Final Flashcards
Halls iceberg theory
Conceptual frame work developed by Edward T. Hall to illustrate the visible and invisible aspects of culture.
What is collectivism?
(Political theory associated with communism). The idea people should prioritize the good of society over the welfare of the individual
What are high-context cultures?
Non verbal cues, implicit meanings, shared understandings
What are low-context cultures?
Depend on direct, clear and explicit communication
Examples of high-context cultures.
China, Japan, Thailand
Examples of low context cultures.
USA, Germany, UK
What is on top of the iceberg?
Food, clothing, language, arts celebrations, rituals, music, dance (behaviors, practices)
What is below the iceberg?
Values, biases, attitudes, expectations, assumptions, ethic (perceptions, and beliefs)
High culture in communication
Implicit indirect.
Low culture in communication
Explicit, direct
High culture in relationship focus
Long-term, trust before business.
Low culture in relationship focus.
Task focused, relationships are secondary.
High culture in conflict resolution.
Indirect, aim to save “face” and avoid conflict
Low culture in conflict resolution
Direct open discussions. To resolve issues.
HofStede’s cultural dimensions theory
Theory that identifies 5 key dimensions that help explain cultures behavior-thinking and communication (how values relate to the behavior of people )
What ave HofStede’s 5 dimensions?
Power distance,uncertainty avoidance, individualism vis collectivism, femininity v.s masculinity,long term v.s short term
What is power distance
The degree to which less powerful members of a society accept and expect power to be distributed unequally
High power distance:
Hierarchies are rigid, authority is rarely challenged (Mexico, malasia)
Low power distance
Power is more evenly distributed, and subordinates can question authority (Denmark, Sweden).
Uncertainty avoidance
The extend to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and prefer strutted environments.
High uncertainty avoidance
Strong preference for rules, stability, avoiding risks. (Grece, Portugal)
Low uncertainty avoidance
Open to change, innovation and fewer rules (Singapore, Denmark )
Individualism v is collectivism.
Extend to which individuals are expected to look after themselves versus being integrated into strong, cohesive groups
People are supposed to look after themselves and their immediate family only.(USA Australia)
People belong to ingroupsor collectivities that are supposed to look after them in exchange for loyalty ( china, Indonesia)
Femininity v.s masculinity
Distribution of emotional roles between genders and the value placed on masculine and feminine traits
Success competition, achievement prioritized (Japan, Germany).
Quality of life, cooperation are valued (Nretherlands, Norway)
Long term v.s short term
The focus on future rewards through perseverance drift versus and past present and orientation, respecting traditions, and fulfilling social obligations.
Emphasis on persistence adaptability and pragmatic problem solving. Ccnina, South Korea)
Short term
Focus on quick results and respect for tradition cu.s.a, philipines)
Trompenaar’s and Hampden Turner’s cultural dimensions.
7 dimensions to explain how cultural values influence relationships and decision making
Universalism v.s particularism
Rules and laws
Universalism u.sp
Rules are applied consistently across all people
U. Us particularism
Prioritize relationships and context to apply roles.
Individualism US communitarism
Individualism U.S. C
Personal needs- rights, and achievements
I vs communitarism
Group needs loyalty, cooperation.
Neutral v.s emotional
Neutral v.s E
←emotions and feelings are controlled and not openly expressed.
N. V.s emotional
Feelings and emotions are openly expressed
Specific vs diffused
Specific v.s d
Boundary between personal and work life
S. V.s diffused
Integrates personal and work life.
Achievement v.s A scription
Achievement v.s A
Status is earned based on individual achievements, skills and performance.
A. V.s ascription
Status is based on factors like age, gender, social connections, family background
Internal v.s external
Internal v.s e
People can change environments
I v.s external
Human life is controlled by environment.
Sequential v.s synchronous time
Sequential v.s S
Linear times punctuality, schedules are rigid.
S. V.s synchronous time
Time is fluid/flexible- multitasking, adapting schedules