FINAL Flashcards
Least Restrictive Environment
pg 156
A learning environment that , to the maximum extent possible, matches the environment experience by nondisabled students.
pg 156
the practice of educating students with disabilities in regular classrooms alongside non disabled students.
Special Education
pg 156
The brag f education that deals with services for students with disabilities or other special needs that cannot be met through traditional means.
Full inclusion
pg 156
Any special services are brought to the student in the inclusion classroom. This emphasizes the Student stay in the regular class the full time
Learning Disability
pg 158
A disorder in the basic psychological processes involved in learning and using language; it may lead to difficult listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities.
Individual education program
pg 158
A plan, required for every student covered under the Individual with Disabilities Act, specifying institutional goals, services to be provided, and assessment techniques for evaluating progress.
Gifted and Talented
pg 162
Usually measured by IQ now measured through exceptional performance.
Differentiated Instruction or differentiation
pg 164
the practice of using variety of strategies to address the different learning needs of students.
Cooperative learning
pg 166
an instructional approach in which students work together in groups to accomplish shared learning goals.
First Amendment Rights of Students
pg 189
legitimate teaching and learning requires rules of behavior , at times restricts speech of students.
Tinker vs. Des Moines: students do not shed their constitutional rights when they enter in 1969.
1973 Papish vs. the board of curators of univesity of missori: court upheld student right to free speech with pamphlet of cop raping statue of liberty
First amendement rights of students
pg 190
Current Court Rules : pg 191
the right to express ideas and individual beliefs is fostered through responsible class activity
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 1974
pg 187
AKA Buckley Amendment, a federal law requiring educational agencies to protect the confidentiality of students educational records.
If family wants to challenge records they must be given a hearing.
FERPA updates and or challenges
pg 187
In 2001 court heard case concering oral reporting by peers of students grades. In oklahoma Owassa district. students graded each others quizzes and then teacher had students call out the grade to report it. Case was lost it was not a violation of right to privacy
Digital Natives
pg 199
people who have grown up using the digital “ language” of computers, video games, and the internet.
Flat classroom
pg 200
a classroom in which the students , like the teacher have ready access to information so that the teacher is not the lone expert.
Conncected CLassroom
pg 201
a room with high speed internet for all students helps students and teacher to be creative.
pg 202
become a commpplace in the classroom it is a vehicle of expression
How Technology supports learning (3 ways)
pg 204
Real World Problems
SImuations and modeling
Community of learners
ISTE International Society for technology in Education
PG 213
more than 85,000 members NETS National and Educational Technology Standards and guidlines.
Digital Divide
The divide between people who are rich in technological access and expertise and those who are poor in this respect.
some have access at home and some do not.
Assistive Technology
pg 218
A device or service that increases the capabilities of people with disabilities.
students with visual impairments
interactive white board for disabled students.
global classroom
teacher create love and passion for learning
teaching ideas behind the story
teachers help students develop areas of understanding and skills
MIVA managing, interpreting, validating, and acting
Classroom Management
pg 249
the ways teachers create an effective classroom environment for learning, including all the rules and conditions they establish.
Classroom Community
pg 249
tip for classroom community on PAGE 259
A sense of common purpose and values shared byt the teaher and students in a classroom, so they see themselves as working togther in the process of learning; a classroom atmosphere that emphasizes trust, care, and support.
Responsive Classroom
pg 259
An approach to teaching and learning, developed by the Northeast Foundation for Children, that seeks to bring together social and academic learning.
Sexual Harassment
pg 263
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other physical expressive behavior of sexual nature that interferes with a persons life.
pg 264
repeated cruelty physical or psychological by a powerful person toward less powerful person.
Cyber bullying
page 265
bullying or harassment through electronic means such as e-mail, website postings, text messaging, blogs, mobile phones, or pagers.
Purpose of Public education (6 purposes pg 273-274)
pg 273 and 272 is the purpose
education that is publicly financed, tuition free, accountable to public authorities, and accessible to all students.
Traditional Schools, charter schools, magnet schools, vocational schools, and alternative schools.
two more benefits of technology PAGE 281
- student should represent what they learned in an alternative way.
- multiple intelligences also falls into technology learning different ways to express their intelligence of technology.
Tips for new teachers
pg 288-290
learn about school keep a journal join collegial group find a mentor remember that teaching is not telling plan for creative experiences and activities create safe environment be passionate differentiate instruction
Preparing teaching portfolio
pg 291-293
keep documentation
reference letters
Exceptional Learners
pg 155
Students who require special educational services beacuse of physical, behavioral or academic needs.