Final Flashcards
Edgar Schein’s Onion Model
- artifacts: behaviors and other visible
- values: represent what “ought” to happen
- assumptions: core assumptions about how the world works
- seen as onion bc interconnected levels & layered
Excellent Cultures Peter & Waterman
Provide prescriptions for managerial practice
- Bias for action
- close relations to the customer
- entrepreneurship
NASA case study, how did assumptions contribute to disaster
Reliance on past success and evolution of informal chain of command of decision making that operated outside the organization’s rules
Describe Critical Theory
- Certain societal structures lead to fundamental imbalances of power
- These imbalances of power lead to alienation and oppression for certain social classes and groups
- The role of critical theorists is to explore and uncover these imbalances and bring them to the attention of the oppressed groups, and emancipation is then possible
Taken-for-granted assumptions about reality that influence perceptions of situation and events
Refers to a process in which a dominant group leads another group to accept subordination as the norm
Liberation of people from restrictive ideologies and power relations that inhibit opportunities for autonomy
-Idea that inferior group should take a stand and get out from under the control of the group that is suppressing them and their input–the goal of critical theorists
Unitary frame of reference
Focused on organizational goals. Conflict is seen as rare and negative, and the use of power is a natural way of managing people
Pluralist frame of reference
Organization consists of many groups with divergent interests. Conflict is seen as positive and a natural way of life
Radical frame of reference
Organizations are viewed as a battleground where rival forces strive for the achievement of largely incompatible ends. Conflict and power are viewed as class struggles in society.
Disciplined bodies
Women faced a dilemma of how to dress and behave in the workplace. They were to wear dresses and skirts but not give too firm of a handshake and not appear too emotional
Case study critical theory
Girl doing strip-o-grams to pay her way through college and her brother bad bc objectifying, but she says everyone is benefiting
Newcomer information seeking tactics
- Overt questions: asking direct questions of information targets
- Indirect questions: asking interrogative questions or by hinting
Four stages of Assimilation
- a. Vocational anticipatory stage (career choice)
- family, friends, education, media, job - b. Organizational anticipatory stage (organization choice)
- organizational literature, interpersonal communication with interviewers, employees - Organizational encounter
- organizational management: one-way, written, informing newcomer (contract)
- supervisor: interpersonal expectations performance
- coworkers: informative, supportive, normative, job performance - Metamorphosis
- organizational management: one-way, sense of identification & commitment to organization
- supervisor: negotiation of newcomers roles
- coworkers: less reliant, increase sharing in opinion, more conflict - Exit
- with drawl: communication avoidance, emphasize difference between leaver and stayer, leaver prepares stayer for departure
- consequences: stayers consider leaving, time communicating rules, norms, etc.
Job Interview Video Assimilation
- answer the question 2. be honest
How can a person disagree ethically
- focus on the idea not the person
- express your disagreement
- base your disagreement of evidence and reasoning
Phase of organization conflict that best relates to me
Felt conflict: conflict is personalized by focus being placed on the conflict issue and planning conflict management strategies
Burnout Symptoms & Strategies
Symptoms: Environmental factors such as workload and life events
Strategies: problem-centered coping, directly dealing with problems and emotion-centered coping, dealing with the negative outcomes of burnout
Two suggestions by happiness at work handout
- Smile at your coworkers and peers
- Stay away from pity parties
Videos emotion: time-management
- Keep you envionrment clean
- Make a to do list
- avoid distractions
President’s Blog
He said that “if we’re as white as we are now in 10 years from now then we will have failed as a university. Need to diversify
How would human relations theorist view diversity
-80% said global talent will be a priority in the coming years
Advantages for organizations that diversity
- Problem-solving: diversity produces better choice through different perspectives for a more critical analysis of issues
- Creativity: diversity of perspectives and less emphasis on conformity to the norms of the past
Three challenges that face organization as the workplace diversifies
Sexual harassment: is a display of power, and men and women view sexual harassment differently. Dealing with the issue will not be a simple and straightforward task as the standpoints of men and woman may lead to different conclusions
Balancing work and home: children, who is the caretaker
Avoiding negative impacts of diversity management programs: stigmitization, people who benefit are seen as incompetent
-self-view of competence: the people who benefit views their competence, can impact work behavior and communication
Glass ceiling
The unnoticeable because it is so ingrained in society but unbreakable barrier that prevents women and minorities from moving up in the management hierarchy.
Affirmative Action
To remedy discrimination and increase the representation of designated disadvantaged groups, namely women and ethnic minorities
Case study diversity
Maria felt like she was expected to be the perfect cultural role model, she helped with after school social support programs, but some teachers felt that she was receiving special treatment for getting an hour of plan and a computer for home use.
Rich media
Communication channels that have: availability of instant feedback, natural language, for example face to face
Conflicting and multiple interpretations of an issue. Managers choose media that matches the ambiguity of a message. When dealing with highly ambiguous tasks, use rich communication medium (face-to-face) but when dealing with low ambiguity managers use a lean communication medium (memo or flyer)
Video diversity:
How diversity impacts business today: global economy, globalization, better decisions better innovation better performance
The office: They are having diversity training, Dwight talking with Pam who has “Asain” on head and says you would be bad at driving and Dwight says awh no I’m a woman
2 forces that have contributed to an increase in globalization
- Technological forces: skype, internet
- Economic forces: can employ cheap labor and make the most money
2 explanations to why we are living in the age of the disposable worker
- Competitive organizational environment
- The Global Economy
- Implications: less job satisfaction, feel less connected, higher turnover
How inform management to develop a more supportive workplace climate for employees with disAbilites
-Recognizing, endorsing, and supporting the individuals rather than defining people by their disability. Make sure not to see them as incapable
How does disAbility article relate to 2 concepts from a specific chapter
- Can relate to an organizations culture. Sheins onion model and if an organization assumes that people with disAbilites are incompetent then the entire culture will be difficult to work in
- Organization cultures are complex. It described how many language choices are sensitive and complex, just like organizations
Bullying Panel
Young workers experience abuse more frequently than older workers. Obstruction more frequently and physical abuse less frequently for both groups. Young workers experienced more verbal abuse than old workers. Older workers made internal reports where young workers quit
-Online support communities and how they deal with bullying
Surveillance via social networking
Facebook, linked in, identify your career goals and how you want to be perceived by organizations
Very little privacy rights on companies computers