Final Flashcards
Main Mechanism of Action that Causes Tumor Cell Damage with Radiation Therapy
Damage from DNA Interaction with Free Oxygen Radicals
*Ionization of Water within Tumor Cells lead to Release of Free Radicals which causes Breaks within DNA which are not able to be repaired
*The Biological Effect occurs slowly with Radiation Therapy- Weeks to Months
Important Point- This Damage is happening BOTH to the Cancer Cells as well as to the Host Cells (Surrounding Tissue)

*Reference Platelet Count in a Dog- 200,000-500,000/uL
*Anything Below 100,000/uL is Thrombocytopenia but Below 50,000/uL is considered Severe
If you have a Dog with Primary Hemostatic Abnormalities- It is most likely a Thrombocytopathy
Only Develop Spontaneous Hemorrhage below 30,0000/uL
While this is Thrombocytopenia, the Thrombocytopenia is NOT the reason for the Petechial Hemorrhage. You will not bleed Spontaneously with a Platelet Count of 64,000/uL
*Not a Factor Deficiency- Factor Deficiencies are normally associated with Body Cavity Bleeds and Hyphema
Treatment/Chemotherapy Protocol used in Patients with Sarcoma

Surgically Resect the Tumor to Increase Growth Fraction followed by Chemotherapy
*Use Surgery to Remove the Bulk of the Tissue and Stimulate Division of Residual Tumor Cells then use Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy Drugs that Specifically Target the Mitosis Phase of the Cell Cycle
Mitotic Inhibitors (Plant Alkaloids)

Name the Infectious Organisms seen in these Photos

In patients with Cancer:
Make a Diagnosis and do Anatomical/Clinical Staging ______ Deciding on the Treatment Options

Treatment for Sarcoptes
Topical Dips- Lime Sulfur Dips (Very Effective and Very Safe)
Topical Spot-on- Selemectin (Revolution) q 2 weeks
*Minimum of 6 weeks

D. Cytology of Discharge
Thrombocytopathy Described Below:

Von Willebrand’s Disease
*Hereditary Disease- Commonly in Dobermans
*These Patients Won’t Spontaneously Bleed but following Procedures such as Spay or Nail Clipping these Patients won’t Stop Bleeding
Mitotic Inhibitor used to Treat Lymphoma and Mast Cell Tumors
Treatment for Hypoglycemia (Paraneoplastic Syndrome)
Dextrose Infusion
Curative Intent- Surgery in Combination of Chemotherapy (Streptozocin- Specific Chemotherapy)
*Severe Hypoglycemia may lead to Seizures

Disorder of Platelet Number Leading to Thrombocytopenia Described Below:
Acute Hemorrhage
Increased Demand/Consumption

D. Admit Joey to the Isolation Facility and Start with Broad Spectrum Antibiotics
*Neutrophil Count is Incredibly Low- Case of a Dog that needs to be Hospitalized- Put into Chemotherapy Isolation Unit in order to Prevent Infection
*Because he has a FEVER he needs to be admitted to Isolation in Hospital and Given Broad Spectrum IV Antibiotics

Psychogenic Alopecia
How long should a Food Trial be Implemented in a Patient with Food Allergies
4 Weeks
*Food Trial has to last for at least 4 Weeks with NO Other Food source available- No Treats

When is Surgery Indicated in Cases of Chronic Otitis Externa
Severe Calcification of Cartilage
Irreversible Soft Tissue Pathology (Ex. Canal Hyperplasia)
Bony Changes in Tympanic Bulla
Persistent Otitis Media

Tumor Biopsy Technique Described Below:
Incisional- Biopsy Taken at the Junction of the Tumor and the Normal Surrounding Tissue
Excisional- Biopsy taken outside the mass to completely excise the mass (Never enter the Capsule of the Tumor)

Incisional/Excisional Biopsy

D. Giving the Drug at Night
*We Dose this Drug in the MORNING. We don’t want them to go to bed with Acrolein Sitting in the Bladder Overnight
*Giving Cyclophosphamide Orally and Giving Furosemide prior to Administration to Induce PU/PD will Reduce Side Effects

Given this Image, What Type of Pyoderma is This?

Surface Pyoderma

Chemotherapy Drug used as Single Drug Protocol in Combination with Surgery for the Treatment of Osteosarcoma

Test Done during Examination of a Dog or Cat Suspected of having a Bleeding Disorder of either the Vascular Response and Platelet Function/Platelet Plug
Indications: Hemastatic Abnormalities but Platelet Count Greater than 70,000/ul

Oral Buccal Mucosal Bleeding Time
*Only indicated in Patients that don’t have severe Thrombocytopenia (> 70,000/ul)

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Vesicle- Primary Skin Lesion
True/False: In Majority of Cases, Chemotherapy Drugs lead to Severe Side Effects in Patients
*In Majority of Cases, Side Effects are Minimal- Protocols adapted for Animals use Lower Dose of Chemotherapy Intensity than Humans
While Side Effects Rarely Occur, they can be Severe and Possibly Fatal- Less than 1% of Patients will succumb and Die due to Chemotherapy

Which Tissues are Resistant to Radiotherapy?
Connective Tissue
Mature RBC
*These Structures are also very susceptible to Long term damage

Name the Highly Myelosuppressive Chemotherapy Drugs
Vinblastine- Severe Myelosuppression in Cats
*L-Asparaginase and Vincristine are Alternated with these Highly Myelosuppressive Drugs to give the Bone Marrow a Break when we are treating a patient with a High Intensity Induction Protocol

Primary Hemostasis
*Ventral Abdomen with Petechiation- Spontaneous Hemorrhage. Petechia is an Example of Primary Hemostasis- Thrombocyte Number or Function Abnormality
Screening Test Described Below:
Detects Yeast, Surface Parasites and Their Eggs

Acetate Tape Strip Impression Smear
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Caudal Dorsal Alopecia BUT Could have Face, Limb, and Neck Involvment
May see Eosinophilic Complex Lesions

Flea Allergy
The ____ the Growth Fraction, the Greater the Efficacy of Chemotherapy

*The Higher the Ratio/Growth Fraction- Tumor that is very susceptible to the Effects of Chemotherapy because more Tumor Cells are in the Growth/Dividing Phase
The Lower the Ratio/Growth Fraction- The Tumor is Resistant to the Effects of Chemotherapy

Most Common Grade of Lymphoma in Canine Patients
High Grade: Lymphoblasts, Rapidly Dividing

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Very Common
Allergens Occur when Fleas Take Blood Meal: Antigen-Antibody Reaction occurs
Distribution of Pruritus- Caudal 1/3rd of Body
Primary Lesion- PAPULES
Secondary Lesion- Crusts
Self Inflicted Lesions- Excoriations and Alopecia

Flea Allergic Dermatitis
*Flea Saliva contains many Antigens- Amino Acids, Aromatic Compounds, ect.

How to Differentiate RBC Agglutination from Rouleaux Formation

Add 3-5 Drops of Saline and Examine under 40x Magnification
*Rouleaux Formation- RBC’s will Separate
Agglutination- RBC’s will NOT Separate

Supportive Therapy for Patients with IMHA:
Treat the Underlying Cause
Blood Transfusion Therapy: Usually ______\_
Fluid Therapy
Packed Red Blood Cells
*Don’t Give Whole Blood since Protein is usually Normal/Increased

C. Postpone Chemotherapy for 7 Days and Prescribe Antibiotics
*Most Patients hit NADIR around 7 Days, Postpone for a Couple Days and recheck to make sure that the Neutrophil Count Increases
*If we see Toxicity with One Chemotherapy Drug we should NOT make changes with an Unrelated Chemotherapy Drug- Don’t change the Dose of Vincristine (It has nothing to do with Cycophosphamide). DO NOT REDUCE VINCRISTINE DOSE
Tumor Biopsy Technique Described Below:
Approach Tumor with Needle and Advance the Stillette
The Outer Sheath will Slice off the Tissue
Pull out the Needle and Obtain the Biopsies

Needle Core Technique
Treatment for Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
Topical Treatment:
Lime Sulfur (Safe and Effective)
Shampoo and Conditioner containing Miconazole
Systemic Therapy:
Itraconazole (Treatment of Choice)
*Continue Therapy until 1 or more NEGATIVE FUNGAL CULTURE

What Investigation would you Carry out to Determine if the Lesion is Localized or Affecting Other Sites?

Thoracic Radiographs and Abdominal Ultrasound
Palpate- All Peripheral Lymph Nodes
*First thing that you want to do is assess all the regional Lymph Nodes

Aim of using Chemotherapy Drugs in Animals
To Prolong Survival
To Maintain Good Quality Life
What is the Diagnosis in each Picture?

True/False: Feline Blood Donors and Recipients must ALWAYS be Blood Typed/Crossed Matched prior to Blood Transfusion
*Naturally Occuring Alloantibodies- Must be Blood Typed before First Transfusion

Prognosis for Mammary Tumors in Felines
Tumor > 3cm = Poor Prognosis
*Generally Feline Mammary Tumors carry a Poor Prognosis- Highly Malignant and Metastatic

How to Diagnose Notoedres
Skin Scrapings
Treatment for Impetigo (Puppy Pyoderma)
Topical Antibacterial Shampoos

Superficial Pyoderma
Antitumor Antibiotic Used to Treat Lymphoma and Osteosarcoma
Clinical Signs of which Dermatologic Disease:

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Repetitive Licking
Well Circumscribed, Raised, Firm, Alopecic, Ulcerated Plaque or Nodule
Common in Large Breed Dogs- Labs, Golden Retrievers ect.
Primary Etiology- Atopy (Underlying Allergy)

Lick Granuloma (Acral Lick Dermatitis)
*Atopy- Underlying Allergy is most Likely initiating the Licking

Hematopoietic Tumor Described Below:
Neoplastic Proliferation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow
What Laboratory Tests will you Conduct in your Clinic?

Hematocrit- Microhematocrit Centrifuge
Total Solids- Refractometer
Measure Total Solids to determine if there is Blood Loss. If Blood Loss is occuring you would see a Decline in Total Proteins

Clinical Signs of _____Hemostatic Disorder:

Bleeding into Cavities
Secondary Hemostatic Disorder
*Widespread Massive Cavity Bleeds
Form of Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex shown Below:
Commonly Located on Groin, Medial Thigh or Abdomen

Eosinophilic Plaque
Which Three Radiographic Views are Required for Assess Tumor Metastasis
ALWAYS Right Lateral
Left Lateral
ALWAYS Dorsal Ventral
*Recommended to take THREE Radiographic Views when looking for Metastasis
Usually do Both Right and Left Lateral because pathology can be missed if only one Lateral View is Taken. Right Lateral View is the MOST Sensitive for Metastasis
What Type of Tumors are Best Treated with Chemotherapy
Small, Rapidly Growing Tumors

Given this Image, What Type of Pyoderma is This?

Superficial Pyoderma

Chemotherapy has NO EFFECT on which Phase of the Cell Cycle
G<strong>0</strong> (Resting Phase)

Most Common Malignant Mammary Tumor of Canines

Mammary Carcinoma
Treatment for Chin Pyoderma
Mild Cases: Topical Benzoyl Peroxide
Severe Cases: Topical Benzoyl Peroxide with Systemic Antibiotics
True/False: Chemotherapy Drugs are Administered to Patients Off-Label
Treatment for Cheyletiella
Shampoos: Selenium Sulfide
Spot Ons- Selamectin q 2 Weeks
Treat ALL IN CONTACT- Contagious

E. All of the Above

Intravascular Hemolytic Anemia
*Even though this dog was Non-Regenerative, there is a Massive Decline in PCV. This dog is showing signs of shock due to an acute Hemolytic Crisis
This dog is in the Pre-Regenerative Phase- only been ill for 24 Hours
A Neoplasm associated Alteration in Bodily Structure or Function that occurs Distant to the Tumor
Paraneoplastic Syndromes
*Parallels the Underlying Malignancy- Usually preceeds the Onset of the Cancer by Several Weeks to Months
*Most Common Paraneoplastic Syndromes- Cancer Cachexia, Hypercalcemia, Hypothyroidism

_____ Factors of Otitis Externa:
Ear Anatomy- Conformation, Hair
Excessive Moisture
Obstruction (Ex. Tumor)
Systemic Illness and Immunosuppression
Predisposing Factors
*Increase the Likelihood of Disease
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Crusted Papules, Erythema
Tiny Raised Lumps throughout the Body (Localized or Generalized)
Possible Causes- Flea Allergy, Food Allergy, Atopy, Parasited ect.

Miliary Dermatitis

Treatment for Vitamin K Antagonism/Deficiency leading to Secondary Hemostatic Disorder
Inject Vitamin K1 then Oral for 4-6 Weeks

Three Treatments used for Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis)
Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (ASIT)- Desensitization or Hyposensitization of the Patient (BEST TREATMENT)
Symptomatic Relief
Allergen Avoidance- Avoiding Allergen

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Hypersensitivity to Aeroallergens
Clinical Signs- Pruritus, Chronic/Relapsing (Often Seasonal)
Lesion Distribution- Face, Ears, Ventrum, Feet, Perineum

Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis)
*Sensitivity to Allergens that Break the Skin Barrier

*Epidermal Collarette is a result of a Pustule that Broke Open

Reinduce with CHOP, week 1
*If the dog Relapses in the Middle of his Protocol it means he has responded well- Lets go back to week 1 and Reinduce Him

Alternative Treatment for Hemangiosarcomas:


List Three Tumors that are Radioresistant and can be Treated with Radiation Therapy
Osteosarcomas- Pain Relief/Palliative Therapy
Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Brain/Spinal Cord Tumors
*Osteosarcomas- Palliative Therapy Only (Pain Relief)

Review Card: Tumor Staging Systems
*Anatomical Staging System is NOT always Relevant. Ex. Lymphoma stage is not an important prognosticator. We do NOT stage Feline Lymphoma

_____ Factors of Otitis Externa:
Secondary Infections: Bacterial, Malassezia (Yeast), Candida
Ear Pathology: Hyperplasia of Ear Canal, Fibrosis, Stenosis
Perpetuating Factors
*Exacerbate and Maintain Inflammation

Primary Lesion seen with Flea Allergic Dermatitis

Most Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy Drugs
Bone Marrow Suppression
Gastrointestinal Upsets (MAIN Clinical Sign)
*Gastrointestinal Upset- Anorexia, Vomiting, Diarrhea

Pathophysiology of ______:
Exposure of Previously Hidden or Previously Ignored Antigens
Loss of Self-Tolerance-auto-reactive T Lymphocytes
Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
*Piecemeal Removal of parts of the RBC Membrane leading to Spherocytes

Three Types of Cytoplasmic Granules that are Released from Mast Cell Tumors
*75% of Dogs with Dermal Mast Cell Tumors will have higher Concentrations of Histamine in Circulation
Most Common Form of Pemphigus Complex in Dogs and Cats

Pemphigus Foliaceus
*Most Common Immune-Mediated Dermatosis in Dogs and Cats

Stain Needed to Diagnose Heinz Body Anemia
New Methylene Blue Stain
Immunosuppressive Drug used in Treating IMHA Described Below:

*Extremely Popular Drug in Treating IMHA
*Suppress T Lymphocytes which are Recognizing Antigens on RBC’s
Three Presentations of Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex in Felines
Indolent Ulcer
Eosinophilic Plaque
Collagenolytic Granuloma
How to Treat Fur Mite
Lime Sulfur Dips, Ivermectin, Selamectin

Treatment for Notoedres
Lime Sulfur Dips (Best)
Ivermectin Injections
Large Tumors are No Longer Dividing with a Very Low Growth Fraction making them ____ to the Effects of Chemotherapy
*Large Tumors enter into the Plateau Phase of Growth- No longer Rapidly Dividing therefore more resistant to the effects of Chemo

Review Card: Acute vs. Chronic Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia- Slow Developing and these Patients are NOT Systemically Ill. There may be some Paraneosplastic Syndromes. Diagnosis relies on a Bone Marrow Aspirate
Acute Leukemia- Patients are Systemically unwell and Blast Cells are obvious on Smears. Diagnosis Rarely Requires a Bone Marrow Aspirate. Do NOT develop Paraneoplastic Syndromes

When performing Blood Transfusions:
_____ ml/kg Donor Blood with Raise Recipient PCV by 1%
2.2 ml/kg

True/False: Most Cases of Generalized Demodicosis that occur at 2-4 Years of Age are Likely Undiagnosed Juvenile Onset Demodicosis

Most Common Autoimmune Skin Disease in Dogs
Pemphigus Foliaceus
Supportive Care for _____:
Padded Cage with Minimal Handling
NO Jugular Venipuncture
Desmopressin Acetate 30 min. Prior to Invasive Procedures
Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia (IMTP)
*Handle these Dogs with Care
Clinical Signs of _____Hemostatic Disorder

Primary Hemostatic Disorder (Platelet Disorder)
*Three Sites to Check- Ventrum (Abdomen), Perineal Area, Gums
Primary Hemostatic Disorders- Vasculitis, Thrombocytopenia, and Thrombocytopathy
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Callus- Secondary Skin Lesions
Treament for Lymphoma
1st- Stabilize Paraneoplastic Syndromes (Hypercalcemia)
2nd- Treat the Lymphoma: Steroids, Chemotherapy
*If we Don’t Treat- These patients will succumb to Lymphoma in Less than 6 Weeks
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:

Symmetrical Truncal Alopecia
Easily Epilated Hairs
“Skin Fragility”
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings)
Classification of Lymphoma Described Below:
Most Common in Cats (Older, FeLV Negative)
Focal or Diffuse on Small Intestine
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Weight Loss, Inappetence
Palpable Abdominal Mass, Thickened Intestinal Loops

*Cat Lymphoma

Packed Cells
*Dog is Severly Anemic. TSP is Normal, therefore No Blood Loss Anemia
Just need to Replace Oxygen Carrying Capacity- Give Packed RBC’s
In Felines, ____% of Mammary Gland Tumors are Malignant
*Feline Mammary Tumors are HIGHLY Malignant and HIGHLY Metastatic

______ Hemostasis:

Fibrin Mesh Formation (Fibrin Clot)

If Ears are Ulcerated, Hyperplastic or Stenotic, use 2-3 weeks of Topical ______, then Re-examine

How to Diagnose Demodex
Deep Skin Scrapes
*Usually Positive if Mites are Causing Signs
Clinical Signs of ______:
Pale Mucous Membranes
Bounding and Rapid Pulse
Possible Hemic Murmur
Apparent Ataxia/Collapsing

Acute Anemia
Acute Anemia: Collapse, Pale Mucous Membranes, Dyspnea, Tachycardia ect. Normally when talking about Clinical Signs of Anemia, we are Refering to Severe ACUTE Anemia
Chronic Anemia: Compensatory Mechanisms decrease the Clinical Signs. Normally Eating, Drinking normally with a Normal Heart Rate
Ex. Patient with Pale Mucous Membranes and a Bounding Pulse- Very Characteristic for Anemia
Endocrine Disease Described Below:
“Rat Tail”
Dry Haircoat- Loss of Sheen/Luster, Dull, Brittle
Increased Ceruminous Ear Discharge

Most Common Associated Clinical Sign of Multiple Myeloma
Progressive Non-Regenerative Anemia
*Plasma Cells Infiltrating the Bone Marrow
Two Leading Causes of Heinz Body Anemia

Acetaminophen Toxicity
Onion Poisoning
Most Important Prognosticator in Cases of Lymphoma
*Clinically Well Patients (Substage A)

Acanthocytes seen on a Canine Blood Smear are commonly Diagnostic for which Two Diseases?

*If you see Acanthocytes in Geriatric Dogs- Think about Primary Liver Disease or anything that is Important for Regulating the Phospholipid Layer of the Red Blood Cell, such as Hypothyroidism
Indications for______:
Hemorrhagic Anemia
In Order to Increase Oxygen Carrying Capacity and Improve Tissue Oxygenation
Blood Transfusions

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Seasonal Follicular Dysplasia- Patchy Loss of Hair on Flank Area
Marked Hyperpigmentation
Common Breeds: Boxers, Bulldogs

Recurrent Flank Alopecia
*Has Been on Previous Exams
______ can Reduce Risk of Mammary Gland Tumors in both Cats and Dogs
*Ovariohysterectomy prior to First Estrus- Relative Risk is essentially nonexistant

Disorder of Platelet Number Leading to Thrombocytopenia Described Below:
Megakaryocyte Hypoplasia
History: Tick Exposure/Drug Exposure
Differential Diagnosis: Chronic Ehrlichiosis, Estrogen Toxicity, Chemotherapy
Production Problem (Failure of Megakaryopoiesis)
*Megakaryocytes- Cells that Produce Platelets
Two Forms of Demodecosis

Generalized (Juvenile and Adult)

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Idiopathic Keratinization Disorder Manifested at Chin and Lips
Alopecia, Crusts, Comedones

Feline Acne
Heart Rate- 160 bpm (Extremely High)
Problem List: Abdominal Pain, Pale M/M, Collapse, Tachycardia
Hematocrit- 37% (Low)
Platelet Count: 87,000/uL (Low)
Abdominal Imaging- Large Hyperechoic Tumor
What is the Diagnosis?


Disorder of Platelet Number Leading to Thrombocytopenia Described Below:
Primary Splenic Neoplasia
Tick-Borne Disease
Hemopoetic Neoplasia
Platelet Sequestration
Treatment for Extravasation of Chemotherapy Drugs

IMMEDIATELY Stop Injection
Suck Back as much as Possible

Most Common Presentation of Lymphoma in Canine Species
*80-85% of Lymphomas in Canines are Mulitcentric

Treatment for Superficial Necrolytic Dermatits
Amino Acid Infusions Weekly
*Guarded to Poor Prognosis- Survival Time < 1 Year
True/False: Following Acute onset of Anemia, Bone Marrow takes 3-5 Days to begin Releasing Reticulocytes
*Cannot Determine if Anemia is Regenerative or Not until 3-5 Days following Onset of Anemia. This phase is known as “Pre-Regenerative”
In Patients where Anemia has occured within the Past 24 Hours, there has not be enough Time for the Bone Marrow to Respond. You need to Repeat Hematology in 3 days in order to get Accurate Results
Treatment for Lick Granuloma
Screen Animal for Atopy/Allergies- Symptomatic Treatment
Long Term Antibiotics
Sock, Legging, E Collar
*Possible Exam Question: Primary Factor Treatment for Lick Granulomas- Treat the ALLERGY/ATOPY

Hematocrit = 11%
Total Solids = 68g/l
Is this Anemia Mild, Moderate or Severe?

*Hematocrit Less than 40% in a Dog is Considered Severe and usually associated with Acute Anemia in a Dog showing Clinical Signs

D. Characterized by Diffuse Thickening of the Muscularis Propria on Ultrasonography
*Feline Intestinal Lymphoma- Usually Low Grade, Lymphocytic in Elderly Patients
Breed of Dog that has Large Platelets (Macrothrombocytopenias)
King Charles Cavaliers

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Erosion- Secondary Skin Lesion
Case of Suspected IMHA. In Saline Agglutination (ISA) test is Negative. What Immunological Test should be Performed Next to Confirm IMHA?
Direct Coombs Test

Review Card: Anemia Flowchart
- Patient is Showing Clinical Signs of Anemia- Measure Albumin (Total Solids)
2. If Albumin is LOW = Blood Loss from Hemorrhage (Ex. Spenic Hemangiosarcoma Rupture, Gastric Ulceration, HBC)
3. If Albumin is Normal/HIGH, measure Reticulocytes to see if Regenerative
If NOT Regenerative- Bone Marrow May be Exhausted or maybe there is such Severe Inflammation from IMHA that there is Myelonecrosis and Myelofibrosis
4. If Regenerative- Look at Serum
If Hemoglobinemia = Intravascualr Hemolysis
If NO Hemoglobinemia = Extravascular Hemolysis

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Etiology- Papilloma Virus or Idiopathic

Clinical Signs of _____ can Include Horners Syndrome and Facial Paralysis

Otitis Media
*Horners Syndrome and Facial Paralysis are two Neurological Signs that could Indicate Otitis Media

Reservoir for Microsporum Canis (Dermatophytosis)


Advantages and Disadvantages of which Method of Tumor Cell Collection for Cytology

Fine Needle Aspirate
*Always the Starting Point because it is Extremely Cheap and Easy to Obtain. There are Minimal Complications and very rarely requies anything more than Sedation
Disadvantage- You are sampling an area that is so fine that you may not get a good representation of the entire tumor. May not be Respresentative of the Tumor. This is why we should FNA Multiple Times- At least 10x’s per Tumor
Common Differentials for which Classification of Anemia:
External or Internal Hemorrhages
Ruptured Neoplasms (Ex. Hemangiosarcoma)
Anemia of RBC Loss
*Ex. Hit by Car
*Most Common Type of Anemia of RBC Loss- Cancers in Geriatric Patients: Ruptured Hemangiosarcoma

Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Pinne, Face, Neck Forelimbs
Alopecic, Thickened Wrinkled Skin with Papular Rash and Serocellular Crusts


How to Diagnose Acute Otitis Externa
CYTOLOGY (Most Important)
Otoscopic Exam
*Determine what is in the ear via Cytology

Classification of Lymphoma Described Below:
Common in Younger Cats (FeLV Positive)
Paraneoplastic Hypercalcemia (50%)
Cough, Dyspnea
Pleural Effusion- Muffled Lung Sounds
Precaval Syndrome
Cranial Mediastinal Mass on Imaging

Mediastinal (Thymic)
Any Time you see a Cat with Bilateral Symmetrical Alopecia, Miliary Dermatitis, or Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex, what should ALWAYS be on your Differential List?
Flea Allergic Dermatitis
*Always eliminate these causes First- They are the most common causes of all three of these Clinical Signs

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Nodule- Primary Skin Lesion
Generalized Truncal Pyoderma- Pustules and Papules (Superficial Pyoderma)

What Diagnostics would you like to Discuss with the Owner?
Derm Diligence- Skin Scape, Cytology, DMT Culture
Surface Cytology- Should see Staphylococcus- Cocci
*Prednisolone- Steroids should NOT be used to Treat Superficial Pyoderma (Papules and Pustules throughout the Body)
Treament for GENERALIZED Demodex
Daily Oral Ivermectin or Weekly Mitaban Dips
*Spontaneous Remission Occurs in up to 50% of Cases in Young Dogs

Adjunct to Immunosuppressive Therapy (Glucocorticoids) in Patients with IMHA with the Following Indications:
Intravascular Hemolysis
Non-Regenerative Anemia
Negative Side Effects of Glucocorticoids
*Used as Adjunctive Treatment to Glucocorticoids in Patients being Treated for IMHA
*Used in Patients that cannot Tolerate Steroids due to Side Effects ect.
Assessment of the Degree of Malignancy of a Tumor
Tumor Grade

A. No Mask, Eye Shield, Double Goving, Gloves Used

Paraneoplastic Syndrome described below:
Excess HISTAMINE seen in Mast Cell Tumors (75%), a negative Prognosticator, or Gastrin seen in Gastrinomas
Stimulates Gastric H2-Receptors leading to Increased Gastric Acid Secretion
Gastroduodenal Ulcers
*Every patient with a Mast Cell Tumor, needs to be on H1 and H2 Blockers until the Mast Cell Tumor is in Remission
Steps of _______:

*Tumor cells are usually not able to survive if they have lost contact with the Tissue of Origin. These Tumor Cells survive by invading the Immune System leading to Metastasis

Chemotherapy Drug of Choice for Mast Cell Tumors and Relapsed Lymphoma

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Epidermal Collarette- Secondary Skin Lesion
How to Diagnose Sebaceous Adenitis
Skin Biopsy from Dorsal Surfaces
Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Inherited Dysplasia of the Hair Follicle Resulting in Comedones on the Back
Breed Predisposition: Schnauzer
Secondary Folliculitis and Furuncolosis

Schnauzer Comedo Syndrome

Type of Lymphoma Described Below:
Cells that May Respond to Chemotherapy
Usually Develop Relapse Quickly with Short Clinical Remission
Poor Prognosis
T Cell Lymphoma
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Presence of More Demodectic Mites than what is Normal in Conjunction with Hair Loss, Folliculitis, Scales, Erythema, and Crusts
Two Forms- Localized and Generalized

*Present on every dog
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Bulla- Primary Skin Lesion
Minimum Treatment Time in Cases of Deep Pyoderma
3-12 Weeks
*Treat 2 Weeks beyond Resolution

Serum is Tinted a Red Color Indicating Intravascular Hemolysis. What are the Two most Common Causes of Intravascular Hemolysis?

Heinz Body Anemia
IGM Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia
Treatment for DIC
Early DIC with Hypercoagulable State- Heparin
Late DIC with Bleeding- Fresh Frozen Plasma (Most Common)

Normal Platelet Reference Range in Dogs and Cats
200-500 x 109 (Dog)
300-800 x 109 (Cat)
*Severe Thrombocytopenia: < 50 x 109. These Dogs will Normally have Petechiation due to Everyday Trauma
Spontaneous Bleeding not Due to Trauma happens when Platelet Count is Below 30 x 109

*Plasma- No Value in Blood Transfusion at all
*VonWilibrands Disease- Only store Blood Products for 6 Hours. We like to see the word FRESH when we are using Blood Products for VonWilibrands Disease
*The Products that would be helpful to prevent Bleeding- Fresh Whole Blood, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Cryoprecipitate (IDEAL), and Desmopressin
*Cyroprecipitate- Very High Concentration of VonWillibrands Factor
Technique used in Radiotherapy that avoids acute Toxicity by Killing Tumor Cells but Avoiding Surrounding tissue
*We want to Kil the Tumor but Preserve the Surrounding Cells- we Utilize Fractionation
The Higher the Frequency and Smaller the Doses- Preserves the Surrounding Tissue
Hematology Findings for which Cause of Anemia:
Strongly Regenerative
Thrombocytopenia/DIC (25-70%)
Spherocytosis (Hallmark)
*Almost Always Characterized by Inflammatory Leukogram- Leukocytosis due to Necrosis in the Body
Thrombocytopenia- Hemolysis releases the Cytoplasmic Components of the RBC leading to activation of Platelets/Coagulation

Top Differential in Geriatric Large Breed Dog

*Erythrocyte Fragmentation
Classification of Lymphoma Described Below:
Middle Aged to Elderly Dogs
Only 10-20% are Clinical ill
Inappetence, Weight Loss, Lethargy
Enlarged Painless and Rubbery Lymph Nodes

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Abnormal Hairshafts and Distorted Hair Follicles Full of Keratin and Melanin
Hair Breakage and Loss
Color Diluted Breeds- Dobermans, Dachshunds ect.

Color Dilution Alopecia
True/False: Total Protein (Albumin) is usually Normal in Patients with Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) and Non Regenerative Anemia
*Total Protein is usually Below Normal (Subnormal) in Blood Loss, HOWEVER Normal Total Protein levels do NOT Rule out Blood Loss

This Dog has Itching (Pruritus) over the Caudal Dorsum. What is the Number One Differential?

Flea Allergy
Reduced Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin or Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
Medical Therapy for Eosinophilic Granuoma Complex
*High Dose Prednisolone

Canine Melanoma Vaccine is now Fully Licened for which Stages of Disease?
Stage II and III
*Dogs with Stage II or III Oral Melanoma receiving Four Biweekly Vaccinations Increases Survival time around 389 Days

Classification of Lymphoma Described Below:
Erythema, Pruritus, Ulceration, Skin Nodules

*If the Cutaneous Lymphoma is a Localized Lesion then it can be cured with Surgery and Radiation. However if its Infiltrative then you have to use Systemic Chemotherapy
Two Methods used to Administer Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (ASIT)
Subcutaneous- Inject with Allergen at Tiny Doses until Eventually Hyposensitized to Allergen (Allergy Shots)
Sublingual- “Allergy Drops” under the Tongue twice a day

C. CCNU (Lomustine) or LOPP, 40% RR, 5 Months Remission Time
*He Responded well to the Protocol and went into a 6 Month Remission Period prior to Relapse
*Rescue Protocol Takes 5 Months and the Response Rate is 40%

Immunophenotype (T Cell)

In Patients with Cancer Cachexia, what Dietary Restrictions are Recommended
High Protein, Low Carb Diets (N/D Diet)
*Cancer Cachexia- Body is Metabolizing its own Protein Sources leading to Muscle Atrophy. You need to Decrease the amount of Carbohydrate in the diet and Supplement Protein
True/False: Do NOT Rely upon Culture/Sensitivity to Give a Diagnosis of Otitis Externa. Bacterial Infections are almost ALWAYS Secondary to something else
*Bacteria/Yeast are usually NOT the Primary Cause of Acute Otitis Externa

Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia- Prednisolone + Vincristine + L-Asparaginase (6 months)
2/3rds of Splenic Masses are Malignant
2/3rds of Maliganancies are ______


Current CHOP (19 Week Protocol)
*CHOP- Standard of Care for B and T Cell Lymphomas

Systemic Corticosteroids
When Treating Food Allergies, Perscribe a _____ Ingrediate Diet, such as Fish, Venison, Rabbit, or Kangeroo
Novel Ingredients

Majority of the Time when Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is Increased it will be due to _____
*In Vitro Hemolysis

*Point B- Where CT/MR Imaging is able to detect Tumor Cells

Ear Condition Described Below:
Common in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Clinical Signs- Head Tilt, Neck Pain, “Air” Scratching, Facial Paralysis
Bulging of Pars Flaccida

Primary Secretory Otitis Media (PSOM)
Treatment for Malassezia Dermatitis
Topicals: Anti-Yeast Shampoo (Ketoconazole, Miconazole)
*ALWAYS use Topicals if Possible to Normalize the Microenvironment. ONLY use Systemic Treatment if Infection is Extensive or Topical isn’t working
*Malassezia is usually Secondary, so there is a Primary Cause that we are going to have to Find and Manage

Two most Commonly used Topical Antibiotics used in Treatment of Pyoderma
Benzoyl Peroxide- Follicular Flushing activity

Osteosarcomas commonly Metastasize to the _____, as well as other Bony Areas of the Body
*Take Thoracic Radiographs to check for Metastasis
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Mild Pustular Rash in Axillary or Inguinal Areas of Young Animals
Often Associated with Dirty Environment, Parasitism ect.

Impetigo (Puppy Pyoderma)
Three Classifications of Anemia
Bone Marrow Dysfunction
RBC Destruction
RBC Loss (Hemorrhage)

Chronic Otitis Externa is Persistent Otitis Externa lasting for Greater than ____ Months
2 Months

Palliative Radiotherapy (Radiation) is used in Non-Operable Tumors when Patients are Predicted to live Less than ____ Months
6 Months
*Not applicable to use Palliative Radiotherapy for any animal that may survive longer than 6 months
What are the Three Fractionation Protocols that are used with Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Tumors
High Dose, Low Frequency (9Gys Once Weekly)
Very Susceptible to Acute Side Effects
3Gys Mon-Wed-Friday
Low Dose, High Frequency (1.5-2Gys 5 Days a Week)

Malignant proliferation of Peripheral Lymphoid Tissues that affects Lymph Nodes, Liver, Spleen and can affect Bone Marrow
Treatment for Moderate Myelosuppression (1-2) during Chemotherapy
If Non-Pyrexic (No Fever): Stop Drugs and Monitor
If Pyrexic (Fever): Stop Drugs and Use Antibiotics

Mainstay of Treatment for Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia (IMTP)
Prednisone (Immuno-Suppressants)
*Emergency Situation- Prednisone + Vincristine: Rapid Increase in Platelets

Blood Transfusions should be Given within _____ Hours
4-6 Hours

Screening Test for Dermatologic Cases Described Below:
NO PREP, NO SCRUB (Do NOT Distrub Lesions)
Gently Clip Hair
Handle Sample as Little as Possible
Put Sample in 10% Formalin
Skin Biopsy
What Two Types of Tumors are Highly Radiotherapy Sensitive but have a High Recurrence Rate
Mast Cell Tumors
Hematopoetic Tumors
*Mast Cell Tumors Regress Quickly with Radiation Therapy but may Recur Quickly
Clinical Signs of which Hematopoietic Tumor:
Non-Specific: Lethargy, Inappetence, Fever, Weight Loss
Paraneoplastic Disease: Hypercalcemia, Hyperviscosity
*Important to Remember with Lymphoma- Majority if Patients are ASYMPTOMATIC
*Only 20% of Patients with Lymphoma will present Clinically Unwell- Carries a Guarded Prognosis
Diagnosis Based on these Hematology Results

Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
*Spherocytes and Agglutination
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Non Pruritic

Endocrine Alopecia

A. Age > 7 Year is Worse
*LESS than 7 Years of Age is Worse

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Surface Parasite- ZOONOSIS
Clinical Signs- Pruritus, Dorsal Scaling, Papular Crusts, Scratch Reflex

Cheyletiella (Walking Dandruff)

Most Common Blood Type in Felines
Type A

All of the Above

How do we Diagnose Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis)

Clinical Signs: Seasonal Prutitus, Lesion Distribution
*No Other way to Diagnose Atopy- Must be Diagnosed based on CLINICAL SIGNS
*Diagnose Atopy based on Clinical Signs, NOT Interdermal Skin Testing
Review Card: Clinical Staging of Lymphoma
Stages I and II are very Rare- Single Node Lyphoma that can be Controlled with Surgery or Radiation (Ex. Nasal Lymphoma)
Majority of Dogs will be Stages III-V
Stage III- Lymph Node Involvment
Stage IV- Liver and Spleen Involvment
Stage V- Bone Marrow Involvment

True/False: Felines have Smaller Erythrocytes that Lack Central Pallor
*Difficult to Diagnose Spherocytes in Felines because Erythrocytes don’t have Biconcave Central Pallor

Three Thoracic Radiographs
*For Feline Tumors we DO NOT use FNA and we NEVER Biopsy
*Treatment of Choice- Radical Bilateral, Staged Mastectomy ONLY after Three Thoracic Radiographs to Determine the Stage. We would not persue any form of Treatment if there was any sign of Metastasis
Platinum Chemotherapy Drug used to Treat Osteosarcoma and Oral Malignant Melanoma
*Mainstay of Therapy for Sarcomas
*Causes Fatal Pulmonary Edema in Felines (Cisplatin Splats Cats)
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Lichenification- Secondary Skin Lesion
Gold Standard for Identifying Environmental Allergens
Intradermal Allergy Testing
*Mark Black Dot with Sharpie pen where we want to Inject the Allergen

______ Hemostasis:
Vascular Factors- Platelet Plug attached to Site of Injury

*Hemostasis- Stopping of a Flow of Blood

Common Differentials for which Classification of Anemia:
Babesia spp.
Mycoplasma spp
Heinz Body Anemia (Ex. Onion Ingestion)
Anemia of Increased RBC Destruction
How to Diagnose Sarcoptes Scabiei
Superficial Skin Scrapes

Generalized Truncal Pyoderma- Pustules and Papules (Superficial Pyoderma)

How Would you Treat this Case?
Topical Antibiotics- Antibacterial Shampoos
Systemic Antibiotics- 1st Level Tier Antibiotics (Cephalosporins, Amoxicillin, Clindamycin)
*Superficial Pyoderma
Pathophysiology of _____:

Infection of Middle Ears usually spreads from Otitis Externa, across Eardrum to Bulla
Initially the Ear Drum may appear Bulging but as material Increases within Bulla, the ear drum can rupture
Otitis Media
Part of Anatomical Staging Described Below:
Asses if Lymph Nodes are Enlarged- Palpate (Enlarged, Hard, Fixed)
Image Body Cavities
Confirm there is Infiltrate- Aspirate/Biopsy
Local Lymph Nodes (N)
Preferred Collection Site for Cytology in Cases of Otitis Externa
Horizontal Canal

Local Treatment for Primary MALIGNANT Tumor which cannot be controlled by Surgery that is used for Curative Intent
*Adjunctive Radiation Therapy is commonly used in Combination with Surgery and Chemotherapy for Curative Intent
*Radiotherapy is commonly used After Surgery to Cytoreduce or “Clean” Tumor Edges
What is Seen on Surface Cytology in Patients with Surface Pyoderma

Mixed Bacterial Population

When Dosing Chemotherapy Drugs, Smaller Dogs have a Higher Metabolic Rate and should get a _____ Dose
*Dose on Body Surface Area (m2)

Predisposing Factors for development of which Hematopoietic Tumor:
Retroviruses in Felines (FIV, FeLV)
Herbicidal Agents
Exposure to Magnetic Fields
Genetics and Age
*Most common Predisposing Factor for Lymphoma- FIV and FeLV in Felines
Identify the Cells pointed out with Arrows

Reticulocytes (Canine)
How to Confirm Diagnosis of Mammary Gland Tumor in Felines
Perform Bilateral Strip/Stage
*DON’T Biopsy Mammary Tumors in Felines- We just Assume its Malignant

Only A and B
*Intertrigo is Superficial

Lymphoma Cases with the Following Characteristics have a _____ Prognosis:
Substage A
B Cell Immunophenotype
Clinical Response to Treatment
Nasal Lymphoma

Form of Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex shown Below:

Collagenolytic Granuloma

*Old Food should NOT be mixed with new Food
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:

Excessive Grooming
NOT Barbering- Hair Tips are not Chewed off
Type of Lymphoma Described Below:
Cells that Have a Fair Response to Chemotherapy
Once Remission Occurs- it is Durable
Much Higher Chance of Being Cured
B Cell Lymphoma
*65% of Canine Patients will have B-Cell Lymphomas
Paraneoplastic Syndrome described below:
10-35% Of Dogs with Lymphoma
> 25% of Dogs with Anal Sac Apocrine Gland Adenocarcinoma
20% Dogs with Myeloma
Pathogenesis: Ectopic Production of PTH or PTH-rP, Extensive Lytic Bone Metastases
*Neoplasia is Diagnosed in App. 2/3rds of Dogs with Hypercalcemia
*PTH-rP: Parathyroid Hormonal Related Protein
PTH and PTH-rP Stimulates the Reabsorption of Calcium from the Intestine, Bone and Kidney Tubules

True/False: Patients with Primary IMHA are Icteric with a Poor Prognosis. While Most Patients with Secondary IMHA are NOT Icteric with Profoundly Low PCV
*Primary IMHA- 70% will Die within 2 Months of Diagnosis
When you see Icterus in a Patient with Primary IMHA, they have Liver Failure (Necrosis of Liver Cells)- Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Underlying Conditions- Hepatic/Pancreatic Disease
Footpads 100% Involved- Hyperkeratotic, Crusty, Cracking Footpads

Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis

If we are doing a Food Trial Properly, we expect a ____% Reduction in Pruritus within 4 Weeks
*Any Improvement in Pruritus- Continue Food Trial for another 4-8 weeks

Enlarged Submandibular Lymph Node
FNA (Fine Needle Aspirate) Performed- Lymphoblasts
What is your Diagnosis?

Name this Dermal Lesion

*Hair Follicle Plugged with Keratin
Most Common Paraneoplastic Syndrome seen in Patients with Lymphoma
Chemotherapy Drug associated with a Good Response Rate and Durable Remmission in Patients with Lymphoma
*6-8 Months Survival with complete Remission in Majority of Patients with Lymphoma
*ALWAYS use Doxorubicin in Cats with Lymphoma because it is a Prognosticator

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Autoimmune Skin Disease
Primary Lesions- Pustules, Vesicles, Bullae


Mycophenolate Mofetil
*Diabetic Patient CANNOT go on Prednisilone
*Mycophenolae Mofetil is as effective as Prednisilone with Fewer Side Effects
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Wheal- Primary Skin Lesion
Clinical Sign of Hyperadrenocorticism(Cushings) Described Below:
Firm White Plaques, often Ulcerated

Calcinosis Cutis
*Treament- Topical DMSO: Can Accelerate the Resolution of Calcinosis Cutis

Best Diagnostic Test for Leukemia
Bone Marrow Aspirate

Classify these Three Types of Tumor Cells

*Sarcomas are more likely to Metastasize Hematoginously, while Carcinomas are more likely to Metastasize Lymphatically

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Nodule (Tumor)- Primary Skin Lesion

B. No Corticosteroids for at least a month Prior to the Test
Identify the Cells pointed out with Arrows

Reticulocytes (Feline)
*Two Form of Reticulocytes in Felines- ONLY Count Aggregate Reticulocytes

Papules on Ventral Neck
Bilateral Periocular Alopecia and Erythema
Erythema and some Lichenification of Both Pinnae
Alopecia, Erythema, and Papules on Ventral Abdomen
Interdigital Erythema, Saliva Staining, and Alopecia
Erythem, Alopecia, and some Hyperpigmentation of Caudal Thighs and Perineum
What Test would you do next?

Skin Scrape, Surface Cytology, DTM Culture
*Multifocal Areas Affected

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Excessive Epidermal Turnover: 7 days compared to 21 days Normally
Causes Abnormal Cornification and Desquamation
Follicular Casts Prominent

Primary Idiopathic Seborrhea (Vitamin A Responsive Dermatitis)
Side Effects of which Chemotherapy Drugs:
Mild Myelosuppression
Renal Toxicity
Fatal Pulmonary Oedema in Felines
Platinum (Cisplatin)

All Dogs in the Household where ____ has been Diagnosed should be Treated
Sarcoptic Mange
*Sarcoptic Mange is CONTAGIOUS
Most Common Benign Mammary Tumor of Canines

Mixed Mammary Tumor
Treatment for Osteosarcoma
Palliative Intent:
Radiation Therapy (Large Doses): < 6 Month Survival
Multimodal Pain Control- NSAIDs with Acetaminophen
Curative Intent:
Surgery (Amputation) with Chemotherapy (Doxorubicin)
*Since the Majority of these Dogs are Geriatric the Owners may want Palliative Intent rather than Curative

List the Three Different Skin Lesions in a Feline
Bilaterally Symmetrical Alopecia (Non-Inflammatory)
Miliary Dermatitis- Small Bumps
Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex

Mast Cell Tumors on the _____ are Biologically more Aggressive/Malignant
*Anything near the Mucocutaneous Junction is more likely to be a very aggressive/bad tumor- Muzzle and Nasal Area

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Alopecia- Primary or Secondary Lesion
Most Common Presentation of Lymphoma in Feline Species
*Most common Form of Lymphoma in Felines- Geriatric Feline Population that suffers from Diffuse, Small cell Lymphocytic Lymphoma (Alimentary)
*These tend to be FeLV Negative

Systemic Antibiotics that Make up the 3rd Tier (LAST RESORT) for Pyoderma
3rd Generation Cephalosporins
*ONLY use these Options if no other Antibiotics are a Feasible Option

12 Year Old, Spayed Female, Domestic Shorthair
Primary Complaint: Acute Onset Lameness of the Left Hindlimb following minimal Trauma while Climbing off a Sofa
Recently the cat had become less active but maintained a good appetite with some weight gain
BCS: 3/9 with a Pot-Belly
Auscultation: Grade II Holosystolic Heart Murmur
Pale Mucous Membranes- Anemia
Left Hindlimb Tarsus was Swollen and Painful on Palpation
Abdominal Palpation: Mild Organomegaly (Splenomegaly)
What is the Diagnosis?

Multiple Myeloma
*# 1 Clinical Sign of Multiple Myeloma- Anemia
*50% of Cats Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma will have a Heart Murmur

Follicular Dysplasia
Common Biochemistry Findings in Patients with Multiple Myeloma
HYPERGLOBULINEMIA (Hyperviscosity Syndrome)

Sterile Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Paraneoplastic Syndrome described below:

Cancer Cachexia
*Cancer Cachexia is a very Negative Prognosticator and associated with a Reduced Survival Time
*Weight Loss in the Presence of Adequate Nutritional Intake- The cancer is utilizing the Carbohydrates at the expensive of the Dog
Minimum Treatment Time in Cases of Superficial Pyoderma
3-4 Weeks Minimum

Lymphoma Cases with the Following Characteristics have a _____ Prognosis:
Substage B
T Cell Immunophenotype
Certain Anatomical Locations- CNS, Ocular

Paraneoplastic Syndrome Described Below:

*Ex. Sertoli Cell Tumors

Screening Test Described Below:
Heat Fixed and Stain Slide
Surface Scraping- Micro-organisms
Direct Impression- Press Slide Onto Lesion
Q Tip- Ears, Moist Areas, Skin Fold

Surface Cytology
Patient has Marked Thrombocytopenia (< 50). Secondary Diseases have been Ruled Out. What is the Main Differential?
Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia (IMTP)
Secondary Hemostatic Disorder Described Below:
Inhibition of Vitamin K Epoxide Pathway (Reductase)
Within 36 Hours, PT will be Prolonged
Massive Fatal Hemorrhage
Vitamin K Antagonism or Deficiency (Ex. Warfarin)
*Vitamin K is an Important Factor in the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Pathway
*Within 36 Hours, PT will be Prolonged because that’s the Coagulation Factor with the shortest Half Life: Factor VII
Even a Small Amount of Vitamin K Antagonism can cause Massive Fatal Hemorrhage
Name Three Contraindications for Pretreatment Biopy in Patients with Tumors
1. When the Surgical Extent would NOT Change despite the Type of Tumor (Ex. Testicular or Splenic Mass)
2. When Biopsy would Compromise the Patient (Ex. Spinal Cord)
3. Seeding the Tumor

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Inflammed Subcutaneous FAT

Nodular Panniculitis (Steatitis)
Treatment for Severe Myelosuppression (<0.5-1) during Chemotherapy
Barrier Nurse
IV Antibiotics (Ex. Cefazolin)
*These Patients are Admitted into the Hospital

C. Amputation/Limb Sparing + Chemotherapy Combination
Review Card: Secondary Hemostasis
Vitamin K Dependent Factors (Intrinsic)- XII, XI, and IX
Extrinsic Pathway Factors- VII
*These factors ultimately Activate Prothrombin to Thrombin causing Fibin to Cross Link and form a Fibrin Clot

Treatment for Von Willebrands Disease
Cryoprecipitate (BEST)
Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP)
Response to Chemotherapy in Canine and Felines with Lymphoma
Canines- 80-90% Response Rate
Felines- 50-70% Response Rate
*Canine Lymphomas respond Better to Chemotherapy than Cats

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Comedone- Primary or Secondary Skin Lesions
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Excoriation- Secondary Skin Lesion
Symptomatic Therapy for Patients with Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis) Described Below:
Decreases Inflammatory Mediators and Cytokines that Cause Pruritus
Janus Kinase (JAK) Inhibitor
Negative Effects- May Increase Susceptibility to Infection and Demodicosis
Patient has Mild/Moderate Thrombocytopenia ( >50). Spontaneous Bleeding is Evident. What are the Three Differential Diagonsis?
Secondary Haemostasis Disorder

What is the Top Differential in a Patient with the Following Findings:
Serum and Urine Monoclonal Gammopathy
Permeative Lysis of the Bone With Patholgical Fractures
Bence Jones Proteins in Urine (Proteinuria)
Bone Marrow Plasmocytosis
Multiple Myeloma with Hyperviscosity Syndrome

Most Common Mode of Chemotherapy Drug Administration
*Most of these Drugs are Vesicants- If they Extravasate they will cause Severe Necrosis and Sloughing
Chemotherapy Protocol Described Below:
Low Toxicity
Few Side Effects
Moderate Survival
*Combination of: Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, and Prednisilone
*This Protocol is now only considered PALLIATIVE

Lick Granuloma
*Furunculosis- Rupture of Hair Follicle deep within Dermis. The Only Deep Pyoderma listed is Lick Granuloma
Nodular Panniculitis/Steatitis is a Cutaneous Marker for _____ Disease

A. 3 Weeks- 3 Months
*This Tumor has a very Grave Prognosis because of its Origin- It has Usually Metastasized by the Time of Diagnosis
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Cyst- Primary Skin Lesion
Three Systemic Antibiotics that Make up the 1st Tier Empirical Treatment for Pyoderma
1st Generation Cephalosporin (Cephalexin)

You Perform a Fine Needle Aspirate of a Tumor. More than 50% of the Cells are Lymphoblasts. What is the Diagnosis?
*Lymphoma- Homogenous Population of Large Lymphoblasts (50%)
*If you are unable to Diagnose a Tumor based on FNA, then it is best to Follow up with a Biopsy

Severe Form of Thrombocytopenia Described Below:
Platelet Count < 50,000/uL
Increased Megakaryopoeisis (Strongly Regenerative)
Microthrombocytosis (Small Platelets)

Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia (IMTP)
*The Majority of Dogs with IMTP have a Platelet Count of Less than 20,000/uL
*Hallmark Feature of IMTP- Low Platelet Counts with Small Platelets (Microthrombocytosis)

E. B and D
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Inflammation and Destruction of Sebaceous Glands
Long Coats- Alopecia, Adherent Scales on Pinnae, Follicular Casts
Short Coats- Moth Eaten Appearance

Sebaceous Adenitis

Review Card: Staging of Mast Cell Tumors
Stage I- Dermal Mass with NO Lymph Node Involvment
Stage II- Dermal Mass with Lymph Node Involvment
Stage III- Infiltrating Dermal Mass
Stage IV- Systemic Spread of Cancer

True/False: Takes only ONE Flea Bite to set off Allergic Response leading to Flea Allergic Dermatitis
*When you examine these animals there may not be any Fleas or Flea Dirt Present- Only takes the Bite of ONE Flea

What are the Four Possible Responses to Chemotherapy
Complete Response- No Detectable Tumor (Clinical Remission)
Partial Response- Decrease in Tumor Volume of > 50%
Stable Disease- Disease that Does not Change in Size
Progressive Disease- > 10% Growth of the Tumor

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Papule- Primary Skin Lesion

A. DFE and PF
Drug Given to Patients in Cases of Non-Endocrine Alopecia:
Plays a Role in Photoperiod related Hair Growth and Coat Color in many Mammals
May Stimulate Hair Growth

Match the Specific Side Effects to the Chemotherapy Drug:
1. Renal Damage
2. Cardiomypathy
3. Cystitis
4. Hypersensitivity
5. Neuropathy
A. Vincristine
B. Doxorubicin
C. L-Asparaginase
D. Cyclophosphamide
E. Cisplatin
Cisplatin- Renal Damage (Cisplatin Splats Cats)

Doxorubicin- Cardiomyopathy
Cyclophosphamide- Hemorrhagic Cystitis
L-Asparaginase- Hypersensitivity
Vincristine- Neuropathy
Chemotherapy Drugs with the Following Pathological Mechanism:
Creates Cross-Liked DNA with Strand Breaks
Alkylating Agents (Ex. Cyclophosphamide)
*Traditional Rescue Drug- If you treated a Cancer and it went into Remission but Replases shortly after. Rather than Repeating the Protocal you would use Alklyating Agents for Chemotherapy
*Cyclophosphamide- Effective in 40% of the Cases of Lymphoma that Relapse
Symptomatic Therapy for Patients with Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis) Described Below:
“Crisis Buster”- Patient is Driving the Owner Crazy because it is Itching
Strong Evidence of Efficacy
Use The Lowest, most Infrequent Dose that will Control Pruritus
Corticosteroids ( Oral Predisolone)

Which of the Following about Flea Allergic Dermatitis is FALSE:
A. A Dog with FAD will ALWAYS have FAD
B. Flea’s Don’t have to be seen on Dog
C. Hypersentivitity to Flea Bite
D. Use Insect Growth Regulators in Environment and Adulticide on all In-Contacts
E. Use Predisolone (Steroid) to Stop Pruritus
All the Above are True about Flea Allergic Dermatitis

C. Increased Epidermal Turnover
Which Chemotherapy Drugs are NOT affected by Multi-Drug Resistance
Alkylating Agents
*We Rely on Lomustine as a Rescue Drug

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Follicular Damage Initially with Secondary Bacterial Infection
Deep Pyoderma- Usually Staphylococcus
Young Dogs < 1 year
Clinical Signs- Alopecia, Non-Painful, Non-Pruritic, Papules

Canine Acne (Chin Pyoderma)
*Deep Pyoderma
Disorder of Platelet Number Leading to Thrombocytopenia Described Below:
Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia
Toxins- Snake Envenomation

Platelet Destruction
Prognosis for Leukemia
Chronic = Good Prognosis
Acute = Poor Prognosis
*Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is a very aggressive disease with a very Poor Prognosis and Poor response rate to chemotherapy
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia- May be an Incidental Diagnosis (50%) where these patients tend to do fairly well
Best Diagnostic Tool In Terms of Predicting Outcome and Staging Mast Cell Tumors
Lymph Node FNA or Biopsy
*ALWAYS Aspirate
Once you Obtain your Tumor Biopsy you obtain Fixation in ___% Formalin for 2-3 Days
1:10 Ratio of Tissue:Formalin

Juvenile Cellulitis:
Young Puppy (3 weeks - 6 months Old)
Clinical Signs- Swelling Face, Pyoderma, Pustules
Non Cutaneous Signs- Lethargy, Pyrexia, Anorexia
What is the Treatment?

Corticosteroids (Prednisolone)

This Dog has Itching (Pruritus) over the Elbows and Ears. What is the Number One Differential?

Sarcoptic Mange
True/False: In patients with Cancer, the Outcome will depend on Anatomical TNM Stage and Tumor Grade

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Burrowing Mite- Contagious and Zoonotic
Predilection Sites- Ear Pinna, Elbows, Hocks

Sarcoptes Scabie (Scabies)
*If Dog is Scratching at Ears and Elbows- Think Sarcoptes

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Ulcer- Secondary Skin Lesion
What is Considered the Primary Etiology leading to Lick Granuloma
*Lick Granuloma is most likely just another manifestation of Allergies

*Cure Rate for Osteosarcoma is around 20%
Margins used for Surgical Resection of Mast Cell Tumors
Laterally 8.9 mm
Deep 5.3 mm
*Mean Lateral and Deep Surgical Margins around the Tumor should be 8.9 and 5.3mm
Chemotherapy Drugs with the Following Pathological Mechanism:
Incorporated into DNA interfere with Transcription or Translation
Anti-Metabolites (Ex. Methotrexate)
*Produce Faulty Chromosomes
Review Card: Ear Anatomy
Vertical Canal Connected to Horizontal Canal

Middle Ear = Tympanic Bulla

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Macule- Primary Skin Lesion
The Larger the Tumor, the Lower the Growth Fraction and the _____ Susceptible the Tumor is to Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy
*If we have a Large Tumor, its not going to be as Radiosensative/Radioresponsive
The Dose of Radiation that is Required to Control a Larger Tumor is Larger, which is going to lead to surrounding tissue damage
Dermatologic Condition Described Below:

Scaly Condition of Ear Margins
Poster Breed- Dachshund
Ear Margin Dermatosis
Tumor Described below:
One of the Most Important Dermal Tumors

Mast Cell Tumor
*Most Common Cause of Cutaneous Mass in Canines
*Accounts for 29% of Cutaneous Tumors- Important Cause of Canine Cutaneous Dermal Tumors
Golden Retrievers are Over Represented
Chows and Shar Peis- Predisposed to very aggressive Mast Cell Tumors
List Four Tumors that are Radiosensitive and can be Treated with Radiation Therapy
Lymphoma (Ex. Nasal Lymphoma)
Feline Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Canine Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Mast Cell Tumors
*Squamous Cell Carcinomas- After Radiation Therapy you can see a Dramatic Response
Mast Cell Tumors- Radiotherapy combined with Surgery gives a 90% Survival Rate

Three Vascular Diseases that Lead to Erythrocyte Fragmentation

DIC/IMHA (Most Important)
* 33% of Patients with IMHA will have DIC leading to Fragmented Red Blood Cells (Schistocytes)

Three Screening Tests that are ALWAYS Done on Dermatologic Cases (Derm Diligence)
Surface Cytology
Dermatophyte Culture (DTM Culture)

True/False: Otitis Externa is Manageable but NOT Curable unless Primary Cause/Predisposing Factors are Addressed
*Warn Owner- Otitis Externa May Recur if Primary Cause is not Addressed
*If Recurrent Infections- Look for Possible Primary Diseases
Specific Treatment for Low Grade Intestinal lymphoma in Felines
Chlorambucil and Prednisolone
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Patch- Primary Skin Lesion
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Classic Presentation: Circular Alopecia, Central Healing, Peripheral Papules, Pustules, Crusts
Cutaneous Infection of ANAGEN Hairs
Spores Persist in Environment for Months

Dermatophytosis (Ring Worm)

Alopecia X

Form of Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex shown Below:

Upper Lip
Indolent Ulcer
Clinical Signs of which Paraneoplastic Syndrome:

*Most Notably- PU/PD

Treatment for Gastrointestinal Upset caused by Chemotherapy Drugs
Dehydration: Intravenous Fluids
Vomiting: Anti-Emetic (Maropitant)
Diarrhea/ileus: Prokinetics (Metoclopramide)
Review Card: Normal Hematology in Dogs and Cats

In Felines, Don’t Diagnose Anemia until PCV is below 24%

Dogs: Severe Anemia occurs when PCV < 15%
Felines: Severe Anemia occurs with PCV < 10%
Rank the Following Tumors From Highest to Lowest Sensitivity to Chemotherapy:
Hemopoietic (Lyphosarcoma/Leukemia)
Mast Cell Tumors
Solid Carcinomas/Sarcomas
Hemopoietic Tumors- HIGHEST Sensitivity
Mast Cells Tumors
Sold Carcinomas/Sarcomas- LOWEST Sensitvity
*Hemopoietic Tumors (Lymphoma) have rapidly dividing cells and are very sensitive to the effects of Chemotherapy
*Solid Tumors have a very low Growth Fraction and therefore Low Sensitivity to Chemotherapy

_____ Factors of Otitis Externa
Allergies- Main Cause of Otitis Externa in Dogs
Parasites- Otodectes is the Main Cause of Otitis Externa in Cats

_*Main Primary Factor of Otitis Externa in Canines- ALLERGY_
Main Primary Cause of Otitis Externa in Felines- Otodectes

Side Effects of which Chemotherapy Drugs:
Mild Myelosuppression
Peripheral Neuropathy
Extravasation Reaction
Mitotic Inhibitors (Vincristine, Vinblastine)
*Vincristine is associated with Peripheral Neuropathies
Review Card: Fungal Culture (DTM Culture)
Indicated in ALL CATS with Skin Disease

When we are Brushing these Patients, not only are we picking up Ringworm, but we are also picking up other Fungi, Including Saphorphytes that are going to grow on the Media
At the Time that the Ringworm starts growing, the color change should happen- The Media Turns Red
*We want to see the change in Color at the same time that the colony is Growing. Must check DTM Daily because Non-Pathogenic Fungi will use the Protein Source and turn the Media Red once Carbohydrates are Exhausted- This Colony would be Present for Days before the Color Change Occured

Specific Treatment for High Grade Intestinal lymphoma in Felines
Poikilocytosis caused by Phospholipid Membrane Metabolism Aberration and Characterized by:

*Not to be Confused with Artifact of Crenated RBC

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Acute Moist Dermatitis
Cause- Self Induced Trauma to Skin Resulting in Alopecia, Erythema, and Pruritus

Pyotraumatic Dermatitis (Hot Spot)
Given this Image, What Type of Pyoderma is This?

Deep Pyoderma

Canine has a Patchy, Focal to Multifocal Moth-Eaten Alopecia. What are the Top Two Differentials?

How to Diagnose Fur Mite
Acetate Tape
Prognosis for Osteosarcoma
BW > 40 kg - Worse Prognosis
Presence of Metastasis- Poor Prognosis
Elevated ALKP- Poor Prognosis
Proximal Humerus Location- Poor Prognosis
*Very Large Breed Dogs have Worse Prognosis
*Dogs that present at time of Diagnosis with an Elevated ALKP do NOT Survive as long

Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
“Salt and Pepper” Appearance due to Mites Clinging to Terminal Hair Shafts
Hairs Epilate Easily

Fur Mite
Treatment for Mast Cell Tumors
Surgery (Ideal)- Resect Mass
Chemotherapy: High Grade Tumors (> Stage III) and Surgically Inoperable Tumors
ANTIHISTAMINES- H1 and H2 Blockers
*If you feel that You will not be able to Resect with Surgery then you can use Radiation either Before or After Surgery. Surgery together with Radiation has a 90% Cure Rate
*These Patients must be on Antihistamines in order to Counteract the negative effects of Histamine that is Released from Mast Cell Tumors

Hallmark Erythrocytes found in Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)

*Due to Immune Opsinisation of RBC and Piecemeal Removal of the Membrane

Common Differentials for which Classification of Anemia:
Ehrlichia Canis
Toxicity- Estrogen
Erythropoetin Deficiency
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Anemia of Bone Marrow Dysfunction

Alkylating Chemotherapy Drug used in High Intensity/Multimodal Protocol for Lymphoma

C. Palliative, Hypofractionated, Neoadjuvant
6 Gy of Radiation Weekly- Low Frequency, High Dose. Only use this Type of Protocol for Palliative Control (Pain Control)
Neoadjuvant- Given Prior to Chemotherapy

80%, 12 Months

Predilection Site of Osteosarcomas in Large Breed Dogs
Distal Radius
*Away from the Elbow, Toward the Knees
Treatment for Sebaceous Adenitis
Topical Shampoos- Baby Oil, Propylene Glycol

Topical Daily Spray- Propylene Glycol
How Do Confirm Diagnosis in Multicentric Lymphoma
Fine Needle Aspirate (FNA)
*50% Lymphoblasts = Lymphoma
Chemotherapy Drugs with the Following Pathological Mechanism:
Tyrosine Kinase Receptors are Resposible for Phosphorylation of a Pathway that will allow Cell Signaling which will cause the Tumor to Rapidly Divide
These Drugs Inhibit the Transmembrane Autophosphorylation Pathway and Prevent the Cell Signaling
TKI (Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors)
*Ex. Toceranib
With Patients on Chemotherapy Drugs how Should Excretion Products (Urine/Feces) be Handled?
Take Bottle of Water to Dilute Urine
Collect Feces and Dispose of as Chemical Waste
True/False: Radiotherapy/Radiation can lead to New Tumor Formation in Patients
*Carcinogenesis from Radiotherapy can lead to New Tumor Formation- Ex. Nasal Tumors in Dog that have Recieved Radiation over the Head
Two Goals of Chemotherapy
Curative Intent- Young Animal, No Metastasis
Palliation- Older Animal, Poor Prognosis (Ex. Metastasis)
*Combination of Surgery and Chemotherapy for a Low Stage Cancer, then we can recommend what is called Curative Intent, Mainly used in Young Animals with Tumors that don’t have Metastasis. Cure = Desease Free for 2 Years without Chemotherapy. Ex. Osteosarcoma treated with Amputation and Chemotherapy leads to a 20% Cure Rate

Main Treatment for Mammary Tumors
Surgery- Mammary Gland Resection
Removal of Inguinal Lymph Nodes
*Chemotherapy is NOT used in Mammary Gland Tumors

Chemotherapy Drugs with the Following Pathological Mechanism:
DNA Intercalation, Interfere with Topoisomerases
Antitumor Antibiotics (Ex. Anthracyclines)
*Oldest Form of Chemotherapy but they are Highly Effective- You can Improve the overall remission time by Including this Drug
How is Malassezia Diagnosed?

Treatment for Pemphigus Foliaceous
Localized Form:
Combination of Tetracycline and Niacinamide
Systemic Form:
Oral Prednisolone
Large Breed Dogs that Present with Hemoabdomen. What is the Number one Differential?
*Hemoabdomen is Most commonly caused by Ruptured Hemangiosarcomas
Blood Typing for Which Species:
Naturally Occuring Alloantibodies
MUST be Blood Typed before First Transfusion
Crossmatching MUST be performed before Subsequent Transfusions
Immunosuppressive Drug used in Treating IMHA Described Below:

Mycophenolate Mofetil
Normal Levels of Calcium, PTH, and PTH-rP in a Patient with Cancer
High Calcium
High PTH-rP

Patient with IMHA showing Signs of Liver Dysfunction will Most Likely have ______ which comes with a Poor Prognosis (Death)
Thromboembolic Disease/DIC
Skin Scaping Technique Described Below:
Moisten a Dulled Scalpel Blade with Liquid Paraffin or Mineral Oil
Scrape a Larger Area because Mites are Fewer in Number

Superficial Skin Scraping
Immunosuppressive Drug used in Treating IMHA Described Below:

*Not Recommended for use in Cats due to Severe Bone Marrow Suppression
Treatment for Discoid Lupoid Erythematosus
Localized Form- Tetracycline and Niacinamide

How to Differentiate Acute Leukemia vs. Lymphoma
Acute Leukemia- Mild Lymphadenopathy, SPLENOMEGALY, > 30-40% Blasts in Bone Marrow
Lymphoma- MASSIVE Lymphadenopathy, < 30% Blasts in Bone Marrow

Diagnostic Factors of which Secondary Hemostatic Disorder:

*Hallmark- Schistocytes
*IMHA- Classic Example of Causing DIC
Diagnostics- Increased FDPs or D-Dimers and Decline in Fibrinogen and Antithrombin
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Deep Pyoderma Infection- Mainly Staphylococcus
Common in Long Nose Breeds- GSD, Border Collies

Nasal Folliculitis and Furunculosis
*Deep Pyoderma
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Pustule- Primary Skin Lesion
This Dog is Feet Licking and Chewing. What are the Top Differentials?

Food Allergy
If you can’t see Intact _____, Avoid using Ceruminolytics, Cleaning Solutions and Drying Agents to Clean the Ear

Pars Tensa
*The Pars Tensa forms most of the tympanic membrane
*We don’t like putting these Cleaning Solutions into the Ears without knowing if the Tympanic Membrane is Intact or Not
If you can’t see the Pars Tensa- Use Normal Saline to Clean Ear Canal

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Purpura- Primary Skin Lesion
Tumor Biopsy Technique Described Below:
Very Common Biopsy Technique for Dermal and Cutaneous Tumors

Punch Biopsy Technique
What is Seen on Surface Cytology in Patients with Deep Pyoderma

Mostly Staph, but can be Mixed
*ALWAYS Recommend a Culture in Cases of Deep Pyoderma

_*Human Immunoglobulin is NO Better than the use of Vincristine in a Hospitilized Patient. They work equally well and because Human Immunoglobulin is a Biological Product and Expensive its now considered that Vincristine is Preferred_
*Initial Therapy will definetly be Glucocorticoids (prednisolone)- First Line of Treatment
*Vincristine will benefit the patient and Reduce Hospitilization Time
*We should always consider Thromboprophylaxis. On Day Three of Treatment for IMTP you will have a massive Rebound of Platelets. These platelets will Aggregate and Become Activated Easily. These Dogs are at High risk of Developing Clots and Three Days following Initial Therapy you should add Thromboprophylaxis
Endocrine Disease Described Below:
Systemic Signs- PU/PD, Weakness
Cutaneous Signs: Bilaterally Symmetric Truncal Alopecia, Poor Hair Regrowth, Hyperpigmentation, Calcinosis Cutis

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings)
_Rescue Protoco_l used in Replase of Patients with Lymphoma
*Alkylating Agent

Skin Scaping Technique Described Below:
Looking for FOLLICULAR Mites- Mainly Demodex
Scrape Small Focal Area with Dulled Blade to Induce Capillary Hemorrhage

Deep Skin Scrape
Side Effects of which Chemotherapy Drugs:
Severe Myelosuppresion
Sterile Hemorrhagic Cystitis
Alkylating Drugs
*Cyclophosphamide: leads to Sterile Hemorrhagic Cystitis
*Prevent Sterile Hemorrhagic Cystitis by administering Furosemide on the day of Chemotherapy Administration

What is Seen on Surface Cytology in Patients with Superficial Pyoderma

Overwhelming Staphylococcus

Miniumum Treatment Length for Cheyletiella
Minimum 6 Weeks
Part of Anatomical Staging Described Below:
Measure the Tumor Dimensions with a Ruler or Calipers
Assess whether there is Local Invasion: Physical Exam, Radiography, Ultrasonography, CT/MRI
Are there Multiple Primary Lesions?
Primary Tumor (T)
*Use Imaging to Assess Internal Masses- Radiography, US, CT
Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Plaque- Primary Skin Lesion
The Most Common Cause of Primary Otitis Externa
Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis)

Dermatosis Described Below:
Decreased Capacity fo Absorb Zinc from Intestines
Breeds Related- Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute
Clinical Signs- Pruritus and Scales/Crust, Hyperkeratotic Footpads

Zinc- Responsive Dermatosis

Strongest Prognosticators for Mast Cell Tumors
Systemic Signs (Ex. GI Ulcers)
Proliferation Markers- ki67, Mitotic Index
*Proliferation Markers- Anything that Indicates a High Mitotic Index. High Grade of Proliferation Index needs Locoregional Control to Prevent Recurrence

Pathopneumonic Findings on Serum Protein Electrophoresis in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

Protein Light Chain Immunoglobulin (IgG)
Unconventional Cancer Therapy Described Below:
Repetitive Low Doses of Chemotherapy drugs designed to minimize Toxicity and Target the Endothelium/Tumor Angiogenesis as opposed to Targeting the Tumor
Metronomic Therapy
The Dissemination of Neoplastic cells to Distant Secondary Sites where they Proliferate to form a Macroscopic Mass
How to Diagnose Pemphigus Complex
Derm Diligence- Skin Scrapes, Cytology, Culture

Side Effects of which Chemotherapy Drugs:
Severe Myelosuppression
Gastrointestinal Toxicity
Antitumor Antibiotics (Doxorubicin)

Diagnosis of Ringworm (Dermatophytosis)
Fungal Culture (DTM Culture)

Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Barbering of the Ventrum and Especially Medial Front Limbs

Ratio of G1/2:G0
Growth Fraction
*Ratio of tumor cells that are in the Growth Phase (G1 and G2) relative to the Cells in the G0 (Resting Phase)
Chemotherapy Drugs with the Following Pathological Mechanism:
Inhibit Assembly or Disassembly
Mitotic Inhibitors (Ex. Vinca Alkaloids)
*AKA Plant Alkaloids

*Hemothorax would be the Cause of the Thromobocytopenia, NOT the other way around. If Hemothorax Spontaneously Developed there is NO way that Thrombocytopenia could cause this. Low Platelet Count or Low Platelet Function is incapable of causing a massive Cavity Bleed
*Only Secondary Hemostatic Disorders are Capable of Causing a Major Cavity Bleed. Thromobocytopenia is a PRIMARY Hemostatic Disorder
Review Card: Primary vs. Secondary Lesions

Treatment for Nasal Folliculitis and Furunculosis
Systemic Antibiotics for 6-8 Weeks
Topical Antibiotics- Wash/Soak
*2 Weeks Post Clinical Cure
Chemotherapy Drug used for Single Drug Protocal in Cases of Transmissible Venereal Tumors (TVT)

Hallmark Clinical Sign of Multiple Myeloma
Hyperviscosity (Hypergamaglobulinemia)
How would you Approach this Case?

Palliative Treatment
*There is no point in Recommending a Splenectomy/Blood Transfusion and Chemotherapy because the Dog is Geriatric with Metastatic Disease. There is no Point at putting him at risk with Systemic Chemotherapies

Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Alopecia, Crutsts, Scales, Itchy
Diagnoses: Skin Scrapings

Demodex Gatoi

Main Form in Dogs
Breed Predisposition- Cocker Spaniels
More Prevalent in Females
No Age Predisposition
*75% of Cases of IMHA are PRIMARY

A. Multicentric, T Cell, Stage IV, Substage A
*Otherwise Healthy = Substage A
*Found in the Liver and Spleen but NOT Bone Marrow- Stage IV

Form of Demodicosis Described Below:

Localized Demodicosis
*LESS than 5 Lesions
True/False: In Patients with Cancer/Tumors we should ALWAYS be Aspirating the Regional Lymph Nodes
*Palpate Regional Lymph Node and perform FNA
Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Etiologies- Rabies and Lepto Vaccines
Hair Loss at Injection Site or in a Distant Location
Focal Alopecia

Injection Site Alopecia
*Usually caused by RABIES and LEPTO Vaccines

Mitotic Inhibitor used to Treat Lymphoma and Transmissible Venereal Tumors (TVT)
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings) is the MOST COMMON underlying Disease in Adult onset _______
Generalized Demodicosis

B. Too Early to Make a Decision, the Tumor may Recur
Muzzle Mast Cell Tumor- Highly Aggressive and Not Easily Cured by Surgery
Pugs have Better Grade Mast Cell Tumors. In terms of Radiation Therapy, if you see a Rapid Response it does not necessarily mean it is a good prognosis
Treatment for Primary Idiopathic Seborrhea
Oral Vitamin A
Clinical Signs of ______:

Acute Otitis Externa
*Head Shaking can lead to Hematoma
True/False: Investigation for Tumor Metastasis is usually going to Require Advanced Imaging
*If the Dog is > 15 kg you will Normally send the patient for a Full Body CT

Portion of Treatment Protocol for IMHA Described Below:
Decreases Risk of Thromboembolism in Patients with Immune Mediated Disease
Thromboprophylaxis (Aspirin and Clopidogrel)
*Anytime that you diagnose an Immune Mediated Disease in a Patient and you get them on Steroids, make sure to add Thromboprophylaxis
Leading Cause of Death in Patients with IMHA- Thromboembolism
Chemotherapy Drug that Most Commonly Causes Nausea
*Cisplatin is a Very Powerful Emetogen- Dogs and Cats can have an associated Food Aversion
*Usually 24 Hours Prior to Cisplatin Therapy you will start with Maropitant

True/False: Handeling of Chemotherapy Drugs should occur under a Laminar Flow Hood that causes Adequate Ventilation so that there is No Inhalation

Treatment for Surface, Superficial, and Deep Pyoderma
Surface: Topical Antibiotic
Superficial: Systemic and Topical Antibiotic
Deep: Long Term Systemic and Topical Antiboitic
*Topical Therapy leads to Rapid Visual Improvement in Lesions

Treatment for Multiple Myeloma
Melphalan and Prednisolone
Treament of LOCALIZED Demodex
90% Usually Resolve without Treatment
True/False: We can Raise the Number of Platelets in a Patient with a Blood Transfusion
*Blood Transfusion DOES NOT Raise Platelet Count

Symptomatic Therapy for Patients with Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis) Described Below:
Very Effective for Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis)
Anti-Allergic and Immunosuppressive
Very Expensive
Cyclosporine A
85% of Appendicular Bone Tumors are _____

Alkylating Chemotherapy Drugs used to treat Lymphoma Rescue and Mast Cell Tumors
*Used for Relapse/Rescue Lymphoma
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:

Persistent and Year Round Pruritus at ANY Site on Body, Especially Face and Head
Food Allergy
*Especially Head and Face Pruritus
Normal Regenerative Absolute Reticulocyte Count
60,000 (Dogs)
42,000 (Cats)
*Ex. Canine Patient has a Reticulocyte Count of 35,000 and the patient is Acutely Collapsed, Hemoglobinemia, PCV of 10%. The Diagnosis would be a NON-Regenerative Anemia

Treatment for Mild Myelosuppression (2-3) during Chemotherapy
Reduce Drug Dose by 25-50%

How do we Diagnose Mast Cell Tumors

Symptomatic Relief for Atopy (Allergic Dermatitis) that carries Strong Evidence
Cyclosporine A

Dermatological Ear Condition Described Below:
Inflammation of the Outer Ear
Multifactoral Causes- Rarely due to a Single Cause
Three Factors: Primary, Predisposing, and Perpetuating

Otitis Externa
How to Confirm Diagnosis of Mammary Gland Tumor in Canines
Excisional Biopsy
*If we Biopsy a Mammary Gland Tumor- Excisional
Best Biopsy Method to Confirm Osteosarcoma
Needle Core Biopsy
*Take at least 2-4 Core Biopsies

Treatment for Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (Paraneoplastic Syndrome)
Mild Hypercalcemia- Rehydration with Normosaline
Moderate Hypercalcemia- Rehydrate with Normosaline and then Treat with Furosemide
Severe Hypercalcemia- Salmon Calcitonin and Biphosphonates

Hallmark of which Hematopoetic Tumor:
Very Large Lymph Nodes that are Rapidly Progressive
Painless Rubbery Lymph Nodes
*Lymphomas grow very quickly
Green Discharge from the Ear is usually Diagnostic for______
What would you see on a Bone Marrow Aspirate in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma
> 30% Plasma Cells with Basophilic Cytoplasm and Eccentric Nuclei
*AKA Bone Marrow Plasmacytosis

Name this Skin Lesion. Is it Primary or Secondary?

Fissure- Secondary Skin Lesion
Treatment for Hemangiosarcoma
Surgery- Palliative (Coagulogram, Arrhythmias)
Chemotherapy- Doxorubicin
*Best Prognosis- Surgery Combined with Chemotherapy. Doxorubicin must be included in the Chemotherpy Protocol

Chemotherapy Protocol that is used in Patients with Mast Cell Tumors
TKI (Masitinib/Toceranib)

Three Common Drug Types affected by Multidrug Resistance
Vinca Alkaloids
Anthracyclines (Doxorubicin)
Actinomycin D
*Mainstay of most of our Chemotherapies

Treatment for B-Cell Intestinal Lymphoma (Ailmentary Lymphoma)
Chemotherapy (Chlorambucil with Prednisolone)
Common Clinical Signs of which Ear Condition:
Vestibular Signs
Head Tilt
Otitis Interna
Prognosis for Mammary Tumors in Canines
Sarcoma and Inflammatory Carcinoma- Grave Prognosis
Tumor > 3cm- Poor Prognosis

A. Size > 4 cm- Bad
*If Mammary Tumor is > 4cm there is a VERY HIGH chance that the Tumor is going to Recur
Tests used to Assess _____ Hemostatic Disorders:
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
Prothrombin Time (PT)
FDPs and D-Dimers
Secondary Hemostatic Disorders

Chemotherapy Drugs are Excreted for _____ Days, therefore Handling of Urine, Feces, Vomit or Saliva should be Avoided
3-8 Days

Acute Leukemia: Neoplastic Transformation EARLY in the Cell Lineage leading to Proliferation of ______
Chronic Leukemia: Neoplastic Transformation LATE in the Cell Lineage leading to Proliferation of _____
Lymphoblasts (Acute)
Mature Lymphocytes (Chronic)

Primary Lesions associated with Pemphigus Complex

Pustules, Vesicles and Bullae
Mainstay Chemotherapy for Most Tumors

C. Palliative Steroid Therapy with H1 and H2 Blockers
Feline Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Self Induced Alopecia caused by ANXIETY- New Baby, Recent Move ect.
Common Locations- Medial Thighs, Ventral Abdomen, Medial Forelegs

Psychogenic Alopecia

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Looks just Like Hypothyroidism and Hyperadrenocorticism
Difference: NO Systemic Signs, Normal Endocrine Tests
Primary Hairs on Trunk Lost and Slowly Progressive Hair loss
Head and Limbs Spared- Commonly ONLY have Hair on Head and Legs
Common Breed: Chows, Pomeranians

Alopecia X
*We DON’T know the Cause- Unkown Etiology

Ringworm and Flea Allergic Dermatitis
Chemotherapy Drugs that Specifically Target the S Phase of the Cell Cycle

What Dermatologic Condition are we Testing for?

Microsporum Canis (Ringworm)
*Make sure the HAIR SHAFT Fluoresces
*ONLY HALF (50%) M. Canis will Fluoresce- Majority of Ring Worm Cases that you see will NOT Fluoresce

Diagnosis based on Image

Heinz Body Anemia

Treatment for Flea Allergic Dermatitis
Eliminate Fleas- Frontline, Monthly Spot On for Dogs, Advantage ect.
Predisolone (Steroids)- Reduces/Stops Pruritus
*95% of Flea Eggs, Larvae and Pupae are going to live in the Environment, not the Pet- Concentrate House and Yard Treatments on “Source Points” and areas where Pets spend the most time
Steroids- Use Lowest Dose that will Control Signs while Rigorously Implementing FLEA CONTROL

Treatment for Papillomatosis
Some Regress
Four Phase Treatment/Chemotherapy Protocol used in Patients with Hemopoetic Tumors such as Lymphoma

High Intensity, Risk of Toxicity
Greatest Change of Response
Unrelated Drugs to Reduce Survival of Remaining Tumors
Less Intense, No Effect on CR
No longer in Remission
Use Unrelated/Alkylating Drugs
*Lymphomas are VERY likely to Relapse

Form of Demodicosis Described Below:

*MORE than 5 Lesions
Most Chemotherapy Drugs work on ______ Cells (Tumor and Normal Tissue)
Rapidly Dividing

Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia
*Breed with the Highest Risk of developing Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia- Border Collie
IMTP- Differential of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (Fever)
2 yo Great Dane

Firm Enlarged Area on Metaphyseal Region of Limb
What is the Most Likely Diagnosis?
*Large Breed Dogs- More Prevalent (Size and Height are Risk Factors)
Most Common Site in Large Breed Dogs- Distal Radius

Treatment for Pyotraumatic Dermatitis (Hot Spot)
Eliminate Trigger (Fleas, Stress ect.)
Short Course Corticosteroids!!!!
*Needs a Steroid to Stop the Itching!- ON EXAM

8 Year Old Golden Retriever. Fine Needle Aspirate Reveals Lymphoma ( > 50% Lymphoblasts)

What Treatement should you Suggest?
Systemic Chemotherapy
*Majority of Lymphomas in Dogs are Hematopoeitic and Require Systemic Chemotherapy
Must Perform a ______ on ALL CATS with Skin Disease
Fungal Culture (Dermatophyte Culture)
*Pluck the Hairs that Fluoresce with Woods Lamp for DTM Inoculation

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Food is the Trigger for Allergic Dermatitis
Nonseasonal Pruritus
Secondary Pyoderma

Cutaneous Adverse Food Reaction (CAFR) AKA Food Allergy
*Food can be a Trigger for Skin Disease
In Patients with IMTP (Immune Mediated Thrombocytopenia) what Blood Product is most commonly used in Transfusion
Fresh Whole Blood

Blood Typing for Which Species:
No Naturally Occuring Alloantibodies
First Transfusions RARELY Result in Serious Reactions (Even if Unmatched Donor)
Imperative to Cross Match Prior to Subsequent Transfusions
How to Diagnose Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis:
Derm Diligence- Skin Scraping, Cytology, DTM Culture
Ultrasound: Honey-Comb appearance to Liver

Only Blood Product used for Felines during Transfusion
Fresh Whole Blood

Secondary Hemostatic Disorder Described Below:
Systemic Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
Thrombosis and Bleeding
Due to Widespread Endothelial Damage/Release of Tissue Thromboplastins
Acute Form- Devastating Form where patient is spontaneously Bleeding
*Chronic or Compensated DIC may not show obvious Bleeding
Chemotherapy Protocol Described Below:
High Toxicity
Severe Risk of Side-Effects
Better Survival
*Side Effect- Higher Toxicity
Leukemia Described Below:
Older Animals (> 10 years)
Incidental Finding (50%)
Leukocytosis- Small/Medium Lymphocytes

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
In Patients Recieving Chemotherapy Drugs, Give Prophylactic Antibiotics on Subsequent Dosing if Nadir is Less than ______ cells/uL
500 cells/uL
*Nadir = Low Point
*Ex. Doxorubicin causes Severe Myelosuppression, it has been shown that Prophylactic Antibiotics will Reduce the Side-Effects by preventing Severe Myelosuppression

Treatment for Injection Site Alopecia
Oral Pentoxifylline
*Increases the Vascular Supply
Gino: Cat with a Thick Gut
13 Year Old Castrated Male
Chief Complaint: Vomiting ( 2 day duration), Inappetent (1 Day Duration), Lethargy
Recent Introduction of Stray Cat to Household
Blood Pressure: 70mmHg (Hypotension)
Haemotology and Clinical Chemistry- Severe Leukocytosis, Moderate Azotemia
Abdominal Ultrasound- Thickened Muscularis Propris Layer of the Small Intestine
What is the Diagnosis?

B-Cell Intestinal Lymphoma (Ailmentary Lymphoma)
Massive Inflammatory Response (Severe Leukocytosis)- Must be either Cancer, Infectious Disease, or Immune Mediated Disease
Thickened Muscularis Propria Layer of Small Intestine = Ailmentary Lymphoma

Common Clinical Findings of which Condition:
Horners Syndrome
Facial Paralysis
Bulging/Ruptured Tympanic Membrane

Otitis Media

Mainstay of Therapy for Patients with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
Glucocorticoids (Prednisone 2mg/kg/day)
*There can be Delay of Effect of up to 14 days

Defining the Anatomical Extent of the Tumor in Terms of Primary Site and Distant Spread using the TNM System

Anatomical Staging
*TNM Classification- Primary Tumor (T), Lymph Node (N) and Metastasis (M)
*The type of Tumor you have based on your Grade will dictate the Type of Staging that you are going to perform

Dermatologic Disease Described Below:
Common Locations: Ear (Otitis Externa), Lip Folds, Ventral Neck, Interdigital, Perianal (CHECK FOLDS, CHECK EARS)
Frequently a Secondary Invader of Skin + Ears
Commonly Secondary to Allergic Dermatitis- Fleas, Food, ect.

Malassezia Dermatitis (Yeast)
*Malassezia = Foot Prints

Dermatologic Condition Described Below:
Loss of Pigment and Cobblestone Texture to Nose
Depigmentation of Lips
Hyperkeratosis of Nose and Footpads

Discoid Lupoid Erythematosus

True/Fase: Chemotherapy Tablets should NOT be Crushed or Broken for Administration
*These Tablets do NOT have Even Distribution of Drug throughout the Tablet- Would Not be able to Accurately dose the Drug with Broken Tablets
NEVER Crush or Break these Tablets
How to Confirm Diagnosis of Osteosarcoma
*Once we have the Confirmation, we know that the Limb must be Amputated
Most Common Blood Type in Canines
DEA 1.1 and DEA 1.2

On Cytology you find Acantholytic Cells. What is you Number one Differential Diagnosis?
Pemphigus Complex

Skin Scrapings: Superficial and Deep- Negative
Tape Preps- Cocci and Malassezia
Cytology of Papule- Cocci
Fungal Culture- Pending x 10 Days; Negative
What Kind of Pyoderma does this Patient have?

Superficial Pyoderma (Papules and Staph)
*Cocci = Superfical Pyoderma (Staph)
*Yeast (Malassezia) Like to Cause Hyperpigmentation and are very Pruritic

Patient is Anemic with Spherocyte Formation and Agglutiation. What is the Diagnosis?
Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
Small Tumors undergo an Accelerated Rate of Division/Growth and are _____ to the Effects of Chemotherapy
Very Susceptible
*Small Tumors- Maximum Effect of Cytotoxic Drugs/Chemotherapy

F. Thromboembolism
*These Patients suffer a Hypocoagulable State as a Result of Hyperglobulinemia- These Patients are at risk of Bleeding
*Main Complication of Multiple Myeloma- Hyperviscosity Sydrome (Hypergammaglobulinemia) leading to CVA, Retinal Detachment, CKD, and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Combined Chemotherapy Treatment that leads to 80-90% Remission Rate with MST of 12 Months in Patients with Lymphoma

D. Surgery/Radiation for Loco-Regional Control and Chemotherapy for Distant and Long-Term Masivet
*Definitive Therapy for a Mast Cell Tumor that cannot be Controlled by Surgery because of Location

E. All the Above except for B
In Canines, ____% of Mammary Gland Tumors are Malignant
*50% of Canine Mammary Tumors are Benign- Mixed Mammary Tumors
50% of Canine Mammary Tumors are Malignant- Carcinomas

Specific Indications for Pretreatment _____ in Patients with Tumors:

*Only done if the Results of the Biopsy would change the way you would Manage the Case or change the way you would Perform Surgery
*If the Prognosis of this Tumor is going to Influence the Decision made by the owner- Would Biopsy change the Owners williness to Go Forward with Curative-Intent Treatment
Paraneoplastic Syndrome Described Below:
Neuroglycopenia: Seizures (BG < 45 mg/dl)
Caused by Three Tumour Types- Insulinoma, Hepatic Neoplasia, and Leiomyoma
*Neuroglycopenia- Blood Glucose is below 45 mg/dl at this point patients will Normally show Clinical Signs- Weakness and Seizures
Tests used to Assess ______ Hemostatic disorders:
Platelet Count
Buccal Mucosal Bleeding Time
Vonwilibrand Factor Concentration (vWF Concentration)
Primary Hemostatic Disorders

Erythrocyte Fragmentation is Caused by Increased Turbulence or Vascular Disease. Blister Cells, Keratocytes, and _____ are Signs of Fragmentation


Part of Anatomical Staging Described Below:
Look for Metastases
Direct Extension along Tissue Planes
Distant Metastases (M)

Name Four Causes for Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) to Increase
Regenerative Anemia (Reticulocytes)
Toy Breeds
Cats with FeLV and Myeloid Dysplasia
Artifact (Agglutination)
*Increased MCV = Large Red Blood Cells

Three Techniques used to Prevent Perivascular Reactions with Chemotherapy Drugs

Use a Catheter
Clean Stick
Flush after Chemo Agent

C. Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia in a Dog due to Dermal Mast Cell Tumor
*Secondary to HIGH Histamine Concentrations from Mast Cell Tumor will cause Gastric Ulceration and Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia
*Discontinue Vincristine and see if Peripheral Neuropathy Persists
Intestinal Mast Cell Tumor- Gastrointestinal Blood Loss leads to Microcyctic Hypochromic Anemia due to DIRECT Ulceration
Thrombocytopenia due to Splenic Hemangiosarcoma- Sequestration

Common Side Effects of Which Treatment Modality for Cancer:

*Alopecia- Initially you will see Loss of Hair and changes in Pigmentation of the Coat/Hair
Moist Epidermal Inflammation- Similar to “Sun Burn”

Treatment for Demodex Gatoi
Lime Sulfur Dip

Average Duration of Oral Ivermectin in Patients with Generalized Demodex
3 Months

Systemic Treatment for _____ should continue until 2 Negative Cultures 1 Month Apart
Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
Four Disorders of Platelet Numbers leading to Thrombocytopenia
Failure of Megakaryopoiesis (Production Problem)
Increased Consumption/Demand
Platelet Destruction
Platelet Sequestration

Treatment for Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis
Oral Zinc Supplementation

Treatment for Acute Otitis Externa
Tresaderm- Topical Combination of Antibiotic, Steroid and Antifungal
*Recheck 7-10 days

Side Effect of Chemotherapy Described Below:
Large Tumor Burden- Rapid Cell Kill
Rapid Relase of Ions
Leads to Hyperkalemia, Hyperphosphatemia, and Hypocalcemia
Acute Renal Failure
Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome

True/False: TNM Staging Asseses Actual Extent of the Disease
*Clinical “Stage” is not true Pathological Stage- Low Sensitivity of Detection

Five Common Disorders of Secondary Hemostasis (Ex. Large Cavity Bleed)
Vitamin K Antagonism (Warfarin Toxins)
Vitamin K Deficiency- Liver Failure
Hereditary Coagulopathies- Hemophilia A (Factor VIII Deficiency)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Advantages and Disadvantages of which Method of Tumor Cell Collection for Cytology

*In Addition to Identifying the cell you can also Identify ARCHITECTURE with a Biopsy
*The Main Disadvantage is that it usually requires General Anesthesia