Final Flashcards
Ectopic pregnancy lab values (2)
QhCG should rise at least 53% over 48H
progesterone less than 5
ectopic pregnancy medical over surgical tx? (4)
if less than 3.5 cm
QhCG less than 5000
no cardiac activity
normal pregnancy TVUS findings (2)
gestational sac “double ring” at 5 wks.
fetal pole w/ heart activity at 5.5-6 weeks
Hydatidiform Mole imaging findings (2)
chorionic villi are a mass of clear vesicles
snowstorm on U/S
abn bleeding, enlarged uterus, absent heart tones, elevated QhCG, pre-eclampsia before 20 weeks
and these plus pulm/CNS findings?
hydatidiform mole
parts of hyperemesis gravidarum (3)
and when do you see it
dehydration, ketonuria, wt loss
begins 1st trimester, usu. resolves before 20 weeks
when to screen for Rh
first visit & 26-28 weeks
who gets RhoGAM
Rh- mom
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
mild preeclampsia? severe preeclampsia?
> 140/90 & >300 mg/24h urine
> 160/100, >5 g/24h urine
most accurate IUGR screening
MCA doppler flow on US
components of BPP w/ UA doppler (5)
fetal tone movement breathing NST amniotic vol.
test w/ negative predictive value for acidosis in IUGR
nonstress test
1 hr OGTT result indicating a 3h OGTT?
> 130-140
high values on 3h OGTT (4)
1 hr: 180
2 hr: 155
3h: 140
any over 200
when to screen for gestational diabetes (2)
24-28 weeks w/ 1h OGTT
6 weeks postpartum w/ 2h OGTT
most common site of ectopic pregnancy
ampullary portion of fallopian tube
hallmark of gestational diabetes
insulin resistance
when does preterm labor occur
after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks
preterm labor lab?
fetal fibronectin: present at term but not at 22-35 weeks
if present: risk of preterm L&D
if not present: no labor for 2 weeks
preterm labor prevention (2)
smoking cessation
progesterone IM for pts w/ hx preterm labor. Start at 16-20 weeks and continue until 36 weeks
leading cause of 3rd trimester bleeding
placenta previa
acute painless bleeding in 2nd/3rd trimester
placenta previa
placenta previa diagnostics
abd US followed by confirmation w/ TVUS