Final Flashcards
Mercantilists Economists
Niccolo’ Machiabelli, Jean Bodin, Antonio Serra, Thomas Mun, Gerard de Malynes, Edward Misselden, Jean Baptiste Colbert, William Petty, John Locke, Charles Davenant, Richard Cantillon, Josiah Child
Physiocract Economists
Francois Quesnay, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
Nassau William Senior
Abstinence Theory, favored poor law amendment, Factory Acts(favored child labor laws but not restricting hours of adults)
John Stuart Mill
Equilibrium prices are brought about in markets through supply and demand, elasticity of demand
Frierich List, Wilhelm Roscher, Gustav von Schmoller, Max Weber
Society is dynamic(evolving), Positive role for government, Inductive/Historical approach, Advocates of conservative reform
Stanely Jevons
Theory of diminishing marginal utility, Rational hoice & theory of exchange
Stanely Jevons, Carl Menger, Leon Warlas
Carl Menger
Theory of Imputation, Theory of Monoploy
Leon Warlas
Derivation of individual demand curve, General equilibrium analysis
Alfredo Marchall
Combined various aspects of marginalist thinking *supply, demand, marginalist utility), Founder of Neoclassical economics
Knut Wicksell
National rate of interest, idea of credit
Irving Fisher
Introduced cambridge equation MV = PT where T is trade
George Hwtrey
Monetary theory of business cycle
John Robinson
Economics of imperfect competition
John Maynard Keynes
Later part of great depression; stagflation(low change in GDP; High inflation; high unemployment), Y=C+I+G+NX
Piero Sraffa
Flaws in the mainstream neoclassical: : famous mathematician ; theory of value
Nicolar Kaldor
Famouse for kaldor growth model (post keynesian growth model), Kaldor-Hicks Compensation crieteria (efficiency for welfare compensation)
Karl Marx
Productivity, labor exportation
Thorstein Veblin
Theory of the leisure class (rich class) looking @ conspicuous consumption (Veblin goods)
Kenneth Galbraith
change over ideas to meet new institution
Creative destruction- the internal mechanism by which the market continuously improves on itself
Pareto Efficiency
Pigou effect simulation of output and employment
Oscar Lange
Economic theory of socialism (Market socialism)
Kenneth Arrow
Arrow’s impossiblity theory(no voting system can be designed that can satisfy 3 criteria [1) pareto efficiency 2) unrestricted domain 3) Dictatorship]
James Buchanon
Public choice theory
Amartya Sen
Capability theory, able to function when nourished increases utility, GDP looking @ quality of life not just production, Human development index
Classical Economists
Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill
Marginalist Economists
Stanely Jevons, Carl Menger, Leon Warlas
Neoclassical Economists
Alfredo marchall
Monetary Economists
Knut Wicksell, Irving Fisher, George Hwtrey, John Robinson, and Milton Friedman
Keynesian Economists
John Maynard Keynes
Post Keynesian Economists
Piero Sraffa, Nicolar Kaldor
Institutionalist Economists
Thorstein Veblin, Kenneth Galbraith, and Schumpeter
Welfare Economists
Pareto, Pigou, Oscar Lange, Kenneth Arrow, James Buchanon, and Amartya Sen