final Flashcards
spanning tree
A subset of edges of a graph that connects all the vertices without forming a cycle
a spanning tree with the smallest possible total edge weight
Generic-MST Algorithm
An algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree by adding safe edges iteratively
safe edge
An edge that can be added to the current tree without violating its properties as part of an MST
a partition of the vertices of a graph into two disjoint subsets
light edge
the smallest weight edge crossing a given cut
edge replacement
The process of adding and removing edges to maintain a spanning tree structure
Prim’s Algorithm
A greedy algorithm that grows an MST starting from an arbitrary vertex
Kruskal’s Algorithm
A greedy algorithm that builds an MST by sorting edges and adding them while avoiding cycles
Union-Find Data Structure
A data structure that efficiently supports union and find operations for disjoint sets
Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP)
The problem of finding the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices
The process of updating an estimate of the shortest path in shortest-path algorithms
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
An algorithm for solving the SSSP problem on graphs with non-negative weights
Fibonacci Heaps
A data structure used to improve the running time of algorithms like Prim’s and Dijkstra’s
Flow Network
A directed graph with a capacity assigned to each edge, used to model flow problems
(s, t)-Flow
A function that represents the flow of material from source s to sink t under capacity and conservation constraints