Final Flashcards
Memories are primed by
Retrieval cues
The title of a song is on the tip of Gerard’s tongue, but he cannot recall until someone mentions the songwriter’s name. Gerard’s initial inability to recall the title was most likely caused by
Retrieval failure
Which type of memory has an essentially limitless capacity
Long-term memory
The tendency to recall the first and last items in a lost better than the middle items is known as
The serial position effect
Eerie sense of having previously experience a situation or even
Deja vu
Shortly after hearing a list of items, people tend to recall the last items in the list especially quickly and accurately. The best illustrates
Recency effect
The experience of memory loss is called
A full week after Usha hears her mother read a list of 12 animals. Is she likely to remember the beginning or the end of the list?
The beginning
Inability to recall which numbers on a telephone dial are not accompanied by letters is most likely due to
Encoding failure
On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This practice best illustrates the use of
A complex unlearned and fixed pattern of behavior common to all members of a species is called a(n)
Need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal
People are especially good at quickly detecting facial expressions of
Imitating another persons facial expression of emotion is likely to facilitate
To feel greater warmth and affection a couple would be advised to spend time looking intently at one another’s
Bad advice for a dieter
Avoid eating during the day and eat a lot at night
The body’s tendency to maintain a constant internal state
Insulin is secreted by the
Hormone that increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in times of emergency
When Tony is in a bad mood, he interprets his parent’s comments as criticisms. When he’s in a good mood, he interprets the same types of parental comments as helpful suggestions. The best illustrates that our emotional state influence the process of
The three successive phases of the general adaption syndrome are
Alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion
The third phase of the general adaptation syndrome is characterized by
The process by which we appraise and respond to threatening or challenging events
Who is more vulnerable to disease
Recently widowed, fired or divorced
Stress-moderating hormone released by cuddling and associated with pair-bonding is known as
Process of venting pent-up emotions
The emotional bonding and mutual support that survivors of natural disasters provide to one another best illustrates
The tend-and-befriend response
Competitive, hot tempered corporation president
Type A personality
General adaptation syndrome describes stages in the
Body’s response to prolonged stress
While taking a difficult test, Cindys muscles tense and her heart ponds. These physiological responses best illustrate
Stress reactions
Psychoanalysis refers to the personality theory and therapeutic practices developed by
Sigmund Freud
A psychotherapist instructs Dane to relax, close his eyes, and stage aloud whatever thoughts come to mind no matter how trivial or absurd. This technique is
Free association
Narcissism refers to excessive
An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is his/her
A sense of personal self-with is called
Children who release unexpressed anger toward their parents by kicking the family pet illustrate the defense mechanism
People living in a culture that promotes collectivism are more likely than those individualist cultures report to experiencing
Family loyalty
Freud emphasize that id operates in the what principle?
Willingness to switch jobs and move from one part of the country to another best illustrates one of the consequences or
The MMPI is an example of a(n)
Personality inventory
In earlier times, people attributed disordered behavior to
Evil spirits
Sadie rarely leaves her house because of anxiety. Going shopping and getting lost in a crowd terrifies her so she has groceries delivered to her house. Her behavior is mostly a characteristic of
Continuous state or tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal characterizes
Generalized anxiety disorder
Onset of schizophrenia is typically associated with
Early adulthood
Psychological disorders as sickness that are diagnosable and treatable are found in
Medical model
Most mental health workers today take the view that disordered behaviors arise from
The interaction of nature and nurture
An immediate and irrational anxiety response to the sight of blood is indicative of
A specific phobia
Mr. Hunt believed that he is the president and he will become the king of the universe he is suffering from
Disorganized and fragmented thinking is a characteristic of
The term insanity refers to
Legal definitions
Carl Rogers encouraged client-centered therapists to do what during the process of therapy
Genuinely express their own true feelings
A therapist who uses a variety of psychological theories and therapeutic approaches uses what kind of approach
What type of therapists are likely to teach clients to take more responsibility for their own feelings and actions
Electroconvulsive therapy has proven to be effective in the treatment of
Carl Rogers referred to a caring, nonjudgmental attitude as
Unconditional positive regard
An important feature of client-centered therapy is
Active listening
A clients expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier life relationships is
The first psychological therapy was introduced by
Sigmund Freud
Xanax would most likely be prescribed in order to help
Jerome overcome feelings of nervous apprehension and an inability to relax