Final Flashcards
Plates of Brass
Brought by Lehi and his family from Jerusalem; contain (1) 5 books of Moses, (2) record of the Jews down to Zedekiah, (3) prophecies of the holy prophets, including Isaiah and other biblical and non biblical prophets, (4) genealogy of Lehi’s family. [1 Nephi 5: 11-14]
Plates of Ether
History of the Jaredites on 24 gold plates, which was discovered by King Limhi’s people. This record was abridged by Moroni, who inserted comments and placed the record with the general history under the title of “Book of Ether.” [Brief Explanation About the Book of Mormon]
Plates of Mormon
Consist of an abridgment by Mormon of the large plates of Nephi, with commentaries, plus a continuation by Mormon and Moroni; translated by Joseph Smith [Brief Explanation About the Book of Mormon].
Small Plates of Nephi
Devoted to the spiritual matters and the ministry and teachings of the prophets. Mormon included these plates with his record. These plates do not contain any commentaries by Mormon. These plates were translated by Joseph Smith. [Brief Explanation About the Book of Mormon]
Large Plates of Nephi
Contain a secular history of the peoples concerned. From the times of Mosiah, these plates also included items of major spiritual importance. [Brief Explanation About the Book of Mormon]
THE Doctrine of Christ
The first principles and ordinances of the gospel, namely faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. The resurrected Savior taught this doctrine to His disciples on the first day of His visit to the Americas. [Student Manual, page 301]
Temporal Death
(1) Result of Adam’s transgression, (2) separation of body and spirit, (3) overcome by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (4) ALL mankind will be resurrected [Student Manual, page 284].
Spiritual Death
(1) result of Adam’s transgression, (2) to be cast out of God’s presence, (3) overcome by the atonement of Jesus Christ, (4) ALL mankind will return to God’s presence to be judged. [Student Manual, page 284]
Second Death
Result of unrepentant personal sin; men and women reject Jesus Christ and refuse to repent; after a man is judged, he is cast out of God’s presence FOREVER; these are the sons of perdition. (D&C 76:37) [Helaman 14:8, Student Manual, page 284].
Infinite, as in “Infinite Atonement”
The atonement of Jesus Christ has no limits-no beginning or end (time), affects all of His creations which are endless, no limit to His sufferings for our pain and afflictions and temptations of every kind, endless mercy. [Student Manual, page 229].
The act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other.
A term taken from the Plates of Ether, which by interpretation is “a honey bee.” [Ether 2:3]
A term taken from the Large Plates of Nephi, which being interpreted is “the holy stand.” [Alma 31:21]
Describes certain elements that go to form the refined and spiritual character, and all of which will be present whenever that character exists in its perfection. Rather than being isolated statements, the Beatitudes are interrelated and progressive in nature. [Student Manual, page 303].
Transfigured Beings
Persons who are temporarily changed in appearance and nature so that they can endure the presence and glory of heavenly beings. [Student Manual page 339]