FInal Flashcards
what is Attraction Similarity Theory?
aka Assortative Mating
that were attracted to ppl like us
Evidence in couples– high intelligence correlation!
Complimentry Needs Theory
opposites attract & were attracted to those whos needs compliment ours
What is the Reference Gap Effect of attraction theories with self-report?
the people were doing these studies on are super close to each other so we over-emphasize seemingly small differences
What did they find using Facebook to analyze personality types?
the Big Five traits had a much higher correlation than Self-reports
do partners have similar personaluty traits?
what are the most valued traits in a partner for men? Women?
Whats similar and whats different
- mutual attraction
- dependable
- emotional stability
- pleasing disposition
but, they banch for the last few being
5. health 6. intelligence 7. social
5. intelligence 6. social 7. health
evolutionary basis?
which traits predict future relationship quality and conflict?
PEM- positive emotionality
NEM- negative emotionality
CON- constraint (self-control)
PEM = high for quality rel
NEM= neg quality rel, high for constraint
CON= correlation quality, neg correlation constraint
What did emotional conflict show in divorce studies
what is the “good marriage” ratio for interactions
they predicted divorce at 85% accuracy
disagreement doesn’t mean dissatisfied, but dissatisfied -> more neg affect
its how you argue, not how often
(1 is enough to wipe pos effects of pos interactions)
positive 5:1 negative
what are the most sexually attractive emotional expressions? What are the least?
in men: happiness is least attractive, pride is most attractive
In Women, happiness is the most attractive, pride is the least
Shame = mutually attractive
what are the 4 factors in preducting divorce?
- criticism vs complaint – global statements of negativity (criticisms) are blaming VS specific statements of negativity (complaint)
- contempt: insult mockery, sarcasm, incompetent
- Defensiveness: denial, counter-blame, rationalizing behaviour
- stonewalling: no vocalizations (mhmm), no head nods, little gaze (85% male)
what is the difference between mens and womens negative affetc?
men experience a more physiological reaction, but also experience lower levels of negative affect than women do (emotionally)
who express ideas that Males and Females are genetically different in abilities (science- M, care-F)
Summers, Damore, Pinker
Who expressed concern for self-fulfilling prophecy if genetic differences on abilities made known
Spelke was concerned with socialization problems for chidleren
what are the gender differences in math and science from the USA between 1980’s and now
13:1 performance ratio for men to women, now only 3:1
what was found in analyzing women’s math performance and what were the conditions
control (just the test)- 2nd best
Stereotype Threat- 3rd
Told abt Genetic dif in ability - last
environment dif – BEST
stereotype threat and genetic conditions performed worst
control and environmental conditions performed best
which emotion is linked highest to Criminal Convictions?
When is it most apparent?
very high correlations by age 8, esp higher for boys
compare and contrast boys and girls emotions at age 2 and older
age 2 there is no dif, after age 2…
men: higher aggression, hgiher crie, higher delinquecy, 10x more likely to commit murder, mroe likely to be victim of murder
women: more neg emotions, higher empathy (intensity and frequency)
TV and Aggression
steady increase for both genders with tv frequency and seriousness of criminal activity
Women consistently have much lower levels, but the same trend
what are the gendered trends in HOW people show aggression? (grade 3-6)
similar levels of aggression but reversed conditions.
Girls show high relational agression muchlike how boys show overt aggression, and both show lower levels of the other condition (overt for girls, and relational for giys is low)
Self esteem and gender
men have consistently higher self-esteem but follow the same trend acorss the lifespan as women
Decline 9-23 (girls steeper drop than boys), steady incerawse to 70y.o then drops
why do girls show a steeper self-esteem decline than boys?
societal standards, exposure to unattainable beauty standards (girls ideal is much further from average than boys)– large gender dif
what conditions contributed to the decrease in women’s self-esteem
exposure to American TV in Fiji because of their thin body ideals
led to increased eating disorders in adolescents and lower body image