Final Flashcards
Significant problems Native Americans face
Severe health problems
Epidemic levels of diabetes
Affordable care act upgrades NA health care
Forced adoptions of non native families, claims of genocide or ethnocide
How to get their land back
What todo if land base can no longer support
self sufficient food production
Language death continues
Fighting fossil fuel industry with wind and solar energy
Stereotypes of native Americans
Wild, dangerous, uneducated, dirty, savages, alcoholics, weird, underdeveloped, do a lot of drugs, red skin, can’t be trusted, Indian giver
Native American actual values
Children should take their own path
Respectful to the land, it is a part of you
Spirituality is a process of learning
Respect the women
Aunts and uncles are moms and dads cousins are bros and sis
Fam includes deceased
Mutualism–>everyone should be providing for each other in community
Give and give life
Animals and plants are relatives
No waste
Leave the earth better than how you received it
Looking at African Americans in anthropological terms
Nothing could be further from cultural relativism than lumping all these cultural groups into one racial category
The creation of the black or negro category was fundamentally a result of dehumanizing African people to enslave them
Every time someone refers to black people that history is being referred to
International slave trade of Africans
It is one of the true ironies of all human history that Africa the birthplace of humanity is returned to in order to enslave its inhabitants
One of the most dramatic filtering devices in human history–> only toughest people survived it
African Americans burial grounds in slaverys buried past
About 20,000 buried
Africans buried there by the British
These were the people that built the cities, they are as important as any other people that contributed
Slavery is not just about getting people to work for you, it’s dehumanizing
Most are dead children due to poor nutrition
NY, NJ, and Penn slave laws very repressive
Slavery in the 13 colonies
Provides the labor that creates the colonial wealth and leads to the creation of the US
Quickly becomes institutionalized in colonial law as plantation hunger grows for Africans
1660 slavery legally legitimized
Many small plantations sell out to larger ones
Leads to cigarette companies if today
Cigarettes are classical colonial symbol (death for profit)
Native land seized from people and Tabasco and enslaved Africans
The addiction to money and power makes people change laws
In Boston–> blacks, Indians, enslaved negros and mulattoes, forbidden from bearing arms, drinking during specified days or entertaining servants or slaves
Children at or before 4 are assigned an English master if not they are taken away at 21 (direct institutional discrimination)
Abolition and emancipation of slaves
Nothing fuels the industrial rev more than the genocide of native Americans and enslavement of Africans
Urban industrial growth making slavery and plantation economy less cost effective than immigrant cheap wage labor
Movement to end slavery not based on right or wrong but because transition from ritual to urban, made more sense not to have slaves
Civil war fought over which economy would dominate US
After civil war, Jim Crowe era begins as well as systemic lynchings of the kkk and mob terror
Jim Crowe segregation
How as southerners are we going to recontrol these people
State segregation laws in effect
Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case, separate but equal
Jim Crowe represents the attempt to re-dominate African American after the emancipation
Kkk and mob violence become normal forms of social control
All power to the people
Fred Hampton–> dynamic leader in black panthers killed by Chicago police
Set up breakfast programs for the poor, trying to solve problems in local communities
Developed because no health care, mistreatment and no opportunities
Dominant culture was not going to let them rise up
Black panther party feeding more than the American government about 10,000 people across the country
When efforts made success, government moved in (Dom culture)
Seen as the number one threat of society
Newspaper most important tool of black panthers
Mistreated to serve as an example
Imagine what would happen if they weren’t shut down, how many more people would have been helped, any time a minority group starts to rise up they are squashed so that their beliefs don’t spread
Expected to be satisfied on the bottom
The Tulsa race riots
Fighting erupted whites and black men outside a courthouse to prevent lynching of a black man accused of assaulting a white man
For 2 days up to 10,000 white stormed the prosperous Tulsa neighborhood if greenwood also known as black Wall Street killing 100-300 people and destroying 35 blocks and more than 1000 homes, businesses churches and hospitals
Death toll about 400 but probably higher, some victims were buried in mass graves
What should be done to compensate people victimized by past discrimination
Judge consensus after the riots
They dismiss the riot reparations suit in 2004 because it’s too late for historic lawsuit seeking to force the state and city governments to pay reparations for the harm done to black residents
Birmingham 1963
Demonstrators brought down by police
Pre civil racism is still around and some people want to go back to that
Keep colonial hierarchy in place at all costs
African American culture
African American language and speech style (there is black English and AA English)
Legitimate dialect not slang
Brothers and sisters is a cultural way of addressing people
Afro-centric traditions
Music–> jazz, the blues, rap
Having soul and being cool
Black stereotypes
Violent Lazy Dangerous Thugs Uneducated Burden to society Monkeys Lower than human beings Deserve to be treated violently
AA cultural values
Africanized version of Christianity Black church Be spiritual Be musical Share your soul with others Big family reunions Anyone can be your brother or sister We are in need of liberation we are still captive Have good manners Respect elders
The creation of the Latino people
Hundreds of millions of indigenous people practice thousands of cultures and languages
They are not discovered but invaded, followed by violence, death and enslavement
More enslaved African Americans are brought to Latin American than to the US wherever the indigenous people are wiped out
Most Latinos today are mestizos and Columbus Day is usually called dia de la raza –> day of mixed race
So many diff types of people make up Latinos that there cannot possibly be a race since there are so many phenotype a
What matters is Latino culture
Hispanic V.s Latino
Comes from Dom culture
In US Hispanic means speaking Spanish
Hispanics are considered racial minority
Having ones family be from Latin America
All Latino cultures are equal no matter where you’re from in LA
The behavior and how one presents themselves defines what it means to be Latino
Open hearted and trust with people
Calle 13
Band group from Puerto Rico
Continues tradition of singing about the need for human liberation
Latinos in the US
Extremely complex group
Diff countries of origin–> Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, El Salvador
Different classes and they are doubly dominated
Different cultures–> creole, African and Jewish
Over 50 million people in US, largest US Ethnic group on track to be 1/3 of US society by 2050
US minorities are majority by 2044
Original border of Mexico is the key to understanding how Latinos first came to be in the US
They were actually here before the US reaches out west
Texas rebellion vs. what they call it in Mexico
Mexican American ear
To Mexicans it is known as the war of n.american invasion
results of Mexican American war
Mexico loses half its territory
Manifest destiny to be
accomplished for the US, only native Americans now stand in he way
Border of today mostly established
75,000 Mexicans trapped on wrong side of border
First Latinos are absorbed into the US as a result of war
They are subordinated as agricultural labor for American farms and ranches
Still assumed to be lazy and need to be made to word
The classic median stereotype becomes part of the US Dom culture
Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta
Tried to organize labor unions
Together they formed the UFW
Only labor union for agricultural workers
Most of whom are Latinos
The US economy is dependent upon this ethic group for agricultural labor
Americans like their fruits and veggies but don’t like to pick them
The United farm workers made the following film to ask participant to boycott grapes
Grape boycott
They don’t warn the workers about the pesticides Becaus they don’t care what happens to the workers children
Children wth cancer and who at Born without arms or legs
Chemicals were once a miracle of science but are now a chemical time bomb
Puerto Rico
Still recognize the indigenous Taino name boriken and still use the name boricuas for themselves
Columbus almost exterminated all the tainos
Puertoriquenos also absorbed into the US
Although puertoriquenos are US citizens they don’t have voting representatives in congress since Puerto Rico is not a state
Periodically there is a plebiscite where puertoriquenos vote on whether to stay a commonwealth, become a state or become an independent country
So far they have continues to narrowly vote to stay a commonwealth
Latino vs. US
2nd only to Asians as fastest growing US ethnic group
Proximity to Latino America results in lots of travel to homelands so the need to culturally assimilate is not that strong
Structural assimilation depends on class, people that call themselves Hispanic probably from the dominant culture
On average ethnic group is still very poor
US dependency on Latino labor
Latino labor for the US
Farm work, factory work, maquiladoras (factories in LA, that strictly produce goods for the US, not given to the people that live in LA)
Dominant cultural prejudices and stereotypes continue
Japanese Americans
Japanese immigration to Cali in the 1880/ into already anti again environment
1992 Supreme Court case Ozawa VS. US
Supreme Court ruled “asains are aliens ineligible for citizenship
Leads to famous Asian exclusion act by congress
Asains set a zero stands as US policy until immigration act of 1965
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Fdr issues executive order 9066
120,000 Japanese Americans forced to relocate to internment camps in 10 states
Could only bring what they could carry
Only US Ethnic group imprisoned because if culture or phenotype
Pivitol moment in civil rights history when Fred K refused to leave his home to a relocation camp, court case overturned because he had committed no acts of treason
US governments first official apology
To avoid further embarrassment, president Reagan agreed to a settlement with surviving internees
Only individual survivors, not the families of others who had died would recurve monetary compensation
$20,000 to 60,000 people
Cultural and structural assimilation of native Americans
Wide gap in structural assimilation–> those benefiting from casinos and those in extreme poverty in many reservations
Lowest level of structural assimilation for any US ethnic group