Final Flashcards
This is a very large discoloration:
Hydrocele is edema of the:
Hypostasis of blood is which color of discoloration:
Progressive skin color changes and mottling of the veins on the skin surface are examples of which type of discolorations:
Decomposition changes
Which vessels are best to use in the case of cardiac disease:
- Common carotid artery
* Internal jugular vein
Bodies with facial trauma, bodies in which eye enucleation has been performed, and bodies in which purge is expected, are all reasons for:
The use of restricted cervical injection
Treatment of areas not reached by arterial injection may be treated by:
- Internal compress
- Preservative gels
- External compress
What contributes to the severity of odors:
- Nutrition
* Body weight
What are methods of drainage in relation to injection:
- Alternate
- Concurrent
- Intermittent
Fluid strength for a 4-12 year old for a routine embalming should be:
18-25 index
Swollen blood-filled areas within the skin:
The size of the vessel and the depth of the location of the vessel are criteria for selection of:
- An artery
* A vein
Fluid accumulating between the cells of the body:
Intercellular edema
Blood, adhesive tape marks, mercurochrome, and tobacco tars are all examples of which type of discolorations:
Surface coloring agents
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, anemia, and cachexia are all systemic effects of:
What techniques are recommended when intravascular problems are anticipated:
- Avoid using a sclerotic artery for injection
- Use an arterial tube of proper size
- Inject from the right common carotid
A postmortem extravascular blood discoloration:
Postmortem stain
During which stage of rigor mortis is the greatest need for preservative:
General conditions of the body, effects of disease on the body tissue, effects of drugs on body tissues, and postmortem change, are all factors concerning:
Pre-embalming analysis
The most common areas to exhibit dehydration are:
- Fingers
- Lips
- Eyelids
Carbon monoxide poisoning turns the skin which color:
Cherry red
Examples of body invasive devices are:
- Pacemakers
- Colostomy bags
- Surgical drains
A pacemaker should be removed if the body is to be:
Although maggots are an uncommon problem, they should be checked for in the:
- Corners of the eyes
- Within the mouth
- The nostrils
An extravascular irregularly shaped blood discoloration that often appears on the arms and backs of the hands:
Senile purpura
A vein can be used for drainage:
- Whether it is large or small
- Whether it is on the left or right side
- Even if it is broken
Occlusion of veins draining a body area that becomes the site of bacterial infection
Moist gangrene
A disease or condition accompanied by an elevation of body temperature
Febrile disease
Traumatic tissue injuries
Poor arterial circulation into an area of the body, causing death of body cells
Dry gangrene
“Stroke” caused by the clot or a rupture of a small artery of the brain
Cerebral vascular accident
An endocrine disease affecting the control of blood glucose levels
Cancer of the tissues that form white blood cells
Venereal disease caused by the spirochete
Diseases that affect cardiac function, the renal system, and obstructive diseases can cause:
Conditions favoring gas formation are:
- Heat
* Humidity
Preparation of the autopsied body is usually delayed and the body refrigerated. As a result the body generally requires an arterial solution:
Stronger than average
Razor burns, dehydration of tissues, and formaldehyde gray are all examples of which types of discoloration:
Reactions to embalming chemicals
The most commonly used vessel for drainage is:
Right internal jugular vein
Embalming in which only the skin and superficial portions of the body and not the deeper tissues receive solution has been referred to as:
Shell embalming
Edema is said to be established when there is a _____ increase in total body water:
A variation of the restricted cervical injection in which a very strong arterial solution is used:
Instant tissue fixation
Drain tubes are inserted into veins and directed:
Toward the heart
Extreme dehydration is called:
What is the preferred method of thawing frozen tissue:
Allow the body to gradually come to room temperature by letting it set
Gangrene, jaundice, and leukemia are examples of which types of discoloration:
Postmortem evacuation of any substance from an external orifice of the body as a result of pressure
Occurs after the embalming process has been completed
Post-embalming purge
Occurs prior to the embalming process
Pre-embalming purge
Frothy white appearance
Lung purge
Coffee ground appearance
Stomach purge
When the body has been dead for a long period of time, in following military regulations, and autopsied bodies are all reasons for:
A multi-site injection
A large bruise caused by escape of blood into the tissues:
The degree of this condition varies by muscle groups and the tissue pH. There can be a lack of uniform distribution of fluid, and depending on the degree, the tissues vary in their preservative demand:
Rigor mortis
Hypostasis of blood, carbon monoxide poisoning, and capillary congestion are all which types of blood discolorations:
Antemortem intravascular
When moisture is retained by the cell, or abnormal amounts of moisture are allowed to pass into the cell:
- Cellular edema
* Solid edema
Arteriosclerosis is most common in which age group:
Aspiration and injection of lungs is a treatment of:
Pulmonary edema
Small pinpoint skin hemorrhages:
The greatest disadvantage of the one-point injection method is:
The risk of short-circuiting of the arterial solution
Disinfection carried out after the embalming is:
May be defined as both an acute and a chronic metabolic disorder characterized principally by hyperglycemia resulting from a deficiency of insulin:
Diabetes mellitus
Skin-slip is also known as:
The outer layer of the artery called the adventitia is composed of:
Connective tissue
Crackling sensation produced when gases trapped in tissues are palpated
Purge can exit if these break
Esophageal varices
Embalming technique that employs a very strong arterial solution under high pressure used in small quantity
Instant tissue fixation
Examples are: candidiasis, aspergillosis, phycomycosis
Mycotic infection
Its source is clostridium perfingens
“True” tissue gas
Addison’s disease causes this discoloration of the skin:
Well-embalmed tissues dehydrate _____ under embalmed tissues:
Less than
A postmortem intravascular blood discoloration:
Livor mortis
The content of drainage includes:
- Blood
- Arterial solution
- Interstitial fluid
The middle layer of the artery called the media is composed of:
- Muscle cell
* Elastic tissue
The inner lining of the artery called the intima is composed of:
Endothelia cells
A goal of packing the orifices is:
Help contain odors
A general guide over the years has been to use 1 gallon of a properly mixed arterial solution for every _____ pounds of body weight:
Lung purge may be caused by:
- Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Influenza
Jaundice embalming fluid contains which amounts of formaldehyde:
Mold on the body is mostly found in:
Warm, humid climates