FINAL Flashcards
What is the purpose of the eye?
collect light + focus light onto the retina
- visible spectrum = 400-750 nm (purple to red)
What are the main functional components of the eye and what is their purpose?
- cornea: does most of the focusing
- pupil: controls how much light goes in
- lens: shape modified by ciliary fiber contraction: changing shape = “accommodation” –> allows fine focus
- rounding increase focal power + enables viewing of near objects - fovea: pit/focus point in the center of the macula of the retina where light is focused; high cone density –> high spatial contrast detection at the center of gaze
- retina: part of the CNS; composed of light detecting cells (photoreceptors) and other neurons
What are the common vision abnormalities?
- myopia (nearsightedness): light focuses in front of the retina
- hyperopia (farsightedness): light focuses behind the retina
- astigmatism: light does not focus and causes distorted vision
Explain the pupillary response.
Dilation: sympathetic
- relaxes ciliary muscles
Constriction: parasympathetic
- contracts ciliary muscles
Control of the pupils in the two eyes is “yoked” = work together, only one needs to be stimulated
What are the structures and functions of the main cells in the retina?
- Photoreceptors: rods (low light), cones (brighter light, color)
- send signals to ganglion cells which carry light responses deeper into the brain - Interneurons: horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells modify retinal response
- Pigment epithelium prevents light from bouncing around inside the eye
What are receptive fields?
portion of the retina innervated by a single ganglion cell
receptive fields are much larger for individual ganglion cells in the retina periphery than at the fovea (more rods/cones innervated by 1 ganglion)
What happens to photoreceptors in response to dark?
rods: depolarized, high transmitter release (glutamate)
- high cGMP concentration keeps nonselective cation channel open
What happens to photoreceptors in response to light?
rods: hyperpolarized, low transmitter release (glutamate)
- low cGMP concentration closes cation channel
Explain the visual transduction pathway.
- Rhodopsin = GPCR with retinal embedded in the membrane of PRs; cis-trans isomerization when it absorbs a photon
- Activates the G-protein called transducin (GαT); changes GDP to GTP; separates from βγ subunits
- Transducin activates phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzymes which converts cGMP to GMP
- cGMP levels drop, CNG channels close, reducing Ca2+/Na+ influx; hyperpolarizing membrane
- guanylyl cyclase generates cGMP from GTP opening channels in the dark; inhibited by Ca2+; controls adaptation
What is the basis of color vision?
differences in the primary structure of opsins
- Short cones: violet
- Medium cones: yellow-green
- Long cones: yellow-red
How are images formed from retinal signals?
- visual field is split left-right in nerves from each eye
- contralateral visual fields are sent to each half of the cortex (nasal); cross at optic chiasm
- temporal halves are ipsilateral
- relay signals to LGN of the thalamus
- V1 combines signals from both eyes
- Visutopic maps in the brain correspond to a specific spot in the retina to maintain spatial organization of the visual field
Olfaction facts
uses 350 olfactory receptors to detect various odors located on olfactory receptor cells (specialized neurons in the nasal cavity)
- each detects specific group of odor molecules
Different cells in the nasal cavity?
- olfactory-binding proteins: facilitate diffusion
- olfactory receptor cells: transducers; only expresses single type of receptor
- support cells: produce mucus
- basal cells: stem-cells that differentiate into new receptor cells
What is the cellular mechanism of odor sensation?
- odorant molecules bind to olfactory receptors (GPCR) in the nasal cavity
- produces cAMP which opens nonselective cation channels (Na+/Ca2+), Cl- channels open, depolarizes
- all receptors of the same type project to the same glomerulus in the olfactory bulb
- mitral cells receive input from glomerulus and relay signals through the olfactory tract
each odorant activates different subset of glomeruli
What are the features of hair cells? What is the mechanism of transduction?
- located in the inner ear and exposed to endolymph and perilymph
- cilia oriented in specific directions to detect mechanical stimuli
- transduction mechanism: cilia motion (caused by sound vibrations or fluid movement)
positive mechanical deformation: to the right (kinocilium) opens K+ channels, depolarization, opens V-gated Ca2+ channels, vesicle fusion and NT release
negative mechanical deformation: to the left closes K+ channels, hyperpolarization
mechanosensitive channels exhibit K+ leak into the cell to allow for electrical response to movement
What is the anatomy of the ear?
outer ear: pinna and ear canal collect sound
middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes convert transmission medium from air to fluid
inner ear: cochlea converts sound pressure into electrical (neural) signals; vestibular system for balance
How does the middle ear transform air into fluid?
- tympanic membrane moves inward pushed by compression of a sound wave
- pushes malleus (longer) into incus
- pushes fluid inward
- tympanic membrane pulled by the rarefaction phase of a sound wave
- pulls malleus + incus back
- pulls fluid out
How are inner hair cells stimulated by a drop of pressure in the outer ear?
- Air pressure wave travels down ear canal; rarefaction portion of pressure wave strikes
tympanic membrane causes movement of malleus, incus and stapes to pull oval window
outward - Pressure drops in scala vestibuli (below scala tympani) round window moves inward
- Basilar membrane bows upward
- Outer hair cells deflect toward longer stereocilia
- Transduction channels open in outer hair cells (Organ of Corti) and depolarize cells
- Outer hair cells contract (shorten), amplifying movement
of basilar membrane - Endolymph flows out of the inner sulcus
- Inner hair cells move toward longer stereocilia and open transduction channels, depolarizes inner hair cells
- Depolarization opens calcium channels and causes glutamate release from inner hair cells
What is the anatomy of the vestibular system and its functions?
maintains balance; part of the inner ear
saccule and utricle detect linear acceleration, gravity, and head position based on the movements of stereocilia stuck in otolithic membrane
- saccule = vertical movement
- utricle = horizontal movement
hair cells oriented oppositely = push-pull (active/inhibit)
- positioned to cover all angles
3 semi-circular canals detect head rotation (angular acc) through fluid movement that bends hair cells
- ampulla at base of each canal have hair cells that are oriented in the same direction
What are the general features of sensory systems?
- sensory cells detect a stimulus and convert it into a receptor potential (voltage change)
- amplification
- NT release to convey signal to neurons
- adaptation to adjust sensitivity based on stimulus intensity/duration
Describe sensory field and its importance in touch sensation.
the “region” of stimulus space that can stimulate a sensory neuron
- smaller allow for greater spatial resolution (fingers)
- larger allow for general detection (back)
- overlapping fields enhance touch sensitivity
Describe the design of sensory neurons.
unipolar neurons with cell bodies in a peripheral ganglion (i.e. dorsal root ganglion)
- have rapidly adapting, intermediate adapting, and slow adapting responses to mechanical stimuli
2 projections: one to sensory receptors in tissues; other connect to spinal cord
- nerve endings contain ion channels that respond to mechanical stimuli by opening cation channels
What is the difference between rapidly adapting and slowly adapting receptors?
RA: detect transient stimuli (higher frequency vibrations)
SA: detect sustained stimuli (constant pressure); prolonged firing for duration of stimulus
What is the role of Piezo2 and TRP channels in mechanoreception?
Piezo2: channels detect mechanical force, triggering receptor potentials in touch-sensitive cells
TRP channels: nonselective cation channels that respond to specific stimuli like pressure, temperature, or chemicals
What are the different mechanoreceptors in the skin?
depth, size, and branching affect function
- hair follicle nerve endings: slowly or rapidly adapting; deformation of hair
- Merkel cells: fine touch and texture; slow adapting
- Meissner’s corpuscles: light touch; rapidly adapting, small receptive fields
- Free nerve endings: intermediate adapting, temperature and pain
- Ruffini endings (deep): skin stretch; slow adapting
- Pacini’s corpuscles (deepest) : 20-80 layers of lamelli; deep pressure and vibrations; rapidly adapting; big receptive fields
How is temperature sensed in the body?
single sensory neurons respond to cold or heat, but not both; not uniformly distributed
thermoreceptors (TRP) on the bare nerve endings of temperature-sensitive neurons found in hypothalamus and skin
- TRPV1-4 sense heat (#1 is capsaicin receptor spicy)
- fires within certain T range
- TRPM8 senses cold (menthol receptor)
firing rate based on temperature and duration of exposure
What is proprioception?
information about where parts of the body are located and effort being employed by muscles via mechanoreceptors
2 sensors = Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) in the tendon for force (series) and muscle spindle inside muscle for length and rate of stretch (parallel) – adjust sensitivity
What is the spinal reflex circuit and the relay pathway to the cortex?
knee-jerk response (simple motor reflex)
tapping patellar tendon–> stretch quad muscle –> muscle spindle detects –> sensory neuron–> spinal cord–> motor neuron to contract quad to counter initial stretch, inhibits MN in flexor muscle
sensory neuron–> spinal cord–> brainstem–> thalamus–> sensory cortex
How do different fiber types carry sensory information?
Aalpha: largest diameter, myelinated, fastest conduction velocity
- proprioception; motor neurons to skeletal muscle
Abeta: second largest diameter, myelinated, fast conduction velocity, touch and pressure
- sensory afferents from mechnoreceptors
Adelta: small diameter, thin myelin, slow conduction velocity
- sensory afferents from sharp pain and temperature
C: smallest diameter, no myelin, slowest conduction velocity
- sensory afferent from dull pain, temperature, and itch
How is sensory information organized in the cortex?
pathway: arm–> spinal cord–> medulla–> pons–> midbrain–> thalamus–> postcentral gyrus
body areas map to specific cortical regions; primary somatosensory cortex (S1) processes touch, pressure, and proprioception
- larger cortical areas are devoted to regions requiring fine discrimination (hands/lips)
What are the 5 main types of taste sensation and how are taste buds organized?
sweet (sugar), sour (H+), salty (Na+), bitter, umami (MSG, protein)
taste buds are clusters of receptor cells (50-150) on the tongue’s papillae
signals from taste cells are sent to the brain via cranial nerves
What is the mechanism by which salt stimulates NT release? Sour? Sweet/umami/bitter?
- Na+ enter taste cells via ENaC
- Depolarizes cell
- AP opens ATP channel
- ATP release signal to gustatory nerve to brain
- H+ enters the cell
- blocks K+ channel
- depolarization
- Na+ channels open, Ca2+ channels open
- tastant binds to GPCR
- internal Ca2+ release from ER
- opens TRPM5 channel (K out, Na in)
- depolarization (Na+ channels open, Ca2+ channels open)
- release of ATP
Use partial pressure and Henry’s Law to describe O2 and CO2 concentrations in body fluids.
Px = Fx * Ptot
-Px: partial pressure of gas
- Fx: fraction in air
- Ptot: total pressure of has mixture (atmospheric, 760 mmHg)
Henry’s Law: concentration of O2 dissolved = s * PO2
O2 diffuses from high partial pressure (alveoli) to low (blood; CO2 diffuses in the opposite direction
Describe the branching anatomy of the lungs and the functional differences of airways by generation.
lungs branch in generations (levels of branching)
conducting zone: generations 0-16; trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, no gas exchange
Respiratory zone: generations 17+; alveolar ducts/sacs; gas exchange
branching increases surface area
What does a spirometer measure?
Measures lung volumes
- Tidal volume: air moved in/out during normal breathing
- Residual volume: air remaining after maximum exhalation
- Inspiratory reserve volume: air forcefully inhaled after normal tidal inhale
- Expiratory reserve volume: air forcefully exhaled after normal tidal exhale
- IC: max amount of air inhale = TV + IRV
- FRC: volume of air remaining in lungs after normal expiration
- Vital capacity: max exhale after max inhale = TV+IRV+ERV
- TLC: max amount of air in the lungs after max inspiration = TV + IRV + ERV + RV
What is the role of intrapleural pressure, elastic recoil of the lung, and elastic recoil of the chest wall?
intrapleural pressure: negative pressure between the lung and chest wall keeps the lungs inflated
lungs want to collapse, chest wall want to expand; opposing elastic recoils balance each other
Describe the static mechanics of the lung in terms of a pressure-volume diagram.
Ptp = Pa - Pip
transplural pressure (inflation/deflation of lung) = alveolar pressure (amount of flow) - intrapleural pressure
inspiration: Pip becomes more negative, transiently making Pa negative, drawing air into lungs
expiration: Pip becomes less negative, transiently making Pa more positive, pushing air out of lungs
hysteresis: difference between inspiration and expiration due to surface tension
- very small in tidal breathing
How does surface tension affect lung mechanics? What is the role of surfactant?
surface tension collapses alveoli, increasing the effort needed to inflate the lungs
surfactant has hydrophobic tails that pull it upward and decrease the density of H2O molecules–> reduces surface tension, prevents alveolar collapse, and lowers the work of breathing
deficiency in pre-term babies
How does lung compliance change in lung fibrosis or emphysema and why?
compliance is slope of volume pressure graph
fibrosis: decreased compliance, stiffer lungs; scar tissue reduces elasticity
emphysema: increased compliance, floppy lungs; alveolar wall destruction, airways collapse
What is pH and what is the range in the human body?
pH = -log[H+]
normal body: 7.4
strong acid: completely dissociates
weak acid~buffer keeps pH stable
What is the Henderson-Hasselbach equation?
pH = pKa + log([HCO₃⁻]/[CO₂])
pH = 6.1 + log ([HCO₃⁻]/0.03 X PCO2)
- increase PCO2, lowers pH
- increase HCO3- (buffer), increases pH