Final Flashcards
Hormone release may be controlled by which of the following factors?
Blood level of a hormone
Nervous stimuli
Blood level of glucose
Blood level of an ion-like potassium
Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion of
ADH - Antidiaretic hormone
Growth hormone does all of the following
promotes bone growth
is glucose sparing
promotes muscle growth
promotes amino acid uptake by cells
Which of the following is a known effect of thyroid hormone on peripheral tissues?
increased oxygen consumption
increased sensitivity to adrenergic stimulation
increased heart rate
increased body temperature
Mental and physical sluggishness and low body temperature may be signs of
The C cells of the thyroid gland produce
The parathyroid glands produce a hormone that
increases the level of calcium ions in the blood
The zona fasciculata of the suprarenal cortex produces
A hormone that promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver is
glucagon [cortisol]
The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is
The interstitial cells of the testes produce
The hormone that opposes the release of FSH in both males and females is
Menstruation is triggered by a drop in the levels of
Which of the following is not an action of estrogen?
stimulate bone growth
maintains accessory reproductive organs
mimics the symptoms of menopause
initiates repair of the endometrium
maintains female secondary sex characteristics
mimics symptoms of menopause
Secondary sexual characteristics…
May develop in response to testosterone
May develop in response to estrogen
The functional unit of the urinary system is the
T/F: A pressure gradient for filtration is created as the afferent arteriole is of larger diameter than the efferent arteriole within renal corpuscle?
Filtrate contains all of the following except Water Erythrocytes Glucose Urea
Which stage of urine formation involves 99% of the filtrate moving back into blood?
T/F: Aldosterone has an effect on increasing sodium reabsorption in the nephron which causes water retention thereby increasing blood pressure.
Most reabsorption of filtrate takes place at the
proximal convoluted tubule
Excess H+ ions are deposited in to the urine during which stage of urine formation?
Urine is primarily composed of
What is the formula for net filtration pressure?
T/F: Changes in net filtration pressure affects GFR, filtration stops if GBHP drops functions normally with mean arterial pressures 80 - 180
How does air enter the respiratory ‘tree’?
Primary bronchi > secondary bronchi > bronchioles > terminal broncioles > respiratory bronchioles > alveolar ducts > alveoli
A function of type 2 alveolar cells is to
produce surfactant
What are the principal muscles of inspiration?
diaphragm and external intercostals
T/F: Boyles Law states: If the size of a closed container increases, the pressure within the closed container decreases; if the size of a closed container decreases, the pressure within the closed container increases
When the pressure in the lungs is greater than atmospheric pressure, —- occurs
What is the volume of air present in the lungs after forceful respiration?
Residual volume
Carbon dioxide is transported by which mechanism?
combined to hemoglobin
T/F: If blood carbon dioxide levels increase, then blood pH will decrease
T/F: External Respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood capillaries and tissues
False (Internal Respiration)
The tidal volume is the
volume of air moved in and out of the lungs in a single quiet breath
During swallowing, the nasal cavity is closed off by the soft palate and the…
The process of mastication results in
mechanical mixing of food with saliva and shaping of food into a bolus
The regular contractions of the muscularis that push food through the entire gastrointestinal tract are know as
The salivary enzyme amylase functions to digest
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach changes pepsinogen into — for the breakdown of —
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach changes pepsinogen into pepsin for the breakdown of proteins
Intrinsic factor secreted by parietal cells of the stomach is required for
absorption of vitamin B12
Gastric emptying is stimulated by all of the following except: distention of the stomach gastrin CCK partially digested proteins the vagus nerve
The intestinal enzyme that functions to digest fat is
The pancrease, perfectly capable of digesting itself, functions as:
Both an endocrine and an exocrine gland
Which of the following has the lowest pH: saliva gastric juice pancreatic juice bile intestinal juice
gastric juice (most acidic)