Final Flashcards
● Pregnancy: anxiety, fear of death, tooth pain, itchy vagina, cough, convulsions
● Delivery: delusions about to die, retention of urine, restlessness
● After delivery: cough, chest-milk absent, sleeplessness, perspiration
● Croup after exposure to cold, dry air; threatening croup; dryness of trachea; pain in larynx worse cold air (rawness)
● Voice lost after fright
● Sudden onset, restlessness, anxiety, ailments after cold/dry/bitter winds
● Chill internal coldness in blood vessels, Fever with one cheek PALE/COLD and other RED/HOT; night fever dry burning heat; internal heat, external chill
● Itchy nose, ears, palate, Catarrh
● Hay fever accompanied by itching in ears and palate
● Discharge, watery with chorea
● Sneezing after cough (Kunzli- Agar. 3)
● Hay fever in August (3). Sneezing, open air ameliorates
● Acrid, excoriating d/c, coryza w d/c in evening/warm room, from flowers,
Allium cepa
● Boils: on septum, leg, blue, burning, in small crops, in DM
● History of recurrent boils/abscesses
● Abscess on lip
● Face- eruptions- rhus poisoning, burning, itching vesicles, angioedema
Sensation: Caught, stiff, tight, tension, stuck, cramps, clenched
Passive: Paralyzed or immobile
Active: Motion ameliorates, sitting/ sedentary aggravates, first motion agg, restlessness, stuck and wanting to move continually
Compensation: Always on the move
● Eczema in neurasthenic persons (basically means depressed), yellow d/c from skin eruptions, burning, itching vesicles from rhus poisoning
● Back- warts- soft- cervical region (only Rx), warts surrounded by circle of ulcers
● HORNY excresences, esp. on extremeties, soles of feet, under fingernails
● Skin- excrescences- fungoid(cauliflower) (3)
● Eruptions: crusty, scabby, yellow, honey-colored; inside and on nose
● Impetigo
Antimonium crudum
● The usual qualifiers: Extravasation and SORE/bruised feeling, as if BEATEN, As from a BLOW, As from a FALL, AVERSION/FEAR to being TOUCHED or APPROACHED; least he be harmed, Says he is well when very sick
● Cough after anger, crying agg., must hold chest with both hands, dry in morning but loose in evening, worse sleep, seems to come from stomach
● Respiration- asthmatic- heart- fatty degeneration of the heart, from
● Boils on neck or head, blood boils on chest, small boils
● Psoas abscess, remedy to abort abscess, incipient abscess, abscess from elimination of foreign bodies
● FAVUS (aka honeycomb ringworm, caused by a fungus)
● Eruptions: coppery, like fish scales, syphilitic (psoriasis, scaly)
● Restlessness (anguish driving pt from place to place)
● Lichen planus, epithelioma
● Yellow, honey-like nasal d/c
Arsenicum iodatum
● Ear- boring finger, in- children, in (Kunzli)
● Mouth- salivation- coryza, during (Calc-p)
● Itching in the nose
● Face- eruptions- eczema- mouth, corners of (2)
● Urticaria: chronic; with liver sxs; with erysipelas
● Mind- weeping- AMEL.
● Head- eruptions- milk crust- children, in- newborns- adenitis, with (1 of 3 Rx)
● Mouth- stomatitis- ulcerative (3)
● Abdomen- pain- LIVER- CRAMPING
Astacus fluviatilis
● Urination: weakness of bladder or morning dysuria in old men, involuntary urination in elders, brown-reddish urine, >during urination, >when urine contains sediment
● Gouty knees, Arthritis or gout with or alternating with offensive, thick urine with sediment.
● Kidney pain: L-sided, drawing,
Benzoic acidum
● Lumbar region: pain and numbness (also in kidney region); complaints extending to forehead; itching, burning pain; stitching pain extending around to abdomen
Berberis vugaris
● Urethra inflamed and painful
● Worse from touch and walking with legs too close together. Burning pains at the meatus, especially with the last few drops
● Must wait a long time before urine begins to flow. Cramp in the bladder after urination
● Forked stream on urination. Discharge is gluey, thick, and/or yellow-green
● Inflammation of the Cowper’s gland
Cannabis sativa
● Pregnancy: anxiety; delusions she is pregnant; cholasma after menses
● Delivery: hysteria, nausea, thirst, paraplegia after delivery, labor pains with thirst; Spasmodic contractions of OS UTERI during labor; false labor pains
● Mind- irritability- abortion, in (2)
● Irritability of children, sends nurse out of the room, children crying because they can’t have what they want
● Face swelling with hot cheeks
● Painful menses and cramping after anger
● Basically jaundiced (LV, GB affinity), right sided, nauseated, tongue yellow or brown or cracked, better warm drinks.
● Tongue brown and/or cracked during influenza
● Chill on RIGHT SIDE (Opp. Caust.); BEGINNING IN FEET and/or HANDS; as if COLD WATER DASHED OVER HIM (Arn., Rhus-t.)
● Gastric fever. Cholecystitis. Hepatitis. Gastritis. Any liver or gall bladder dz
● Pain referred to inferior angle of RIGHT scapula. Stitching pain extending to back. Pressing/stitching pain in LV. Eructations constant. Bitter water brash; warm drinks esp. warm milk; Vomiting of bile during headache. Right sided
● Jaundice in newborns (rubric). Irritable with discomfort. Mind- stupor- jaundice, in (3)
● Abdomen- constriction- as by a string. Cancer of the liver and specifically gall bladder
● Complaints of the liver accompanied by neuralgic pains in the face
● Pregnancy: makes vomiting
● Delusions will become insane during delivery, INSANITY during pregnancy, fear of approaching labor, sadness during delivery
● Acute hearing during labor pain, spasmodic contractions of os during labor, labor pain ceasing
● Leukorrhea
● Warts on iris*, eyelids
● Rectum- condylomata (3)
● Condylomata on male genitalia: bleed easily, fetid, fan shaped on penis, prepuce, frenum
● Motion sickness, Vertigo on looking at moving objects (Con.)
● Symptoms
Cocculus indicus
● Pregnancy: aversion to friends, chloasma
● Ailments from abstinence in alcoholic; delirium in evening (when dark), fear death at night; Delusion feet scarcely touch the ground when walking
● Before epileptic convulsions: flushes of heat; constriction of heart
● Garlic taste in mouth
● Pancreatic cancer (1 of 5 Rx)
● Diarrhea after sweet potatoes
Calcarea arsenicosum
● Acne, rosacea, constipation with acne
● Delusions talking with dead people
● Male genitalia/sex- empyocele (pus in scrotum) (Kali-s, Sil, Sulph all 3)
Silicea will lead to great sense of self-consciousness
Calcarea silicata
● Cough:
Capsicum annum
● Whooping cough: epistaxis, HEMORRHAGE OF LUNGS, vomiting
Cerium oxalicum
● Delusion he is falling head on
● Urination: inflammation w bloody urine; LABOR-LIKE pains before; smarting pain extending to meatus
● Retention of urine from enlarged prostate; dribbling urination with retention, must wait for urine to start
● Can only pass urine while standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward
Chimaphila umbellata
● Cracks everywhere: canthi (corners of eye), fingers/PALMS, hands
Cistus canadensis
● Delivery: delusion will become insane during; despair; fear of death; weeping; heat in face; sleeplessness
● Mind-ailments-JOY-SUDDEN; Mind-ailments-surprises-PLEASANT
● Fear of death from pain
● F G/S- pain- afterpains- FEAR OF DEATH, with (3 only Rx)
Coffea cruda
● Cholera infantum, and morbus. Diarrhea IMMEDIATELY after drinking or eating. Diarrhea sudden. Gurgling in abdomen before stool.
● Pain in rectum on pressing on umbilicus; umbilibal pain extending to anus
● Mammae- pain- nipple- nursling the child, when- drawing pain, as if with a string (3). Vesicular, red eruptions around areola.
● Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Head eruptions crusts/ scabs. Face eruptions vesicles confluent/ itching. Skin eruptions vesicular/burning/confluent/inflamed. Impetigo.
● Male genitalia/sex- eruptions vesicular (3). Vesicular eruptions of scrotum (3).
● Respiration- asthmatic- ALTERNATING with- eruptions*. Cough- ALTERNATING with- eruptions
● Thick, heavy, high up, yellow orange nasal d/c c crusts/scabs* (only Rx)
● Skin- eruptions- crusts- renewed daily; pustules- crust- covered with a
Croton tiglium