Final Flashcards
How accurate are honesty/integrity test
About 85%
The three main company is to provide honesty tests are
- Reid psychological systems in Chicago
- Stanton Corporation …Charlotte North Carolina
- London House in Chicago
What the APA say after their study of the validity of honesty/integrity tests?
The preponderance of the evidence supports the notion that some of the test work
- very popular in Europe
- growing in the US… About 3000 firms admit using it… The validity is yet to be challenged in court… ACLU has an “open invitation” to sue a company using graphology, but no one has seen yet because of the double-blind
How many personality traits does a graphology test measure
Genetic screening-GINA
- Passed unanimously in 2008 by President Bush
- it prevents insurance companies from discriminating through reduced coverage or pricing… And prohibits employers from making adverse employment decisions based on a person’s genetic code
- Under GINA the EEOC definition of “genetic information” includes information about an individual family medical history
1) EMIT(enzyme multiplied immunoassay test)
- an expensive $10-$15… Most often used Follow false-positive’s due to OTC drugs etc.… Often used as a preliminary test and two part process
2) GC mass spec: expensive but highly accurate
* limitations of urinalysis methods: false positives through improper handling procedures; determines presence of drugs but nothing concerning amount, frequency, recency, or impairment level*
a. Temperature of urine: taken w/in 4 minutes of collection; allowable ranges 90.5–90 9.8°F
b. Quantity of urine: at least 60 mL
c. Gender of collection site Monitor: directly observed sample must be person of same gender as the donor except California can’t be observed
d. “Chain of custody”… A paper trail of receipts to know who handled the urine sample from time of collection, transfer to testing facility, and back to potential employer
Hair analysis
a. Determines frequency, time, and amount of use
b. Less intrusive
c. Drugs imbedded in hair provide a drug use history
d. Cheating is nearly impossible
e. Somewhat expensive; $50 and up
F. Unable to detect immediate or even recent usage/impairment
g. About 2% or less of Fortune 500 firms use are I a H… Often the firm wants to know what drug you were on last night you crash our car, which RIAH is not good at detecting
When do you drug test
1-part of a pre-employment physical
2-regular or annual physical
3-reasonable suspicion e.g. you rest a company car
*** not “random” because courts have ruled that the tests are often not “random”… The younger people or minorities or tattooed employees or body piercing please or whatever get tested more often. there is profiling
Definition of compensation
Monetary return paid to employees for work done… To attract retain and gain a competitive advantage and motivate (arm)
What hierarchal needs does compensation fulfill?
Recognition–safety –and physiological
Government and compensation
FLSA 1938
- minimum-wage/overtime/child labor law
- exempt versus non-exempt
- wage and hour division of department of labor enforces
- Antidiscrimination laws
- other federal and state laws: Davis – bacon, Walsh – Healy
Pay strategy/philosophy
A desired competitive pay position
Objectives of compensation
1-externally competitive
2-internally equitable
3-individual pay
Externally competitive
- similar jobs and other companies
- pay survey
- establishes pay level
Internally equitable
- different job/same company
- Job evaluation
- establish pay structure
Individual pay
- Same job/same company
- merit/seniority/lifestyle/appearance
- pay check!
Pay surveys
- variables: job titles/industries/geographic distance
- sources: professional associations/journals/Bureau of Labor Statistics/consultants/self personnel of your company
- keys to success:
a. Include brief job description
b. Guarantee a copy of results to participants either for free or reduced charge
Definition of job evaluation
Determining the relative worth of various jobs in organization to relate pay to the amount of the employees job contributes to organizational effectiveness
Methods of job eval
2-classification system (I.e, GS System)
3-factor system (most complex)
4- points system (most widely used)
5-hay plan( 3-factors; know-how/problem solving/accountability
6-skills based pay:aka competency based comp
7-Market based: ignores internal equity,let mkt dictate salaries.
Pay security
- Guaranteed annual wage salary (rare is US)
- Supplementary unemployment benefits (SUB)
- SEVERANCE PAY: ex one weeks pay for each year employed.
- employment contract “golden parachutes) <–top management
- seniority: most common security for those without a contract
Compensation compression
Very little pay difference based on seniority.
Will workforce chest on hours if you take them off the clock ?
No most work more hours if not punching the clock.
Growth of benefits
1929: 3% of payroll exp.
1949: 16% of payroll exp
2012: 40%+ of payroll expense
Objectives of benefits
Societal: literacy/sex ed/child care/eldercare/pensions/etc.
organizational: a rested and satisfied workforce.
Social Security
-disability benefits(1957)
-death benefits…nominal 255…burial expense
-survivors benefits(1940)
-Health insurance benefits (Medicare-1965) LBJ
Supplemental Income