Final Flashcards
The study of behavior and mental processes
Psychoanalytic Perspective
the unconscious part of the mind that has thoughts, memories, and desires that lie outside personal awareness
Behaviorist Psychology
the belief that the scientific investigation of psychology should be focused only on the behavior you can see
Humanistic Psychology
stresses a person’s capacity for personal growth, freedom to choose his or hers destiny and positive qualities
Cognitive Psychology
focused on the important role of mental processes in how people process information develop language, solve problems, and thinking
Positive Psychology
the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive
Correlational Research
when two variables are related, a change in one is accompanied by a change in the other, with correlation coefficients, of -1.00 to +1.00
Independent Variable
is manipulated
Dependent Variable
is observed and measured
Evolutionary Psychology
reproduction of the fittest
branching fibers located on cell body that receives info from other neurons
single, slender fiber extending from the cell body carrying outgoing messages to other neurons, muscles, or glands in the form of neural impulses
group of axons bundled together that carry info to a specific area
Myelin Sheath
layer of fatty cells that insulates certain axons and speeds up the transmission of neural impulse
Neural Impulse
is an electrical charge that travels down the axon neural to fire
Action Potential
electrically charged impulse alllows the neuron to communicate with other neurons, treshold
once a chemical impulse reaches a certain level of intensity (threshold) it fires and moves down the axon w/o losing intensity
Sympathetic Nervous System
arouses you (nervous for test, “fight or flight”
Parasympathetic Nervous System
calms you, I need to calm down
regulates heartbeat, breathing, and swallowing. and coughing
Reticular Formation
regulates sleep/wake cycle, main source of the neurotransmitter serotonin-important for food and activity levels
brain’s telephone operator directs messages to the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla
helps direct eating, drinking, sex, body temperature, and blood chemistry (lighting, fleeing, and fornication)
part of the limbic system that controls emotions such as aggression and fear
studies effects of psychological and other factors on the immune system
process of receiving raw sensory info and sending it to the brain
Process of selecting, organizing, and making sense of sensory info
Absolute Threshold
minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus
Signal Detection Theory
usually defined as the stimulus needed for detection 50% of the time when stimuli are detectable below 50% of the time they are subliminal
predicts how and when for faint stimulus
depends on experience, expectations, motivation, and level of fatigue
relatively permanent change in behavior or mental processes caused by experience
process of learning associations between stimuli and behavioral responses
Classical Conditioning
process of learning associations between stimuli and behavioral responses
Operant Conditioning
a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if following a response, which increase repeated
adding or taking away a stimulus following a response which increases the likelihood of the response being repeated
the adding or taking away of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of that response being repeated
fixed ratio
reinforces a fixed number of responses (ex: doing 20 sit-ups to keep fit)
variable ratio
provides reinforcement after an unpredictable number of responses (ex: vending machine and fishing)
Fixed interval
reinforce behavior after a fixed period of time (ex: paycheck)
variable interval
reinforce the behavior after an unpredictable period of time (ex: pop quiz and drug test)
Latent Learning
cognitive learnning, the process in which learning takes place, but there is no demonstration of that knowledge until a reward is present
observational learning
bandura, much of human behavior is learned observational through the modeling of others
the constructive process actively organizes and shapes info
1. Encoding, storage, retrieval
2. Three-Stage Model
explicit memory
memory of facts and experiences (hippocampus)
implicit memory
retention of motor and cognitive skills (cerebellum)
Forgetting Curve
a rapid initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter
Proactive Interference
disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new info
Retroactive Interference
disruptive effect of new learning on recall of old info
Long Term Potentiation
long-lasting increases in neural excitability
can’t form new memories
can’t remember things before amnesia
step-by-step procedure for solving a problem that guarantees a solution
shortcut to solving a problem, speeder, more error-prone, unware, rule of thumb strategy- allows us to make judgements