Final Flashcards
Define puberty
Process that leads to sexual maturity or fertility.
Includes Adrenarche and Gonadarche
Ages 6-9. Maturing of the adrenal glands and production of androgens.
The period in which sex organs mature. Girls: ovaries/ estrogen. Boys: testes/ testosterone.
Define adolescence
The passage from childhood to adulthood .
Primary sex characteristics
Characteristics associated with the development of organs and structures of the body that directly related to reproduction
Primary sex characteristics for girls
ovary, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina.
Primary sex characteristics for boys
Testicles, penis, scrotum.
Secondary sex characteristics
Visible signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involved the sex organs.
Secondary sex characteristics for girls.
Breasts and the pelvic bone.
Secondary sex characteristics for boys
Broad shoulders and facial hair.
Sign of sexual maturity
Spermarche and menarche
First ejavulation or wet dream. About age 13
First period. About age 12.5
What are the two most common eating disorders?
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia
anorexia nervosa
where individuals, usually girls, refused to eat, while denying that their behavior and appearance or out of the ordinary.
characterized by binges on large quantities of food, followed by purges of the food through vomiting or using laxatives.
Leading cause of death for adolescent
vehicular accident, firearms, suicide.
Leading cause of death for young adults
accident, AIDS, cancer, murder, heart disease, suicide.
Leading cause of death for middle adults
heart disease
leading cause of death for late adults
old age
Piaget’s formal operations
Stage during which people develop the ability to think abstractly. Involves using logic, reasoning, theories, and conclusions.
Imaginary audience
An adolescents belief that their own behavior is a primary focus of others attention and concerns
Personal fable
The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one
Erikson’s stages for adolescents
Identity vs identity confusion stage:
The period during which teenagers seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves
Erikson stage for young adults
Intimacy versus isolation stage:
The period of post adolescence into the early thirties that focuses on developing close, intimate relationships with others.
Erikson stage for middle adulthood
Generativity versus stagnation stage:
Consider their contributions to their families and society or don’t care
Erikson stage for late adulthood
Ego integrity vs despair stage:
Characterized by a process of looking back over one’s life, evaluating it, and coming to terms with it.
Groups of 2-12 people whose members have frequent social interactions with one another.
Larger groups than cliques, composed of individuals who share a particular characteristics but who may not interact with one another
What is the age with the strongest muscular strength?
Early adulthood.