Final Flashcards
To Teleion
To teach
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Prophecy and tongues were intended for who?
rules for speaking in tongues
- Let there be 2 or at the most 3
- Speak in turn
- Let one interpret
- If no interpretation, keep silent, and talk to himself and God
Rules for prophets
- let two or three prophets speak and let the others judge
- If anything is revealed to another Who sits by, let the first keep silent
- Prophesy one by one
Define the Gospel as Paul did in chapter 15
Death burial resurrection ascension
Describe the two purposes of Paul’s fundraising efforts for the saints in Jerusalem
To aid the poor saints in Jerusalem and to bring unity between the Jews and Gentiles
What was the major abuse of the Lord’s supper at Corinth
They weren’t waiting on each other
Write out the argument of “reduction to the absurd” Paul uses in Chapter 15
- No resurrection, Christ hasn’t risen
- If crossed hasn’t risen that are preaching is empty and your faith is also empty
- We are false witnesses of God because we say God raised up Christ
- If the dead do not raise Christ is not risen
- If Christ is not risen your faith is futile and you are still in your own sins
- Those who have died and crossed have perished
- If we have hope in Christ only in this life we are of all men most pitiable
Explain “baptism of the dead”
The Corinthians were being baptized in preparation to be reunited with dead loved ones
The series of events that leads to the writing of second Corinthians
Paul writes first Corinthians
Paul makes an emergency visit at the report from Timothy
Paul is subject of a hurtful attack
Paul writes a severe letter
Paul’s sends Titus with the letter and brings back good report back that the man who Paul had been disciplined by the church
Paul wrote second cor to express relief that the church is done the right thing it punishing the sinful man
Chapter 12 and 14 are about what?
Spiritual gifts and spiritual people
What gift did the Corinthians desire to have?
Speaking in tongues
How is the book of 1 cor broken up?
1-6 unity 7-16 answering Stephanus questions
What word did Paul use to address a question from Stephanus
Now concerning
To the Jews the cross was
A stumbling block
To the Gentiles the cross was
Jews were always looking for
Gentiles or Greeks were always searching