Final Flashcards
First Psychosocial stage
Trust vs. Mistrust
Second stage of psychological stage:
Antonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Third stage of psychological stages:
Initiative vs. Guilt
Fourth stage of psychological stages:
Industry vs. Integrity
Fifth stage of psychological stages:
Identity vs. Role confusion
Sixth stage of psychological stages:
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Seventh stage of psychological stages:
Genrativity vs. Stagnation
Eighth stage of psychological stages:
Integrity vs. Despair
Myers Briggs and Carl Jung’s theory are used to determine what?
Personality types
Adler says that our personality arises from our attempts to overcome or compensate for feelings of what?
Define Mechanisms:
Tools we use to reduce and cope with anxiety and conflict in our lives
Define Compensation:
Efforts to over come imagined or real weaknesses, limitation or inferiorities by developing personalities
Which stage of Eriksons is adolescents
Stage 5
List factors that influence personality
Friends, family’s, environment, nature, nurture
Define Value:
Things that you believe are important in the way you live
Why is it important to have value in a relationships:
It makes the relationship healthier and more productive
Define culture:
The behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that a group of people accept generally without thinking
Define first impressions:
What you first think of someone when you meet them
Define Prejudice:
Acting out badly towards one religion or race
Define Stereotypes:
Preconceived, inaccurate, beliefs about an individual or group
Define self-fulfilling prophecy:
We see what we want to see and become what others think of us
Define Non-verbal communication:
Communication without the use of spoken language
5 examples of Non- verbal communication:
Expressions, body language, motion, gestures, posture
Define communication:
How people express themselves through speech
Characteristics of a heathy relationships:
Good communication, spending time together, doing things together
5 characteristics of a unhealthy relationships:
Abuse, no communication, cheating, staying away, drugs
Define Abstinence:
Staying away from risky behaviors
First stage of relationship wheel:
Rapport: feeling of ease and trust
Second stage of relationship wheel:
Self Revelation: Talking about feelings
3rd stage of relationship wheel:
Mutual Dependency: learning others habits
4th stage of relationship wheel
Need Fulfillment: Getting respect and confidence from relationship
Why is self-disclosure important in a relationship?
It will help you know the other person better
Define Stressor:
External stimulus or an event that causes stress
Example of Stressors for a Teenager
School, Sports, Family, Finals, Friends
First level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:
Second level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What is Maslow’s 3 level hierarchy of needs:
What is the 4th level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What if the final and highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Self actualizarion
What are suggestions for effective goal settings?
Not in conflict with values, specific, short range, realistic, deadlines
Define Emotions
How you feel towards people, objects and events
What are some guidelines for showing effective emotional expression
Listen to you body, indenting your feelings, personalize feelings, decide what you are willing to do
Define operant conditioning:
Changing behavior because if reinforcement
Define conflict
A serious disagreement of argument
Define externals
Understand human behavior by external events, behavioral consequences, and environment forces
Define Internals
Understands human behavior in terms of thoughts, feelings, past experiences, and needs
Define Optimism:
Hopefulness and confident about the future of the successful outcome of something
Freud’s theory consists of three parts, what are they?
ID, Ego, and Superego