Final Flashcards
Charles Henry
colour theorist - described emotional properties and symbolic meaning of line and colour
belle epoque
a beautiful era - time period of positive change in Europe - a happy beautiful time
colours were more intense when mixed optically by the eye rather than the pallet
Avant Garde
literally: soldiers sent to explore how bad the battle would be - used for forward thinking artists and politicians
experimental or innovative
end of the century - boredom and cynicism of a hopelessly decadent time period
grew out of literary movement - the reassertion of the importance of subjective ideas
Jean Moreas
writer who rejected materialism in favour of irrational states of mind - inspired Symbolism artists
Le Nabis
literally: prophet
group of artists who initially followed Gauguin
en plein air
when a painter paints directly observing the subject, usually in nature, preserving the freshness of the first sight of the scene - we talked about this with claude monet
Michel-Eugène Chevreul
- invented colour and design system
- started juxtaposing colours based on this system
- a person could actually blend colours by looking at them rather than on a canvas
primary colors
Any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing
complementary colors
Colors directly opposite each other in the color spectrum, such as red and green or blue and orange
A photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapor
any of various pale or light colors???
Société Anonyme des Artistes
Society of artists that ran independant salons to allow the rejected artists to show work in Paris in 1884.
idea shared by Van Gogh and Gaugin based on a disdain for urban environments and a desire for better society.. linked to sexual freedom
the community where Gaugin and Van Gogh lived and had intended to create their artists group
paint method categorized by built up paint
location of the asylum Vincent Van Gogh inhabited.
study for a sculpture - like a sketch
art nouveau
new international style inspired by natural forms and plant life
print process
curtain wall
a wall that is not a support beam allowing it o be altered in anyway.such an idea allowed for all glass walls and modern skyscrapers
idle wanderer – well dressed dandies – has a connotation of being well to do loungers just hanging out in cafes all day sort of thing
alla prima
layers of wet paint are applied to previous layers of wet paint
Giorgione, Pastoral Symphony, c. 1508
more idyllic image of nude women
Charles Baudelaire
o French poet
o Arguing that the Salon was really restricted to upper class
o He was very involved in class arguments
o Calls artists to reclaim painting for all the classes – paint scenes of middleclass and lowerclass
o Thinks past artists were cheating by drawing beauty out of stories and mythology. It’s easier to make up beauty than it is to extract beauty from everyday life that is all around you.