final Flashcards
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Palpitation, cough and panting, shortness of breath, fatigue, and symptoms worse with exertion. There are also may have chest oppression, copious thin sputum, pale facial complexion, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, weak and low voice. A pale tongue with white coating, and deep and weak pulse
Heart and Lung Qi Xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Palpitation, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbs sleep; poor appetite, abdominal bloating and loose stool, fatigue; dizziness, subcutaneous bleeding, light and scanty menstruation bleeding, spotting or prolong menstruation bleeding, pale tender tongue, and a thready and weak pulse
Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
palpitations, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep; dry eyes, blurry vision, dry and withered nails, numbness or spasms of extremities; irritability, dizziness, tinnitus, pale facial complexion, light and scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, a pale tongue with white coating, and a thready and weak pulse
Key points: palpitations, poor memory, numbness, irritability, plus blood deficiency pattern signs and symptoms.
heart and liver blood xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
palpitations, edema on the face and lower extremities, scanty or difficult urination, fear of cold, cold limbs, physical and mental fatigue, sleepiness, dark and dim facial complexion and purplish lips, pale and purple tongue, a white slippery tongue coating, and a deep, faint and thready pulse
- Key points: palpitations, edema, plus yang deficiency symptoms.
heart and kidney yang xu
disharmony bw heart and kidney
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical Manifestation: fever that is higher during the night and mild during the day, insomnia, restless, canker sores, dry mouth, thirst and preference for cold drink, scanty dark urine with burning pain, deep red tongue; and a forceful and rapid pulse
* Key points: canker sores, fever, burning and painful urination
heart fire pouring downwards
heart fire transmission into small intestine
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: chronic cough or asthma with profuse sputum, feeble voice, dislike of speaking, shortness of breath, general fatigue; poor appetite, abdominal bloating and distention, loose stools; pale complexion, and a deficient pulse. Edema is seen in severe cases.
- Key Points: poor appetite, loose stools, cough, asthma and shortness of breath, accompanied by general qi deficiency symptoms
spleen and lung qi xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestations: pale complexion, cold limbs and body, SOB, lassitude, lower back and knee ache and weakness, or lower abdominal cold pain, chronic loose stools or early morning diarrhea, watery stool with undigested food, edema, and difficult urination. Other signs include: a pale and tender tongue, with white slippery coating, and a deep, weak and slow pulse.
- Key points: edema, loose stools, abdominal or lower abdominal pain which is relieved by warmth, and accompanied by general deficiency cold symptoms
spleen and kidney yang xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestations: poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, belching, hiccup, epigastria pain, bloating and distention, diarrhea, loose stools, or constipation; a thick greasy tongue coating, and a slippery pulse
- Key points: poor appetite, nausea, belching, irregular bowel movements, general gastro- intestines symptoms, etc.
disharmony bw spleen and stomach
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: dry cough with little or no sputum, and sputum may contains blood, hoarse voice, weakness and achy on lower back and knees, malar flush, night sweating, tidal or low grade fever, fatigue, nocturnal emission, five center heat sensation, insomnia, scanty urination, and constipation. Tongue is red with little or no coating, pulse is thread and rapid.
- Key Points: cough with scanty sputum, low back or lower extremities weak and ache, accompany with yin deficiency symptoms
lung and kidney yin xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: dizziness or vertigo, blurry vision, tinnitus, poor memory, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, hypochondriac pain, knee and lower back aching and weakness, five center heat sensation, night sweating, hectic fever. Spermtorrhea in male, and scanty and short menstruation for female. A red tongue or crack tongue, with scanty coating, a thin and wiry pulse
- Key Points: Weakness of the low back and knee, hypochondriac pain tinnitus, dizziness, seminal emission plus deficiency heat symptoms
liver and kidney yin xu
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: Distention and pain in abdominal and hypochondriac area, sigh frequently, depression, irritability, easily anger, poor appetite, bloating, loose stool with incomplete feeling, or rumbling sound in intestine, gas, or abdominal pain and diarrhea, pain will relieve after diarrhea, or watery stool. White tongue coating, wiry or weak pulse
- Key Points: distension and pain the hypochondriac region, abdominal pain and intestinal rumbling, irregular bowl movement (irritability bowl syndrome) poor appetite, etc..
Liver qi stag with Spleen qi xu
(wood overacting)
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: distention, and pain in epigastria and hypochondriac area, belching, hiccup, nausea or even vomiting, acid regurgitation, depression, irritability, sigh, poor appetite. Thin white or thin yellow coating, and wiry, slight rapid pulse
- Key Points: distending pain in hypochondriac and abdominal region, with hiccup or belching
liver and stomach disharmony (stagnation)
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: hypochondria burning pain, irritability, easily anger, dizziness, distention headaches, red face and eye, bitter taste in the mouth, paroxysmal cough, or even cough with blood, scanty yellow sticky sputum, a red tongue with thin yellow coating, and wiry and rapid pulse.
- Key points: cough, or cough with blood, burning pain sensation in the chest or hypochondria region, irritability and easy angry, accompany with internal excess heat symptoms.
liver fire attacking the lung pattern
(liver fire with lung qi rebellion)
Name the Zang Fu Pattern:
Clinical manifestation: alternative chill and fever, distention pain in hypochondriac region; bitter taste in the mouth, thirst without large fluid intake, nausea, poor appetite, alternately constipated or loose stool, yellowish urine, body and eyes jaundiced, abdominal distention, fever, vaginal discharge or itching; scrotum itching or swollen. A yellow greasy tongue coating, and a wiry and rapid pulse.
- Key points: hypochondriac distension, poor appetite, abdominal bloating, yellow skin and eyes, itching in genital area, accompany with damp heat symptoms
Damp-heat in Liver and GB pattern
(yang jaundice)
8 Principle Pattern:
acute onset, mild symptoms, short course and easy to be cured
Symptoms and signs: aversion to cold (chills) and fever, headache, nasal congestion and running nose, cough, body ache, normal tongue with white or slight yellow coating, and a superficial pulse.
Key point: Chills and fever, superficial pulse
Exterior Pattern
8 Principle Pattern:
mild chills
high fever
sore throat!!!
thin white or thin yellow tongue coat
superficial and rapid pulse
maybe red tongue
exterior heat
8 Principle Pattern:
severe chills
mild fever
yes sweat = deficiency
no sweat = excess
no sore throat
thin white tongue coat
superficial and tight pulse
general body aches
exterior cold
8 Principle Pattern:
exterior excess vs exterior deficiency
- sweating and superficial, MODERATE pulse
- no sweating, superficial and TIGHT pulse
- ext xu
- ext shi
8 Principle Pattern:
chronic, gradually onset, long course. Deeper located, symptoms are more severe and complicated, and most related with zhang-fu organs.
Symptoms and signs: fever OR chills, thirst and desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, abdominal distention and pain, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, delirium, etc., a red, or crimson, blue, purple tongue with yellow greasy, or gray tongue coating, and a deep pulse.
interior pattern
8 Principle Pattern:
aversion to cold, or afraid (intolerance) of cold, preference for warmth, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst, pale face, cold limbs, lying with the body curled up, loose stool, copious clear urine, pale tongue with white moist coating, slow or tight pulse.
cold pattern
(results from exopathogenic cold or interior yang xu)
8 Principle Pattern:
excess cold vs deficiency cold:
1) dislike/aversion to cold, abd pain worse with pressure, diarrhea with borborygmus, thick white coat, slow and tight pulse
2) afraid of cold, abd pain relieved by pressure, morning diarrhea, thin white coat/no coat, slow and weak or deep pulse
1 = excess
2 = deficiency
8 Principle Pattern:
external cold vs internal cold:
1) acute, slight fever, aversion to cold (not relieved by covering up), normal tongue/thin white coat, superficial and tight pulse
2) chronic, no fever, afraid of cold (relieved when covered up), pale with thick moist white coating, deep slow and weak or tight pulse
1 = external
2 = internal
8 Principle Pattern:
fever, aversion to heat, thirst and desire to drink cold water, red face and eyes, irritability, restlessness, constipation, yellow brown and scanty urine, red tongue with yellow dry coating, rapid pulse.
heat pattern ( exogenous or yin xu)
8 Principle Pattern:
excess heat vs deficiency heat:
1) high fever, thirst with desire for cold drinks, whole face red, daytime sweat, whole body feels hot, red with thick/greasy/yellow coat, rapid forceful pulse.
2) low grade fever, malar flush, thirst with desire for warm drinks, night time sweating, 5 center heat, red with little/no coating, rapid and thready pulse
1 = excess
2= deficient
8 Principle Pattern:
due to body’s function hypoactive. These include physical and mentally fatigue, pale facial color, emaciated and weak bodily form, palpitation, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating or night sweating, loose stool, a pale and tender tongue, and a deficiency, thin and forceless pulse.
8 Principle Pattern:
symptoms and signs due to body’s functions hyper active. These include excitation or vexation and agitation, strong and rough breath, loud voice, distention and fullness of the chest, pain which resistant to pressure, constipation with hard stool, painful urinary or dribbling or inhibited urination. A rough tongue and an excess and forceful pulse
8 Principle Pattern:
profuse warm and sticky sweating, feverishness of the body surface, irritability, aversion to heat, thirst and desire for cold drink, hasty breath, wrinkly skin, scanty urine, red face, a red dry tongue, and a rapid, thin and weak pulse
yin collapse
8 Principle Pattern:
oily cold sweating with no taste, bluish complexion, feeble breath, intolerance of cold, no thirst, prefer to drink warm water, coma, cold limbs, a moist tongue and a faint pulse.
yang collapse
8 Principle Pattern
Headache, body ache, aversion to cold, fever, cold limbs, abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea, slow pulse
cold in both the exterior and interior
8 Principle Pattern
8 Principle Pattern
Fever, mild chills, sore throat, asthma, sweating, thirst with profuse drinking, vexation, delirium, constipation, scanty urine, red prickly tongue with dry and yellow coating, rapid pulse
heat in both exterior and interior
8 Principle Pattern
Chills and fever, headache, body- ache, thirst and desire to drink, restlessness
exterior cold with interior heat
8 Principle Pattern
Fever, sweating, sore throat indigestion, loose stool, clear urine, flabby tongue with slight yellow coating
exterior heat with interior cold
8 Principle Pattern
Chills and fever, no sweating, headache, body ache, abdominal pain and distention, constipation, scanty urination, excess pulse
excess of both exterior and interior
8 Principle Pattern
Spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, dizziness, palpitation, poor appetite, loose stool, deficiency pulse
deficiency of both exterior and interior
8 Principle Pattern
Spontaneous sweating, fever, aversion to wind, abdominal distention and pain aggravated by pressing, constipation and thick coating
exterior deficiency with interior excess
8 Principle Pattern
Aversion to cold, fever, no sweating, headache, body- ache, abdominal pain relieve by pressure, poor appetite, vomiting, loose stool
exterior excess with interior deficiency
8 Principle Pattern
Foul breath, toothache, thirst with desire for cold drinking, or heat sensation in the chest, vexation, abdominal pain and relieves by warmth, loose stool, cold legs and feet, impotence, leucorrhea
heat above, cold below
8 Principle Pattern
Abdominal cold pain, nausea, vomiting with clear fluids, meanwhile, there are painful and frequency urine with burning sensation, scanty and brown color Urine
cold above and heat below
8 Principle Pattern
Epigastric focal distention, fullness and tightness with very slight or no pain, dry heaves or frank vomiting, borborygmus with diarrhea, poor appetite
heat and cold complex in the middle jiao
8 Principle Pattern
Exogenous febrile disease, high fever, sweating, constipation, red tongue and rapid and excess pulse, then appear thirst, dry mouth and desire to drink cold water which body fluids insufficient signs
deficiency within excess
8 Principle Pattern
There are broad symptoms and signs, such as 1. weak constitution patient, recurrent attacked by exopathogens 2. qi deficiency lead water retention or phlegm. accumulation
3. qi deficiency lead blood stagnation
excess within deficiency
8 Principle Pattern
Such as cough with profuse yellow stick mucus, shortness breath, fatigue, a slight red tongue with teethmark, a yellow greasy coating, and slippery and weak pulse
excess co-exist with deficiency
8 Principle Pattern
Red face, fever, thirst and a large pulse. However, further observation will reveal that red face, but it is intermittent hectic flush; although the fever and thirst, there are prefers warmth and hot drinks; although the body is hot, there is a desire to be covered; the pulse are large, but without strengthen. Simultaneously there also are cold limbs, clear urine, loose stool, a pale tender tongue, with a white moist coating, etc. cold symptoms and signs
true cold with false heat
8 Principle Pattern
feels cold, cold limbs, diarrhea, black tongue coating and deep pulse. However, feels cold, but there are no desire to warmth, but rather an aversion to heat; cold limbs, but cold feeling only occurs on feet or hands, below elbow and knees, or only cold sensation on fingers and toes, the chest area feel warm or hot; although diarrhea, but stool with fetid odor; although the pulse is deep, it is rapid and forceful. Simultaneously there is thirst, and preference for cold water, a red tongue with yellow coating, scanty and yellow urination, etc.. which are heat signs
true heat, false cold
8 Principle Pattern
fatigue, indolence of speaking, poor appetite, vertigo, loose stool, etc. but further examination of the patient will show a sonorous voice, coarse breathing, deep, slow but forceful pulse, distension and fullness in the abdomen, a red tongue with dark yellow coating
ex: patient with depression feels better after exercising
true excess with false deficiency
8 Principle Pattern
constipation, scanty urination, abdominal distention, fullness and pain, asthma, and a wiry pulse. However, the constipation with small amount of soft stool; scanty urination, but clear color; abdominal distension, fullness and pain may be improved at times, and it not rather aggravated by but relieve by pressure; asthma but with shortness of breath; the pulse is wiry, but it is also weak on heavy palpation.
true deficiency with false excess