Final Flashcards
What is found in the tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonary stenosis ventricular septal defect overriding aorta ( right and upward displacement or DEXTROPOSITION of the aorta) Right ventricular Hypertrophy
- The right suprarenal vein drains into the ____________________.
Inferior vena cava (left suprarenal artery drains into the Left renal artery)
Veins that drain directly into the IVC
Right suprarenal vein Right renal vein Right Testicular/Ovarian Vein.
Veins that drain into Left Renal vein befor draining into IVC
Left suprarenal vein
Left test/ovarian vein
- The superior rectal artery is a continuation of which one of the following arteries:
b. Inferior mesenteric
http: //
The portal vein is a continuation of which artery
a. Superior mesenteric (portal vein)
http: //
- Upon dissection of your male cadaver you note a mass that appears to be connected to the spleen within the scrotal sac of the left testis. What is this abnormality called?
What is cryptorchildrism
failure of descent of testes into scrotum
- What infection or inflammatory condition affects the renal pelvis?
what is a. Glomerulosclerosis
a. Hardening from scarring of the glomeruli
glomerulus only
whole kidney
- What muscle forms a sling around the anorectal junction?
*Puborectal pubococcygeus iliococcygeus puboprostaticus/pubovaginalis
- The blood supply to the middle rectum comes directly from which arteries?
Anterior division of the internal iliac artery
The blood supply to the inferior rectal artery
internal pudendal artery of the internal iliac artery
Blood supply to the superior rectal artery
Inferior mesenteric artery of the abdominal aorta
- The lower half of L4 joins L5 near the anterior border of the alae of the sacrum to form the _____________________.
Lumbosacral trunk
L2-3 posterior division
lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
- Which one of the following is a risk factor for chronic arterial occlusive disease?
a. Pulmonary hypertension
b. Anorexia
c. Smoking
d. Drinking alcohol
c smoking
- Which of the following results in painless swelling of the labia majora?
a. Carbuncle
b. Bartholin cyst
c. Endometriosis
d. Ischioanal abscess
b Bartholin cyst bartholins glands similar to bulbourethral glands
carbuncle large abcess bigger than a boil
endometriosis uterine lining growing outside the uterus
- Which is considered the keystone of the medial longitudinal arch?
a. Cuboid
b. Medial cuneiform
c. Navicular
d. Talus
Talus is the keystone to the medial longitudinal arch
- What is known as an out pouching of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus?
a. Diverticulum
b. Esophageal fistula
c. Hiatal hernia
d. Umbilical hernia
c. Hiatal hernia
- Which of the following is the medial border of the femoral triangle?
a. Sartorius muscle
b. Adductor magnus muscle
c. Adductor longus muscle
d. Adductor brevis muscle
c. adductor longus
Superior is Inguinal ligament asis to pubic tubercle
lateral is sortorius
medial is adductor longus
- Fertilization and implantation of an embryo in the abdominal cavity would result in which of the following?
a. Endometriosis
b. Ectopic pregnancy
c. Bartholin cyst
d. Hydatid cyst of Morgagni
ectopic preg
Hydatis cyst is multiple cysts connected to the fimbrae of the fallopian tube
- What is the innervation of the styloglossus muscle?
a. Glossopharyngeal nerve
b. Facial nerve(
c. Vagus nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve
- What is the innervation of the styloglossus muscle?
a. Glossopharyngeal nerve ( taste posterior 1/3 and gag)
b. Facial nerve( Taste anterior 2/3 via chorda tempani from facial VII)
c. Vagus nerve(Base of the tongue and epiglottis paltoglossus)
d. Hypoglossal nerve allll mm exceptpalatoglossus
- What is known as the “student’s” nerve along the posterior abdominal wall?
a. Tendon of Psoas major muscle
b. Tendon of Psoas minor muscle
c. Genitofemoral nerve
d. Suspensory ligament
during which week have the testes descended retroperitoneally to the inguinal ring?
a. 25th
b. 26th
c. 36th
d. 40th
26 testes begin to descend through the inguinal cnals
36can be born without complications
40 birth
- Which one of the following is found along the triangular space?
a. Suprascapular nerve
b. Radial nerve
c. Lower subscapular nerve
d. Upper subscapular nerve
b. triangular hiatus with profundus brachii a
c Lower subscap with circumflex artery
What is the innervation for taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
a. Hypoglossal nerve
b. Lingual nerve from V3 (General sensation)
c. Chorda tympani from facial nerve( Taste anterior 2/3)
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve
hypoglossus is muscles
glossopharyngeal is posterior 1/3
- Male and female embryos have identical gonads up to the _______ week.
a. 4th
b. 7th
c. 10th
d. 12th
b weeks 4-6
- Counter current exchange occurs in the _____________________.
a. Renal medulla
b. Renal cortex
c. Renal papilla
d. Renal sinus
a. renal medulla
- What artery does the right gastric artery come off of?
a. Common hepatic artery
b. Gastroduodenal artery
c. Splenic artery
d. Proper hepatic artery
Common hepatic artery Uncommon (Gastroduodenal and proper hepatic arteries)
Gastroduodenal artery (right gastro-omental artery)
Splenic artery (left gastro-omental artery)
d. Proper hepatic artery (left gastric from celiac trunk)
- What muscle originates from the lower 8 ribs at the inferior borders and compresses and supports the viscera?
a. External abdominal oblique muscle
b. Internal abdominal oblique muscle
c. Pyramidalis muscle
d. Transversus abdominis muscle
a. external abdominal oblique
- What nerve has the following distribution of L2 & L3 only from the lumbar plexus?
a. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
b. Obturator nerveL2-L4
c. Femoral nerve L2-L4
d. Genitofemoral nerve L1-L2
http: //
a. Iliohypogastric nerves (ventral rami L1 from lumbar plexus) internal oblique and transversus abdominis mm. and skin over the iliac crest, upper inguinal, and hypogastric regions
b. Pudendal nerve (S2-4)
c. Ilioinguinal nerves (L1) Inferiormost internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles and skin of scrotum or labium majus, mons pubis, and adjacent medial aspects of thigh
d. Genitofemoral nerves (L1-2) Femoral branch-cutaneous innervation of femoral triangle, genital branch-cremaster muscle (cremasteric reflex) ends in skin of scrotum, no cut. Inn.
- What is the largest and most complex joint in the body?
a. Wrist
b. Ankle
c. Shoulder
d. Knee
- The bulb of the penis continues as the ___________________.
a. Glans penis
b. Tunica albuginea
c. Corpus cavernosa
d. Corpus spongiosum
a. Glans penis - distal expansion of the corpus spongiosum
b. Tunica albuginea -divides testis it into lobules via fibrous septa
c. Corpus cavernosa- continuation of the crura of the penis(covered by the ischiocavernosus muscle)
d. Corpus spongiosum
- What is the anterior boundary/border of the omental/epiploic foramen or foramen of Winslow?
a. Inferior vena cava-posterior
b. Duodenum
c. Liver
d. Hepatoduodenal ligament
- What nerve has the following distribution of L2 & L3 only from the lumbar plexus?
a. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
b. Obturator nerveL2-L4
c. Femoral nerve L2-L4
d. Genitofemoral nerve L1-L2
a. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (L2, L3) supplies skin on anterior and lateral thigh to the knee
b. Obturator nerve (L2, L3, L4) supplies obturator externus, pectineus and medial thigh mm. and skin on medial thigh
c. Femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4) supplies iliacus, pectineus, and anterior thigh muscles and skin on anterior thigh and medial leg
d. Genitofemoral nerve (L1-2) Femoral branch-cutaneous innervation of femoral triangle, genital branch-cremaster muscle (cremasteric reflex) ends in skin of scrotum, no cut. Inn.
patient requires a laparoscopic examination because of pain between her periods, irregular spotting, and occasion rectal bleeding. The laparoscopic examination showed small black to dark bluish specks (areas) along the serosal surface of her uterus and also her ructum. What is the most likely diagnosis of the patient’s symptoms given the findings of the laparoscopic examination?
a. Leiomyoma
b. Endometriosis
c. Ectopic pregnancy
d. Diverticulitis
a. Leiomyoma
- What is the sympathetic innervation of the uterus in the pelvis?
a. Thoracic splanchnic nerves
b. Lumbar splanchnic nerves-abdominal
c. Sacral splanchnic nerves
d. Pelvic splanchnic nerves
- Which of the following keep the internal urethral sphincter open?
a. Thoracic splanchnic nerves
b. Lumbar splanchnic nerves
c. Sacral splanchnic nerves- sympathetic, keeps it closed
d. Pelvic splanchnic nerves
- You perform an autopsy and note multiple scattered petechiae of the skin, hemorrhagic adrenals, and also petechiae on the surface of several organs. What bacteria is the most likely agent for the findings including the hemorrhagic adrenal glands (associated with Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome)?
a. Haemophilisus influenza
b. Pneumocystis carnii
c. Escherichia coli-female
d. Neisseria meningitidis
- The lumbar splanchnic nerve (L1 and L2) supplies the ___________________.
a. Midgut-lesser
b. Hindgut
c. Foregut-greater
d. Renal ganglia
a. Midgut T8-l2
b. Hindgut (T12-L2)
c. Foregut (T6-T9)
- The round ligament of the uterus inserts on what structure?
a. Labia minora
c. Labia majora
d. Pubic tubercle
c labia majora
- Failure of pharyngeal clefts 2, 3, and 4 to obliterate might lead to the development of what abnormality?
a. Branchial cyst or fistula- 2nd brachial cleft
b. Tracheoesopageal fistula-
c. Retrognathia- overbite
d. Ectopic thymus
- The duodenojejunal flexure is at what level?
a. L2
b. L4
c. L5
d. T12
- Your patient has dislocated his hip in a MVA (motor vehicle accident) when the hip was flexed and adducted, so which way is the most likely location for the femoral head to be displaced from the acetabulum?
a. Anteriorly
b. Posteriorly
c. Medially
d. Laterally
- Which one of the following is retroperitoneal?
a. 1st portion of duodenum
b. Sigmoid colon
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
Pancreas is Posterior
- Which of the following is the lowest point in the female pelvis where fluid may collect?
a. Vesicouterine pouch
b. Retropubic space
c. Posterior fornix
d. Rectouterine pouch