Final Flashcards
a key component of career interventions; can be a type of shortcut in career decision making, helping consumers to make choices by affirming their dislikes and identifying activities that are integral to their lifestyles
interest assessment
the verbal statement of liking or disliking of any stimulus such as an object, activity, task, or occupation
expressed interest
evidence of participation in an activity, occupation, or task that can be observed by others
manifest interest
interests measured by such objective approaches as free-association measures
tested interest
developed in the late 1920s as a facilitative response to an established premise which linked occupational interest with job satisfaction
interest inventories
What is one of the interest inventories appropriate for people with low reading skills?
picture interest career survey
What are 2 of the interest inventories appropriate for people with higher reading levels?
- Strong Interest Inventory
2. Self Directed Search
purpose is to identify personal strengths or deficits that influence job demands, including where and how the client functions effectively and what training my be needed to enhance the behaviors required for suitable job adjustment; attempts to reduce uncertainty in making career decisions; should focus on behaviors necessary for employment or productive output
personality assessment
a constellation of interests, needs, values, and behaviors that allows an individual to meet appropriate work rules in a particular setting
a complex set of interactions between the consumer and his or her work environment
work behavior
usually observable, stable, and enduring, and significantly contributes to the consumer’s behavior
a less stable characteristic and more of a temporary predisposition
What are the 5 stages of disability onset?
- outcry
- denial
- intrusiveness
- working through
- completion
psychometric instruments designed to assess individuals’ skills and abilities
aptitude tests
designed to provide an evaluation of the specific information that individuals have learned from their education and life experiences
achievement tests