Final Flashcards
What command can you use to quickly move all visible geometry to the current plane origin
Move to origin
What command allows you to create a reverse image
One or more entities linked in order and direction is called a
When you need to remove the material around a contour in more than one step on the current cutting plane you would use the ___ setting
Multi pass
The process by which the tool paths in master cam part files are converted into G codes and M codes is known as
What geometry needs to be selected in drill toolpath when all you have is circles
Arc centers
What command allows you to create a rectangle knowing the width height and the anchor position is at the upper left corner of the rectangle
Rectangular shapes
If you choose to overwrite the tool number from the library with the next available toward number you will use the command sign tool numbers____
The height at which the tool Rapids to or from the part as is known as tool __. Value
When a pocket can be closed with an imaginary line and toolpath will overlap the line with a percentage of tool diameter use___pocket tool Path
To divide total depth into equal increments no bigger than the max rough step value use
Depth cuts
What command allows you to create in Arc knowing the radius the center of the arc and the initial and final angles
Arc polar
If you click on the icon in front of the value in the ribbon bar you__that value
The option in the drill point selection dialog box that automatically allows the system to select all the circles that have the same diameter as the one we selected is known as
Mask on Arc
The process that calculates area where the roughing tool could not machine the stock in creates a second toolpath to clear only the remaining material is called
The term in master cam that refers to the relationship between geometry and the toolpaths that are created from it is called
The command you can use to create and Obround shape
Create rectangular shapes
A____allows the system to automatically find the parts overall dimensions to establish the necessary stock
Bounding box
___Mill tool paths are used to machine cores that can be approached from the outside
2-D high-speed steel
The position where the endpoints of more than two entities meet is known as
Branch point
The command to show the path the tools take is
Back plot
What kind of shape can a slot mill machine
When moving a part drawling from one location to another you would use__command
When a drawing is changed while it has aa toolpath associated to it you need to use the__icon in the toolpath window
Regenerate dirty operations
When you post the geometry into G codes and M codes this standard file extension is
A__ surface is created by rotating a sectional shape around an axis or line
A__surface is created by trimming a flat surface to a specific boundary
Flat boundary
Surface_____is used to machine cavities or bosses on surfaces and solid models
Rough pocket
______ construction mode allows you to create all the geometry to the current construction plane and at the current Z depth
A_____Surface is created by making a linear transition between two or more open or closed contours
It is necessary to have__curves to create a net surface
You would use a surface finish__toolpath when the part requires that cuts to conform to the part shape
A____ surface is used when the cross section is constant and when you only have one across contour and one along contour
A_____ tool path is used to clean leftover material out of corners
The advantage of using a_____toolpath is it allows you to control the scallop height of the part
Scallop finish