Final Flashcards
Cimabue crucifixion
- precursor period
- one of them shows a sense of triumphant over death while his is a suffering christ
Giotto did the fresco of which church
ASSISI in the upper part of the church which had 28 scenes and depicted the life of saint Francis
One of Giottos extensive narratives
This was the kiss of judas
How did Giotto madonna differ from Chimabue
Giotto has better anatomy
Mary has breasts
- Giotto has steps and use chiaroscuro.
-Chimabue had more Byzantine style in his and Marys proportions are incorrect
What marked the beginning of the Renaissance?
1401 the competition of the baptistry doors between Brunelleschi and Ghiberti ( Ghiberti won) because his had no drama, it was graceful.
Who designed the dome from the duomo and what was the style
Italian Gothic and Brunelleschi
San Lorenzo church
- Has a latin cross with three naves
- Has an old Socrates with a smaller room that has the constellations of a certain day which has no known meaning
- where the medici sons are buried
Donatello’s crucifiction vs Brunelleschi
Donatello sculpted a farmer on the cross that lacked elegance and beauty, while Brunelleschi created a proportionate and realistic christ
Donatello’s marble David vs Saint George
The marble David was his first important work and was international style and has gothic posture while Saint George embodies classical elements and rational harmony
Donatello’s bronze David
A more younger version of David and the first nude sculpture after roman times. He made David smaller and younger to show that it was his intellectual strength that made him win ( reflects Florence)
Donatello’s Mary Madeline
Last work and one of the most famous expressions is female emotions. She has an inner vision ands she’s murmuring a prayer.
Masaccios trinity
Was his last work and referenced brunellichi along with roman architecture. Father son and Holy Spirit (as a dove) the VA is eye level. The wording on the grave is meaning your time of earth is finite and you need god to have eternal life
Brancacci Chapel
- patron was Felice Brancacci
- was in a Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria
del Carmine in Florence. - The theme of the frescoes in the little
chapel was to be the “Histories of St. Peter”. - massachio and masolino during 1423-27
- Fillipi finished it
The tribute money by Masaccio
depicts three scenes in on painting
has ordinary character in it
shading of dark and light
Jesus is the same hight as them and has human features
The temptation by masolino vs the expulsion by Masaccio
Masolino lacks expression, realness, shadows, background and controposto while Masaccio has extreme expression, movement, background and shadows
Sandro Botticelli, La Primavera (Spring), 1477-1482
It was a private commission
Venus in the center (goddess of beauty and love)
Cupid is above Venus hes blindfolded because love is blind
On the left is mercury is separating the clouds for spring
Right is flora covered in flowers and a nymph and zephyr represent carnal love
who were the people of the precursor time and when was it
Giotto and chimabue and 1200-1300
who were the people of the early renaissance
Brunillinski (architecture)
Massachio- Painting
Donatello - Sculpting
who were the people of the High renaissance
1492, Michelangelo,
Leonardo and
Who were the people of the mannerism
1527 Pontormo, Rosso, Fiorentino, Parmigianino and Bronzino (painting),
Cellini and Giambologna (sculpture),
Buontalenti (architecture)
The precursor period
13th and 14th century and marks the foundation for the early renaissance
Giorgio Vasari
Was the first art critic and wrote biographies of the famous artists and coined the term “Renaissance” (rinascita) →”rebirth”
known as the last great painter of the byzantine style and the first great painter in the pre Italian renaissance.
Early renaissance
rebirth of classical culture
rebirth of man
affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science
Started in Florence Italy
Humanism( man is the measure of all things)