FINAL Flashcards
final exam prep
a critical turning point perceived as intolerable difficulty that overwhelms an individual’s coping mechanism
personal, family, cultural
levels of crisis
stressful, disorganized, potential for positive/negative outcomes
characteristics of crisis
developmental, traumatic, psychiatric
types of crisis
a deeply distressing or disturbing experience with long-term effects such as flashbacks and emotional dysregulation
interpersonal, relational, cultural
types of trauma
shame, guilt, loss of self, compulsive repetition
common impacts of trauma
re-experiencing traumatic events as disturbing present experiences, not just memories.
reliving, avoidance, hyperarousal, cognitive changes
symptoms of PTSD
a formal intervention process to help individuals cope with traumatic events
critical incident stress management (CISM)
listen, assess, plan, commit
LAPC model
what is the purpose of the LAPC model?
used to guide immediate crisis intervention
caplan’s intervention model
primary, secondary, tertiary
minimizing impact
addressing long-term effects