/ cough AGG. Resp. difficult- whooping cough, during
● Cough- raised- gets blue in the face cannot exhale, child must be
● Cough- whooping cough- CONVULSIONS, with (3)
● Dreams- hemoptysis
● Hearing impaired after suppressed eczema. Eczema after vaccination.
● Eczema: margin of hair from ear to ear posteriorly, eyelids, about/behind ears, back of hands,
● Herpes: behind the ears; burning and itching herpes on face; chest; pain after herpes zoster, neuralgia; feet; crusty herpetic eruptions
● Head- eruptions- crusts/scabs- white- thick- WHITE PUS beneath*
● Pain, spasm, constriction of larynx.
● Laryngismus stridulus (spasm of larynx in children, esp with rickets). Hysterical LS.
● Face- discoloration- bluish- lips- scolding, from**
● Mind- hysteria- respiration- with complaints of (3)
● Sciatica
Natrium muriaticum
● Sensation of a ball below the liver. Enlarged liver
● Flatulence after breakfast. Ameliorated after stool/ passing flatus. Chronic inflammation of the liver
● Stitching pain in liver aggravated by breathing
● Liver pain after mental labor, after vexation. Pressing pain in sides of abdomen, kneading ameliorates
● Condylomata: throat, rectum, male genitalia (soft warts), female genitalia (soft, red, fleshy)
● Excrescences: cauliflower on cervix, red on skin
● Skin- warts- pedunculated/RED/soft
● Pregnancy AGG.: vomiting, constipation
● After delivery: leukorrhea- ACRID, EXCORIATING, sleeplessness
● Respiration- asthmatic- grief, after (3 only Rx)*
● Mouth- discoloration- tongue- brown- accompanied by- ROOT- GREEN (2 only Rx)
Natrium sulphuricum
● Cracks everywhere: corners of eyes (canthi), corners of mouth, fissured tongue, meatus of urethra, nipples, hands (deep and bleeding), mucocutaneous border, ORIFICES CRACKED
● Warts: on eyelids that bleed when touched, lips, rectum, male genitalia (bleed easily/ fetid, bleeding when touched/ flat), penis (bleeding/burning/cauliflower-like/soreness), uterus, vagina (cauliflower-like), cervix, larynx
● Skin- excrescences- condylomata- STICKING PAIN (3)
Nitricum acidum
● Sympathetic towards animals/ love of animals
● Head- itching- scalp- violent. Motions in head- walking- AGG.
● Vision- sparks- cough- during AGG. (1 0f 6)
● Stomach- weakness- diarrhea- during (only Rx). Rectum- diarrhea- morning- bed, driving out of
● Abdomen- inflammation- enterocolitis- chronic
● Emission of prostatic fluid with stool. Erections- wanting- seminal losses during sleep, stool, with urination
Nuphar luteum
● Pain in ureters: LEFT-sided, cutting, extending to thighs and feel, extending to groin
● Horrible cramps in bladder and legs while straining to urinate. Retention of urine and tenesmus of the bladder
● Urging to urinate constant.
● Can only urinate on hands and knees with head pressed against the floor***
● Urine bloody, with forked stream and mucus. Urine black, or like red sand
Pareira brava
● Eczema: occiput, ala nasi, between scrotum and thigh, fingertips
● Eczema >summer,
● Intense itching or tingling deep in urethra or neck of bladder. Crawling/ Itching in Fossa navicularis. Agglutination of the meatus. Contracting and/or drawing pain in the urethra. Cutting or biting pain in Fossa navicularis after urination
Urging to urinate, sudden. Pain if patient cannot void immediately. Dribbling of urine, after urination
Petroselinum sativum
● Skin- eruptions- psoriasis- purplish (only Rx). Bluish palate. Purple tonsils. Blue discoloration in margins of eye.
● Perspiration on forehead during headache..
● Vision- dim- diphtheria- after (3)
● Nose- obstruction- night- wakes him (2)
● Biting hard relieves pain of teething.
● Boils: behind the ear, on back
● Abscesses: bloody pus, fetid pus; of mammae, threatening, in old cicatrices*
● Constipation
● Hay fever with great debility
● Chilliness (wears fur coats in summer), weight loss and despair. Worse chill, drafts, and open air
● Painful aphthae or even ulcerations of the tongue and mouth. Constantly blowing the nose. Blowing nose without d/c
● Discharge bloody, putrid, with scabs
● Must lie on floor with arms out as if crucified to AMEL. Asthma/difficult breathing
● Skin eruptions with restlessness, anguish*
● Ulcerated crusts/scabs, Eczema behind ears and in meatus, moist eruptions that eat the hair
● Diarrhea after suppressed eruptions, head pain after suppressed eruptions
● Sprains of Shoulder, around scapula, Repetitive stress injury
● Worse motion, Cold, wet weather, and lying on the painful side
● Stitching pain in RIGHT shoulder sitting bent forward
● Sciatica
Ranunculus bulbosus
● STIFFNESS, very similar to Rhus-t.
● Annoying STIFF painful feeling leading to RESTLESSNESS
● Worse first motion, Better continued motion and HEAT, Worse Cold/Damp
● Vomiting after injury
● Lameness of wrist/joint after sprain, from sitting a long time or lifting
● Back PA- must constantly move in bed
Rhus- tox
● Cracked skin: finger joints, hands
● Paroxysms of sneezing. Debilitating sneezing. Sneezing concussive/ during heat. Sneezing during perspiration. Itching and tingling inside nose
● Lacrimation with burning and redness of the eyes. Worse open air and pollen, flowers. Better warm room and drinks. Coryza with lacrimation. Coryza, odor of roses aggravates
● Del part of body is deformed. Del disease of the throat which is fatal. Del scrotum is swollen. Del she is pregnant
● Formication of the lips. Heat in finger tips. Restlessness of legs during heat. Sleepiness with perspiration
● Dreams, amorous
● Fever/ chill- periodical- hour- same hour, at the (3)
● Condylomata: cauliflower on rectum, burning, burning with itching, sore and itchy, butternut shaped hard growth on dorsum of penis, pedunculated
● Pain on end of urination.* Last drops of urine cause violent burning
● Urine dribbles while sitting yet passes freely when standing. Cutting pain in ureters
● Dysuria accompanied by lithiasis. Painful cry before urine flow starts in children.
● Mood, alternating. Tearing pains in gums or teeth. Thrush.
● Gas from bladder. Pain in neck of bladder
● Condylomata: Iris of eye, tongue, mouth, gums
● Rectum- condylomata- SENSITIVE, EXTREMELY**
● Sprains with swelling and marked redness
● Extremities- BURSAE, HEAT in joints. Inflammation of bursae of knee
● White swelling of the knee (fungus articulosum)
● Cough: burning from cough in larynx, crawling sensation in larynx, DRY which prevents sleep and lying in evening,
Sticta pulmonaria
● WEAK ANKLES with RECURRENT sprains. Sprains with pitting edema.
● Injuries to ankles, wrists. Tearing pain in wrists, PAIN in joints AS IF DISLOCATED, TEARING, AS IF SCREWED TOGETHER
● Ailments during convalescence after injury
● Amel. from sunlight
Strontium carbonicum
● Bladder- urination- involuntary- stool- DURING- AGG.
● Kidney pain accompanied by colic. Stitching pain extending to ureters.
● Motion sickness. Deathly nausea with pale/green face. Weak and sweaty with perspiration. Nausea worse from least motion. > from open air, closing the eyes, and uncovering abdomen
● Emptiness/ sinking in the stomach. Nausea on opening the eyes. Nausea worse pregnancy, seasickness, in a warm room
● Vomiting with perspiration. Vomiting during stool.
● Abscess: general remedy. Cervical region. Purple. Stabbing pain. Stinging.
● BURNING ERUPTIONS: boils, carbuncles, abscesses.
● Extremities- felon- malignant- BURNING, with
Tarantula cubensis
● BACK(Sacrum) PA
● Extremities- cracked skin- feet- heels- DEEP*
● Delusions objects waver. Love-sick.
● Head- lifting up- sensation of- vertex
● Teeth- pain- extending to- another- from one tooth
● Stomach- hiccoughs- eructations- after
● Sterno-clavicular joint- sore. Swelling- sterno-clavicular joint (Only Rx)
● Extremities- bandaged- sensation as if- legs- knees- BELOW
Tilia europaea
● Vomiting from suppression of urticaria (2 and only Rx)
● Urticaria: accompanied by pinworms**, after bathing, after violent exertion, during rheumatism,
Urtica urens
● Cracked skin on fingers, painful cracks
● Desire to kill before/during menses*
● Mind- delusion- sulphur vapors/ imaginary odors- sulphur like. Nose- sneezing- sulphur vapor- with sensation of (Only Rx)
● Teeth- discoloration- gray- greenish gray (Only Rx)
● Throat- emptiness- pharynx had disappeared- hollow feeling as if
● Chest- pain- heart- sticking
● Sleeplessness- sounds of the heart- from (Only Rx)