FINAL Flashcards
- also known as “Spirit Bear” & “The Cannon”
- Roman copy
- 440 BCE
- made of marble (og in bronze)
- controposto (leg/hip shift)
- idealized proportions
Terracotta Fragments
- Solomon Islands
- Lapita people
- 1000 BCE
- designed grammar
- cultures had influence on others
Apollo 11 Stones
- also called “Animal Facing Left”
- Africa
- 2500 BCE
- feline type animal, with human-ish
Grave-marker of Hegeso
- Athens
- 400 BCE
- her feet are off the ground
- she is important because she is larger and has a servant
Temple of Hatshepsut
- New Kingdom (not a pyramid)
- Egypt
- Limestone & Granite
- was built to honor the god Amun
- ensure that Hatshepsut’s life story was told and to assert her power
Standing Worshipers
- Sumerian (made of cones, stylized beards)
- 2700 BCE
Standard of Ur
- Sumerian
- 2600 BCE
- 8in / 1ft
- left is war, chariots and violence
- right is peace, banquet
- lapis lazuli, Ivory
- Hierarchy of Scale
Seated Scribe
- Old Kingdom
Nefertiti and 3 Daughters
- New Kingdom
- Tut’s Parents
- Made of stone
- Greece
- 240 arches
- royal Arena
Hamurabi’s Code
- Greysalt
- Babylonian
- Diving right to rule from God’s
Etruscan Temple
- Temple of Minerva, with Apollo
- Deep front porch
- Neo-Babylonian
Book of the Dead
- Egyptian bible
- Part from the last judgment
- New Kingdom
- Onubus is on the chair
House of Pompeii
- Bathhouse
Anavious Scoursous
- Archaic
- Gravemarker
- He’s alive because of his smile
Winged Victory
- Goddess Nike
- Hellenistic (Dramatic)
- Temple of Athena
- Head and arms are gone
- In a fountain, in breeze on the ocean
Anthropomorphic Stele
- 4000 BCE
- Saudi Arabia
- Limestone
- Gravemarker
Pallet of King Narmar
- Predynastic
- Represents hierarchy
- Represents unification of states
Lascaux (Hall of Bulls)
- 14,000 BCE
- Hellenistic
- Temple of Zeus
- Battle of Giants
- Athena in the middle
Camelid Sacrum
- Mexico
- Sacrum bone
- Bone is located near reproductive organs
Niobe Pottery
- Greek
- Shows a horizon line/perspective
- Copy of Greek paintings
Trajum’s Forum
- Big courtyard
- Sarcophagus
- Roman
- Cremated the dead
- Impressively crowded
- Sanding down jade is really hard
- Form of meditation
- Represents unity
- Placed at a grave
Pylon Temple
- Like the forum
- Huge columns
- Hypo-style hall
Seated Boxer
- Greek
- Hellenistic
- Not a rich person but heroic
Running Horned Woman
- Algeria
- 6000 BCE
- Painted on rock
- Could be a goddess
- She’s important because she is big, and has horns
- Mexico
- Terracotta
- Fertility
- Emphasized hips
- Idea of duality
White Temple of Uruk
- Get in from the top, gods would float down to them
- Temple = waiting rooms
The 3 Pyramids
- Kafrah, Kufu, and
- Egypt
- England
- Made of bluestone
- Represents the astrological calendar
- Summer Solstice/Midsommar
- Place of worship
- Multiple cultures came together to make it
- Italy
- Dedicated church to all religions
- Made of concrete