Final Flashcards
Children Age 1-3
Toddler Characteristics
- defined by rapid increase in gross and fine motor skills
- increase in dependence, exploration of environment, and language skills
Preschool Aged Children
Children age 3-5
Preschool characteristics
- increased autonomy
- experimenting with broader social circumstances (attending preschool, staying w friend/relatives)
- increased language skills
- increase ability to control behavior (self control)
Toddler Growth & Development
- gain 3.5 lb/year
- 1 cm in heigh/month
Preschoolers Growth & development
- gain 4.4 lb/year
- grow 2.75 in (7 cm)/year
Measuring Toddlers <2 years old
- weighed w/o clothes or diapers
- recumbent length
Measuring children >2 years old
- weighed w/ light clothing
- measure stature with no shoes
Problems measuring & plotting growth data
- error in measuring may result in errors in health status assessment
- use of calibrated equipment & plotting accuracy are vital
Toddlers Cognitive Development
–> a time of expanding physical and developmental skills
–> walking begins as a “Toddle” improving in balance & ability
–> progress by month
- 15: crawl upstairs
- 18: run stiffly
- 24: walk up stairs
- 30:alternate feet going up stairs
- 36: ride tricycle
–> toddlers orbit around parents
–> transition from self centered to more interactive –> Vocab Words
- 10-75 words: 18 months
- 100 words: 20 months
3 word sentences: 3 years
Toddler Feeding Skills
- gross & fine motor development improved
- 9-10 months: weaning bottle begins
- 12-14: completely weaned
- refined pincer
- 18-24: able to use tongue to clean lips & developed rotary chewing
- adult supervision to prevent choking
Feeding Behaviors of Toddlers
- rituals in feeding are common
- may have strong preferences + dislikes
- food jags common
- serve new foods w familiar foods + when child is hungry
- toddlers imitate parents + older siblings
- slowing growth results in decrease appetite
- toddler sized portions: 1 TBS/year of age
- nutrient- dense snacks needed but avoid grazing on sugary foods that limit appetite for basic foods at meals.
Preschool Age: Cognitive Development
- egocentric: cannot accept anothers point of view
- learning to set limits for himself
- cooperate + organized group play
- vocab expands to >2000 words
- begins using complete sentences
Preschool Age: Feeding Skills
- can use fork, spoon, and cup
- spills occur less frequently
- foods should be cut into bite sized pieces
- adult supervision still required
Preschool Age: Feeding Behaviors
- Appetite related to growth
- appetite increased prior to “spurts” of growth
- include child in meal selection and preparation
Ways to include child in meal prep
- take them to farmers markets
- have them decide what goes into salad
- let children select and help prepare wholegrain side dish
- help shop, clean, peel, cut up fruits and veg
- learning tower
- gardening & toddlers
What tastes do children prefer
sweet and slightly salty tastes
- reject sour and bitter
- like energy dense foods w/ lots of sugar
(Eat familiar foods
May need 8–10 exposures to new foods before acceptance
Food intake related to parent’s preferences)
Why do children like sweet food
preference may develop because kids associated eating energy dense foods w/ pleasant feelings + satiety, or because these types of foods associated w special occasions (birthday parties)
Appetite & Food intake of Preschool-age Children
- may prefer familiar foods
- serve child-silzed portions
- make foods attrcative
- strong-flavored or spicy foods may not be accepted
- control amount eaten between meals to ensure appetite for basic foods
Temperament Differences
“Easy”—adapts to regular schedules & accepts new foods
“Difficult”—slow to adapt and may be negative to new foods, may need to give more exposures, be patient
“Slow-to-warm-up”—slow adaptability, negative to new foods but can learn to accept new foods
“Intermediate low” to “intermediate high” – a mixture of behaviors
Temperament Theory
Child’s temperaments affect feeding and mealtime behavior. The “goodness of fit” between the temperaments of the child and the parent or caretaker can influence feeding and eating experiences. A mismatch can result in conflict over eating and food. Parents need to be aware of child’s temp when attempting to feed. (difficult or slow to warm child may need to be gradually exposed to new foods, and not hurried for him to accept them)
Appetite and Satiety
Consumption of foods high in sugar and/or fat before meals decreases intake of basic foods
Offering large portions increases food intake and may promote obesity
Restriction of palatable foods increases preference for the foods
Parents Child Feeding Relationship
Parent or caretaker responsibilities:
“What” children are offered to eat
The environment in which food is served including “when” & “where” foods are offered
Child’s responsibilities:
“How much” they eat
“Whether” they eat a particular meal or snack
Practical Applications of Child-Feeding Research
- Parents should respond appropriately to children’s hunger and satiety signals
- parents should focus on the long term goal of developing healthy self-controls of eating & look beyond concerns of composition & quantity of foods children consume of fears that children may eat too much and become overweight
- dont attach contingencies”no dessert until you finish your broccoli” and coercive practices “clean your plate, kids are starving”
- dont severely restrict Junk foods- only makes them more desirable.
Common Nutrition Problems (Toddlers and Preschool)
Iron-deficiency anemia Dental caries Constipation Lead poisoning Food security Food safety
Middle Childhood definition
Middle childhood—between the ages of 5 and 10 years
can be termed “school age”
Preadolescence definition
Preadolescence—ages 9 to 11 years for girls; ages 10 to 12 years for boys. can be termed “school age”
Iron Deficiency Anemia:
Seen in 7% of toddlers
May cause delays in cognitive development and behavioral disturbances
Diagnosed by hematocrit and/or hemoglobin concentration
Preventing Iron-def anemia
Preventing Iron Deficiency:
Nutrition-Limit milk consumption to 24 oz/d since milk is a poor source of iron
Infants at risk should be tested at 9 to 12 months, 6 months later, and annually from ages 2 to 5
Intervention for Iron Defi
Intervention for Iron Deficiency
Iron supplements
Counseling with parents
Repeat screening
Dental Caries
Prevalence: 1 in 5 children ages 2 to 4 Causes: Bedtime bottle with juice or milk Streptococcus mutans Sticky carbohydrate foods Prevention: Fluoride—supplemental amounts vary by age & fluoride content of water supply
Definition: Hard, dry stools associated with painful bowel movements
Causes: “Stool holding” and diet kids will poop in the corner and hide it.
Prevention: Adequate fiber