Final Flashcards
Plaster vs. fiberglass splints
Plaster is:
- Easier to mold but more thermogenic - skin burns
- More absorbent - exudates
- Longer to harden - 10 min & fully by 8h
- Hardens fully w/in 1-2h
- More expensive
- Require protective gowns due to resin
Indications of casts
- Tx of simple nondisplaced Fx
- Immobilize closed reduction of joints & Fx
- Tx severe sprains & strains
- Tx congenital deformities
- Manage chronic foot & ankle conditions
Contraindications to casts
- Before 3-4 days of injury (compartment syndrome)
2. Concealing infection
Complications of casts
- Cast dermatitis
- Pressure sores - ulcers
- Nerve injury
- Transient muscle atrophy & joint stiffness
- Compartment syndrome
When would you splint the ankle in equines position?
Tx achilles tendonitis
Every other time - keep at 90 degrees
Thumb spica splint
- Scaphoid Fx
2. DeQuervian’s
Ulnar gutter splint
Fx of 4th/5th metacarpals/digits
Volar wrist spint
- Metacarpal Fx
- Soft tissue injury
- Carpal tunnel
UE sugar-tong splint
- Distal radial (Colles)
2. Ulnar Fx
Short leg posterior splint
- Tibia injury
- Fibula injury
- Jones Fx
Lower leg sugar tong “stirrup” splint
Posterior ankle injuries
Indications for arthrocentesis
- Removal of post traumatic/non-traumatic knee effusion - relief of pain
- R/o suspicious Dx
- Need for fluid analysis (GS, culture, cell counts, crystal analysis, PCR)
Contraindications for arthrocentesis
- Burns, infected tissue
- Prosthetic joints - needs referral
- Hemarthrosis when underlying coagulopathy has not been corrected
Complications for arthrocentesis
- Bleeding, infection, cartilage damage, fluid reaccumulation
- Injury to neurovascular structures
- Allergic rxns to meds
For bursal aspiration also:
- Development of a chronic sinus tract - especially when bursa connects to the joint
- Spreading RA to the bursa
Where is the best site to aspirate a knee?
Max extension - lateral approach
Space medially btwn the femoral condyles & behind the patella
Indications for joint ejections
- Arthropathies
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis
- Plantar fasciitis
- RA
- Ganglion cysts
- Trigger points
- Carpal tunnel
- Neuromas
Contraindications to joint injections
- Prosthetics
- Tumors
- Infections
- Neuro conditions
- Bleeding issues
What is the most accessible bursa?
What is a Hills-Sachs lesion?
Posteriolateral humeral head Fx
What is a Bankhart lesion?
Fx or tear of the glenoid ligament or bone
Pt presents w/ paresthesias associated with a shoulder dislocation..what should you suspect?
Axillary nerve damage
How do you reduce a shoulder dislocation?
- Stimson technique/Milch maneuver
- Kocher maneuver
- Hippocratic maneuver
Conscious sedation w/ Fentanyl & Midazolam
Velpeau sling
Old people move at 3wks, young 6 wks
Vigorous motion old people 6 wks, young 3 mo
Stimson technique
Shoulder reduction
Pt prone, arm hanging with 5-15lb wt, traction w/ rotation
Doesn’t work w/ adhesive capsulitis
Kocher maneuver
Shoulder reduction
Slow external rotation w/ a downward traction
Hippocratic maneuver
Shoulder reduction
Longitudinal traction w/ contralateral pulling to reduce humeral head
Which type of finger dislocations might need open reductions?
MCP dorsal dislocations
How to reduce PIP dislocations?
Digital lidocaine block
Axial traction & flexion
Full extension splint for 6 wks
DIP? Same but splint in flexion for 2-4wks
MC MCP joint dislocation?
Contraindications to abscess drainage
- 4 or more
- Facial furuncles from nose bridge to corners of the mouth
- Perianal abscesses w/ rectal extension
What should you suspect if Pt has abscesses in axilla & groin?
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Multiple recurrences - Need surgery
Tx mastitis
Warm compresses, continue breast feeding
abx - Dicloxacillin, Bactrim
Not responding? US to r/o abscess
MC organisms causing abscesses
Tx - I&D + Keflex +/- Bactrim
Allergic? Clindamycin or Doxy
Refractory? Tigecycline
Concerning anatomic locations for draining abscesses
- Peritonsillar/retropharyngeal
- Ant. triangle of neck
- Supraclavicular fossa
- Deep axillary
- AC space
- Groin
- Popliteal space
When to give abx after draining abscess?
1. >5mm PLUS 2. Cellulitis 3. Comorbidities 4. FB penetrating wounds/bites