Final Flashcards
A persons attitude toward something a point of view
ex. Americans view china as an economic competitor
Way of life of a group of people who share beliefs and similar customs.
Ex. The Renaissance created
Interest and culture in Europe. Life was described through writing, paintings and sculptures, (also religion)
The way a person acts especially towards others
Ex. Russians show public affection for greetings. Family and good friends will hug and kiss each other on the cheek
How people view themselves fact of being who or what a person or thing is
Ex. The Chinese identify themselves as Asians and that the people living in China live under communist-based government. Identity can be viewed through religion characteristics& location
Needs-or necessities to life
Wants: are desires you can live without
Ex.chinese needs people to farm the rice terrace in order to supply the people and distribute rice to other countries
Wants: the Chinese want their people to publicly succeed to show how stronger nation is
Specific days time measured in hours and minutes or an era. Of time
Ex and 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean to the Americas
The process of going from one stage to another
Ex: in Africa ranching laws have been set that have brought species from their near extinction change in Africa to move towards a positive future
Role is what you do and society. Status is what you are your rank in society
Ex: role: the pope governing over the roman Catholics
Status: the caste system is a social ranking in the Indian society
Argument between two or more things something getting in the way ex: fight, battle, war between the French Revolution, World War II
Call that family and generations pass them
Ex. Chines new year when family went to their natural homes
Laws are made by governments and must be followed. Rules are selected by institutions and should be followed
Ex: obeying the 10 commandments
Rules: not obeying school rules
Inter dependence
Both sides rely On each other to succeed
Ex: triangular slave trade
Common good
Good for most people
: speed limits to create a safer highway system
What you are allowed to do God-given rights
Ex: Freedom of speech amendments allow the people their rights
The authority over people and things
Ex: China rulers governing over the countries people
The way things are set up
Ex: three branches of government, police force, central South America has soldiers to set order
What’s around you physically and culturally
Ex: rural farming in China
The role of the people that are in power in society
Ex: ancient Incas
Process in which country is ruled by ,passes law to keep order society
Ex:3 distinct branches , England – Monarch parliamentary
How far you can go
Ex: president can only served two terms
How people move from one place to another
Ex: The railroads being built
The way information is shared
Ex: telegraph and codes used in Civil War to help get information from one place to another
People who join together for a common reason
Ex: the nazi group joined together to kill Jews
Or Jen
Or something starts or begins
Ex: the origin of printing press , Buddhism
Someone or something that causes someone or something to change
getting punished for you they have done
Ex: going against a country’s laws and getting persecuted
God-given rights ability to do anything you want
Ex: USA give citizens the right to freedom of doing what they want
The quality
Where everyone is treated the same
Ex: the 19th amendment: black people have the same rights as white people do
Rights and responsibilities of being in a society
-ex: the right to exercise your citizenship and vote for government officials
How it runs; terms and conditions
Supply:what you do have , demand:what you don’t have but need
Ex.the cotton gin .
The way they economic system is ran
Ex: free-market system, socialist system, government centrals