Final Flashcards
- Explain the introductory rites of Mass — general purpose and ordinary elements (GIRM 46-54).
Introductory Rites
- a beginning (introduces mystery), introduction (to the mystery being celebrated), preparation
establish communion and dispose to listen to Word and celebrate Eucharist worthily
Entrance - after people gathered, priest and deacon enter, entrance chant (opens celebration, fosters unity, introduces mystery, accompanies procession)
Greeting - arrive at sanctuary, bow to altar, kiss altar, maybe incense; after chant, priest at chair sign of the cross, greeting, people’s response (mystery of gathered Church made manifest), maybe intro to mass of the day
Penitential Act - pause for silence, formula for general confession, absolution (lacks sacramental efficacy)
Kyrie - chant, faithful acclaim Lord and implore mercy
Gloria - ancient venerable hymn Church gathered in the Spirit glorifies and entreats Father and Lamb, Sundays outside Advent and Lent, Solemnities and Feasts, other solemn celebrations
Collect - priest calls on people to pray, brief silence for awareness of God’s presence and call to mind intentions, collect prayer expresses character of celebration, addressed to Father through Christ in Holy Spirit, Trinitarian ending, people respond acclamation Amen making it their own
- Discuss “The Liturgy of the Word” — God speaks to us through his word and we respond. the general understanding and a brief explanation of the individual elements included in a Sunday Mass.
God speaks to us through his word and we respond. We make it our own through the creed, prayers of the faithful is the culmination as we apply it, it is the fruitfulness of the liturgy, as part of the response to the word. The homlily is in between, its the word of God being opened up for us today, taking the word and applying to our lives, between the two. God is speaking to His people, highlighted in the Gospel the high point, and then we respond, Respond in a variety of ways; silence, song. Responsorial Psalm.
Lectionare Intro expands- We accept b oth testaments, OT leads us to hear the Gospels.
b. Briefly explain the three parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and relate each part to the actions and words of Jesus at the Last Supper
Preparation of the gifts, Eucharistic prayer, and Communion Rites- These are related to Jesus taking, blessing,breaking and giving.These three parts correspond to Jesus’ words and actions at the last supper.
a. A general understanding or explanation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
At Last Supper Christ instituted paschal sacrifice and banquet, by which the work of salvation in the Paschal Mystery is continuously made present when priest, representing Christ, repeats what he did and handed on to apostles.
- Discuss “General Principles for the Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God” (LMI 1-10).
in readings, god speaks to his people and reveals himself, opening mystery of redemption and salvation, offers spiritual nourishment, Christ present through word
- Discuss “The Eucharistic Prayer” — general understanding and the eight elements (GIRM78-79).
Eucharistic prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for his many gifts at the same time asking him to sanctify the bread and wine and transform us who recieve them. Eucharistic prayer all about thanksgiving.
thanksgiving - glorifies/gives thanks to Father for work of salvation (let us give thanks to the Lord, it is truly right and just to give you thanks)
acclamation - sanctus acclamation in which join with heavenly powers
epiclesis - ask Holy Spirit to consecrate gifts, changing into Body and Blood, and to change us, make us living sacrifice, in Communion we become body of Christ and accomplish salvation by our transformation into Christ, concern for Church’s unity, and taking part in mission of Church, (make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall)
institution narrative and consecration - words and actions of Christ make it happen (at the time he was betrayed, he took…)
anamnesis - fulfilling Christ’s command, celebrates memorial of Christ, recalling Paschal Mystery (therefore was we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection…)
oblation - offer sacrificial Victim in the Holy Spirit to the Father, as faithful offer themselves (… we offer you, lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation)
intercessions - expresses communion with Church in heaven and earth, and that oblation is made for all, who are called to participate in Paschal Mystery (remember lord your church spread throughout the world… remember your servent Jose… remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep)
concluding doxology - glorification of God and people’s acclamation Amen (through him with him and in him…)
- Discuss “The Liturgy of the Eucharist: Communion Rite”
Starts with Our father- embalism, doxology, Peace right-we need to be united with one another, to recieve Jesus we need to be in union with one another. The Fraction- Breaking of the bread (Agnus dei) Prayer of humility- “Im not worthy”. Then the reception thanksgiving prayer after communion- similar to communion epiclesis- that which we have taken in may it change us. Through our communion in Jesus Christ we are in communion with brothers and sisters.
- Discuss the concluding rite (GIRM 90). Purpose, parts and significance.
Brief announcements if there are any, prayer reading, final blessing, sending forth - misa- go out and do something with it, you have just heard the word and recieved the Eucharist go do something with it. Change the world, preach the word, Pope Benedict made sure we kept these words the same.
- Briefly explain “The Choice of the Mass and its parts”
YOu make choices according to the people in the community, Whats being celebrated, if its solemnity use it, You make choices in the Liturgy that would be beneficial to each particular community. ie what penitential rite to use, what opening hymns, how to do the responsorial. You take in the nature of the community are the kids or adults? If your doing a mass at a hospital for sick it would be different than lively teen mass. Solemnities and different rites that are good for each. CHange the readings if it fits better for sommunity- the lectionary has a lot of different Mass options. e.g Mass for children, Mass for thanksgiving, Mass for “etc”.
Anamnesis and Epiclesis are at the heart of each sacramental celebration. 1) Briefly explainin a general sense, and 2) Apply this understanding to the sacrament of [baptism, confirmation or penance (one would be indicated)]. (CCC 1103-1109) For Baptism
Both Anamnesis and Epiclesis Come in clearly in the blessing of the water- A - God was baptized in the Jordan, God’s present in history, “God send the spirit down”, the readings for baptism are always about baptism- Nicodemus, unless your born of water and spirit no eternal life.- “Let the CHildren come to me”- or account of Jesus baptized- Pauls writing- Are you not aware those of you who have been baptized have been baptized into his death” E - All the rites of Blessing water where were calling down God to send the spirit to bless the water- “I baptize you in the name of the father, son, and the Holy Spirit”. Epiclesis- is the invoking and calling down upon God to send the spirit. Anamnesis- is a recalling and remembrance of the mysteries. A- is always recalling what God has done - E - is asking the Holy Spirit to make those events present right now.
- The Paschal Mystery in the Church’s Sacraments. Explain in a general sense and apply how the Paschal Mystery is experienced in the sacrament of [baptism, confirmation or penance (one would be indicated)] (CCC 1113-1134
The sacraments are, what was visible in our savior has passed over into his mysteries. Everything Jesus did before his death and resurrection all are a part of Christ.
The sacraments are of the Church (“of the Church,” “by the Church,” “for the Church”). Explain in a general sense and apply to [baptism, confirmation or penance (one would be indicated)]
“Of” the Church’s nature is sacramental. “By the Church” - The church gives the sacraments. “for the Church”- They are not for individuals even sacraments that seem alone are for the Church in general, they build up Christ’s body. “salvation of the whole community”.
General description of sacraments
are to Sanctify man, build up the body of Christ, and give worship to GOd.
- Discuss the “Sacramentals” (CCC 1667-1676). What are they? What is their relationship to the sacraments?
They are rituals that have a similarity to the sacraments and flow to and from the sacraments, but they do not in and of themselves confer grace, but through the intercession of the CHurch, they bring about the good disposition to recieving grace; There is nothing in our life through their proper use that cannot help us come to God appropriately used.
What are some the sacramentals- use of Holy water, blessing, the Rosary, sign of the Cross, Relics, Miraculous Medals, Aything thats puts us in touch with God. All reality can put us in touch with God.
- Give an overview of “The Sacraments of Christian Initiation
Through baptism we enter into the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ, and become members of the body of Christ, members of the Church, children of God. Confirmation gives us a more perfect union with Christ, they are both about the spirit; Confirmation calls us especially to be witness of the faith through the power of the Spirit. Brings us to a fuller measure of being christ which is fulfilled in Eucharist. Eucharist is where we join more specifically in Christs sacrifice, we are joined with him, and in union and are more nourished for our Christian life.