Final Flashcards
Define primeval history
Time before invention of writing and recording historical data
Give me five truths of Gods creations.
God creates humans in his image and like ness. God freely created on orderly and good world out of nothing. God is present. God is beyond us. God guides creation through Devine providence
According to genesis what was the condition of the earth before creation began?
Without form
On what day God create human beings?
6th day
What name does the Hebrew text use for God in the story of the garden of Eden ?
What did God do the day after creating human beings?
how did God create a form during the first three days of creation ?
In Union with the Holy Spirit and the word
List four consequences of the fact that humans were created in God’s image and likeness
1.) God is our father 2.) we are like God 3.) human life possess great sacredness 4.) our work has special values
When was marriage instituted ?
When man and woman were created by God
What relationship did God establish between man and woman?
Complementary persons
How was marriage created?
Created by God to be a divine institution not man made
In Genesis 1:2 our creation event begins with what?
God’s spirit hovering over the waters of the earth
What does Hebrew word ruah mean?
breath, spirit, wind
Who wrote “The Bible tells us how to go the Heaven, not how the Heavens go” ?
In Genesis 1:5 we see reputation of the phrase indicating that the “day” progressed from the night and ended each day at sunset.
“And there was evening and there was morning one day”
What has transpired in the creation of the earth in the first three days?
Places like the land, waters, and air.
Give me two word reputations in the creation account.
“God said” “and there was”
What was created on the 4th day?
Sun, moon, stars, and planets
How many times is the phrase repeated that God “saw it was good” between Genesis 1:3 and 31?
7 times
What does the number 7 symbolize?
In Genesis 1:26 how did God express the way he would create man?
In His image and likeness
When is the next time Genesis uses the terms “image and Likeness”?
Genesis 5:3
What does Image and Likeness equal?
What does it mean to be “like” God?
We are made to do good; we have his mindset; Rational Souls; free will
As Catholics we believe that every human life possesses great sacredness, Why?
Because we are made through God’s image and likeness
The image of God is expressed by individuals but what is another way it is expressed?
Through nature
Besides reproduction what does the statement “be fruitful and multiply” mean?
To Love each other
what does God determine as food for man and food for the beasts?
When will the eating of cooked animal meat be permitted?
After the flood in Genesis 9:1-4
What is God’s first blessing for mankind?
The blessings of human fertility and dominion over earth
In Genesis 2:1-4 God rests, what is the point of the Sabbath in the creation event?
God’s Covenant
What is a Covenant?
Agree with God that cannot be broken
Hebrew word for “oath-swearing” is?
What does Sheba also mean?
What do Abraham and Abilimech do in Genesis 21:27-32?
Create a covenant
What does Be’er-she’ba mean?
Well of the 7/ well of the oath
How many lambs does Abraham have?
Deals with the creation of the world?
Where do we find the Covenant at Mount Sanai?
Details of Worship Life?
Census of all the tribes of Israel?
New laws about Israel’s life in the promise land.
Successor of Moses?
Period after the time of Joshua, when Israel repents God sends a leader to save them.
Foreign woman marries Boaz?
Story of the 1 King of Israel
1 Samuel
David Built the nation of Israel into a strong power
2 Samuel
Solomon builds the temple of the Lord
1 Kings
Story of a pious man, who even in exile carefully follows the Law
Israelite women who becomes Queen of Persia
Debate about how God rewards the good and punishes the bad
Poems attributed to King David
Wise sayings attributed to King Solomon
Talks about the pointlessness in worldly things
Living the Real World without compromising are faith in God
Where do we find these words: “Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”
Joel 2:13
List all the Books that are in the Pentateuch
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Type of Literature Poetic in Nature
The prayer book of the temple
Study of Type
Rabbies meet in 90 AD to discuss their cannon of scripture, what was that meeting called?
What books did the protestant reformers remove from the Bible?
Baruch, Sirach, 1+2 maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom
What books did Martin Luther also want removed?
Hebrews, James, Jude, Revelations
Deuterocanonical is reference to what?
Baruch, Sirach, 1+2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom
What is the Parousia?
Second Coming
“Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return” is an example of what?
Attributing human characteristics to nonhuman realities - when speaking of God
Symbolic story that shows the relationship between the human and divine
True or False? The pentateuch was originally thought to be written by Adam