Final Flashcards
- Around how many OT verses state god is absolutely numerically 1
3000 +
- Where must all revelation about God start, why must it start there, and where is that source?
If were fallen we need revelation from God-all revelation starts with Gods self revelation. The bible is the source of revelation
- What is the faulty approach or “lens” that trinitarians bring to the NT and what does it bring to the OT revelation of God?
3rd/4th century—>NT—>destroy OT
- What is the better approach or lens that oneness people bring to the NT and what does if do to the later philosophy?
- How do our approaches to the OT reveal our conscious and unconscious attitude to gods revelation?
Plural majesty, prophetic foreknowledge of the son, talking to angels, or counseling with His own will.
- Explain how Gen 1:26 is not about the the trinity
Subject of gen 1:27
- How do you explain the God or Elohim in Gen 1:1 is not a proof of the trinity?
Singular modifier
- When Elohim is used by god what is it always accompanied by?
Singular masculine pronoun
- If Elohim is used on more than one false god what is it always accompanied by?
Plural modifier
- When scripture says Moses, Samuel, and all the individual judges of israel are called Elohim what does this prove regarding God?
If Moses isn’t a trinity, neither can God be
- How does the inspired NT translation of the inspired OT verses calling god Elohim prove that god is absolutely one?
When you translate into Greek-theos is singular
- What are the two things represented in Dan 7 and Rev 5?
Represents the humanity and deity - there’s no trinity
- How of you prove rev 5 is not about persons in a so called trinity?
Where’s the third person? No Trinitarian says Jesus will be called a lion and will be a slain lamb standing with 7 eyes and 7 horns
- How does the bible show in another passage dan 7 and rev 5 are not separate persons?
It shows the son of man and the ancient of days blended together in the person of Christ
- Explain why Is 6:3 repeating holy holy holy is not proof of trinity
There’s no superlative in Hebrew-so they use repetition for emphasis