Final- 19-24 Flashcards
Judgment seat or tribunal of a Roman official.
The view that believers in Christ are freed from all moral obligations whatsoever.
Racial Jewish Christians who opposed Paul by saying Christians must still follow Jewish law.
North Galatian Theory
The view that Paul wrote Galatians to churches founded on his second missionary journey in north-Central Asia Minor.
South Galatian Theory
View that Paul wrote the letter of Galatians to churches in southernAsia Minor prior to Jerusalem council.
Theologian crucial
“Theology of the cross”- a way to understand a gospel that focuses on the weakness, suffering, and death involved in enduring and conquering through faith in Christ.
Theologia Gloriae
Theology of glory- the gospel that views Christ primarily as a means of self-betterment, the way to success. Etc.
Via dolorosa
Way of suffering- the oak Jesus walked through Jerusalem on his way to Golgotha. Reminder that true glory comes through suffering.
Roman administrative officials chose. Annually by a league of cities in the province of Asia. Wealthy.
A blend of Christian, Jewish, and Greek ideas. Taught salvation through special knowledge.
Via Egnatia
A major east-west commercial highway of the Roman world. Very important to Philippi.
Pastoral Epistles
1&2 Timothy and Titus.
A Greek term referig to the ruler of a city.
The ultimate rejection of ones former religious belief or practice.hevrews warns against this.
Mosaic Code
The laws given by God to Moses at Mount Sinai