Final Flashcards
exercise prescription
using evidence based training strategies, effective monitoring and fundamental principles to design a training program
stimulation of biological adaptations that results in an improvement in perf. task
- attempt to change physiological tolerance
conditioning and steps
process of training to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances
- setting up a favourable enviornment
- analyze activity > analyze indiv. > develop program > monitor program > evaluate program > adjust program as needed
principles of training
- Specificity: neuromuscular activation level, movement type to specific to sports needs and energy systems
- progressive overload: increasing load, maintaining a stimulus for adaptation, avoiding non-functional overreaching/ overtraining
- variety & periodization: varying stimulus supports stimulus for adaptation, allows for multi system development, focusing on diff. aspects of training
- rest & recovery: adaptation occurs in recovery from session, must consider type of training in permitting recovery or limit adaptations
when does adaptation occur
- when the body’s homeostasis is disturbed
- needs recovery -> when you get stronger
- theres almost no such thing as overtraining: instead its almost always a problem of under-recovery
how can we measure athletes (perf. based & adapting)
performance based:
- time based tests
- distance based tests
- power output
- HR
- blood La
- O2 consumption (VO2)
- running economy
- strength
- BC
how can test results be used
- find weaknesses
- create training intensity/zone
- measure improvements
- help coach
- predict future perfomance
- pace to strengths
health benefits of PA
- prevents chronic diseases
- physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of death
what are the goals of the ACSM human movement paradigm
- minimize sedentarism
- PA guidelines: moving more (freq, int, dur)
- exercise cardioresp, flex, RE, neuromuscular systems
health related components of PA
- BC: % of fat and non fat mass
- Carioresp endurance: transport and utilization of O2
- skeletal muscle strength: produce peak force (iso, dyn, isok)
- skeletal muscle endurance: repeated submaximal force
- flexibility: mobility through ROM
FITT VP principles
F- frequency
I- intensity: internal or external, objective (units) or subjective (verbal)
T- time/duration
T- type
V- volume: kcal/week, MET - min/week
P- progression
ASCM recommendations
modes of flexibility
- static: stretch of muscles surrounding a joint that is held without movement
- dynamic: rapidly moving a muscle to stretch and relax quickly for several reps
- proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF): a muscle is isometrically contracted, relaxed, and stretched
dose- response curve
- sigmoidal shaped
- concomitant CV or orthopedic risk
exercise training sequence
- 4-5 min warm up
- aerobic sesion or resistance session
- static stretching
goal setting (and common goals)
common goals:
- improving appearance/ QOL
- managing weight
- preparing for comp
- reducing risk of chronic disease/condition
- reversing progression of disease
S- specific
M- measurable
A- attainable
R- realistic
T- timely
methods of estimating intensity of cardioresp and RE
FITT principles of cardioresp. endurance (karvonen)
F- frequency
I- intensity:
- objective: VO2, HR, caloric expenditure, mass, watts
- Karvonen: heart rate reserve (HRR) —> (HRR x desired %’s) + HR rest = target HR range
- subjective: rating perceived exertion
T- time
T - type
recommendations of resistance training
- lift through ROM unless told otherwise
- exhale during lifting and inhale during recovery
- control recovery phase
- in clinical populations:
- monitor BP before and after session
- involve same professional
- regularly assess for signs/symptoms
- train with a partner
what to know before prescribing
- training/ health objectives
- conditions
- training options/doses
- modifications of components that may change effect
- what to monitor
- SMART goals
- how to alter prescription
health goals
- evidence informed practices to improve physical or mental health, and prevent/treat/manage diseases
- start by reducing sedentary time to enhance L-mod PA
- includes motivational interviewing/ behavioural change
fitness goals
- improve function with further M-V PA
- often increases resistance training
performance goals
- depends on demands of activity/athlete, worker fitness, injury prevention, general conditioning for athletic optimizing
steps to prescribe (Rx) effectively
- use evidence based, high-yield strategies
- determine the right stimulus
- monitor the response and adaptations and compare if needed
how can prescription stimulate adaptation
structured systems of training can be designed to incorporate targeting specific physio, psych, and perf characteristics of activities
- training reps to induce automation in motor skills and develop structural and metabolic functions to increase perf
what are some ways you can modify stress in a Ex session
- intensity
- duration
- vary rest periods
- frequency
- modality/ type
what are some ways you can modify stress in a Ex training week
- training volume
- frequency
- intensity
- periodize/ create cycles
- training focus
duration and intensity relationship
- inverse relationship
- can use interval training
training intensity spectrum
- diff intensities tend to stimulate diff adaptations
- based on how the load is used at that work rate
physiologically based Ex intensity distribution
- training intensities for aerobic based Ex utilizes phsyio response to increase workload, phsyio “markers” act as anchors
training intensities: - perf based
- effort (RPE) based
- physiologically/ training component based
frequency effects
higher frequency of training may be important for risk reduction and high fitness
what is the purpose of training
- develop phsyio reserves to perf high level tasks without decay over time
- be robust enough to withstand the motor patterns need without injury
- be able to achieve a task perf
general adaptation syndrome
(stimulus recovery adaptation process)
- hans selye
chronic GAS
- stress applied at the right time and magnitude to the right targets with the right recovery
- leads to positive adaptations
types of training/adaptation responses and the goal
- acute (adjustments): functional changes occurring immediately in response to Ex —> reverts back to baseline shortly after
- chronic (adaptations): long lasting, progressive alterations to gene\
- goal: to utilize acute training sessions to show chronic adaptations to phsyio systems to improve perf
increase demands on the system
- creates stimulus for adaptation
- adaptation is specific to type of overload
protects the body from potential demands
- threshold for overload that must be surpassed to disturb homeostasis
progressive overload
adaptation will cease or be reduced of training stimulus is not progressively increased
- intensity + frequency + duration = total training volume stress
total time that the stimulus is provided over a single training session
- compared with intensity
how often an athlete trains in a given time
the amount of work per time
- ratio of athletes current power out to their maximal power output capacity
the product of intensity, duration, and frequency
rest and recovery
the period of restitution towards homeostasis that follows a training stimulus
following training the body reverts back to pre-training status
workout density
amount of time athletes is active in a workout (not counting rest) per total time of workout
training density
amount of training volume per unit time
training load
volume, intensity, density and duration of the workout and or degree of perturbation of homeostasis disturbed
how does garber et al, 2011 define overload threshold
a threshold of overload is needed to maintain or improve fitness, this is likely not a standard dose amount and is dependent on fitness status
long duration vs short duration effects
long duration (decreased intensity):
- hypoglycemia/muscle glycogen
- CT stress
- bone loading
- cardiac muscle stress
- plasma volume
- CNS fatigue
- mito. density #
- aerobic enzymes
- immune system
short duration (high intensity):
- anaerobic enzymes
- glycolysis
- muscle force (XB’s)
- bone loading
- cardiac muscle stress
- muscle buffering (H+ ions)
- NS
cumulative training effect and affects on aerobic and anaerobic systems
- changes in phsyio capabilities and level of phys/tech abilities resulting from a long lasting athletic preparation
- aerobic - endurance (mito, oxidative enzymes) = large
- anaerobic (glycolytic enzymes, PCr storage) = small
what are the fundamental rules of training
- trainability: the potential to improve in response to training (depends on age, pre-training)
- recoverability: the ability to resume work after an effort (depends on quality/quantity of rest)
residual training eftects
- proposed by B & J councilman
- the continued changes induced by systemic workloads beyond a certain time period after the ending of training
- long term and short term training residuals
what are some means
- barbells
- kettle bells
- dumbbells
- medicine ball
- run/bike/row
what are some methods
- rep temp
- rest interval
- training duration
- training volume
- intensity
- rep duration
individualization definition and steps
- modification of training to account for an athletes unique capacity to training
1. plan to the tolerance level of the athlete
2. individualize the training load
principles of training (12)
- individualization
- specificity/ transferability
- progressive overload
- rest/recovery
- variety
- celling effect
- maintenance
- periodization
- regularity
- interference
- multilateral development
- incorporating specific tasks of a sport to help induce neuromuscular and metabolic adaptations
- want to avoid monotony
specificity continuum
- manipulation of training variables
- method for modifying the overload stimulus
- prevents boredom and loss of motivation
- variation in: location, patterns, partners, means of training
progressively increasing load over time to allow for adaption
- general increases encourages sustainable adaptations
rest and recovery
withdrawal of tissue loading results in loss of beneficial fitness and perf adaptations
planned systemic/structural variation of training program over time
- constant cycling of training variables to maintain optimal training stimulus
- avoid overtraining, burnout, injury
biomotor and training adaptations across broad spectrum
celling effect
law of diminishing returns applied in training
- low initial fitness: , improves rapidly, many changes in days 10-14, VO2 max improves 25-50%
-high initial fitness: improves little, no changes in VO2 max
- prep period
- transition period
- competition period
- transition period (active rest)
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and rephosphorylation
- phosphate group held by high energy bonds
- phosphorylation
- hydrolysis
- myosin ATPase –> ADP + Pi
rephosphorylation: ADP –> ATP - energy must come from ATP-PCr, anaerobic glyc, oxid of glucose/glycogen and FA
resynthesis/ recovery of PCr
- once PCr is depleted, reaction is reversed to phosphorylze Cr (energy comes from oxidative pathways)
ATP-PCr (high energy phosphate system)
- [ATP] in resting muscles is low
- muscles have larger reserve of PCr
- PCr provides energy buffer to maintain [ATP] in intense Ex
anaerobic glycolysis
- breakdown of muscle glycogen
- net gain of 3 ATP/glycogen
aerobic glycolysis
- occurs in mitochondria
- oxidation of pyruvate or FA
- process removal of H+ (oxidation) then reunits e- with H+ and combine with O2, to form H2O
- only occurs with O2 and maximal rate is limited by rate of O2 delivery
- krebs cycle, Citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle (within inner mem. —> ETC)
- oxidative enzymes
glycolytic pathway (glycolysis) steps and end product
end products:
- low intensity Ex: via lactate dehydrogenase turns into lactic acid
- high intensity Ex: pyruvate enters aerobic metabolism
which systems are used for high power, power and short duration, endurance training
which system is used for explosive events (<2 sec) and its limits
- phosphagen system
limits d/t creatine kinase rxn, depleted PCr reserve, slow CK activity d/t low pH
which system is used for maximal efforts (12-15 sec) and its limits
- phosphagen system and glycolytic pathways
limits d/t rate of glycolytic enzymes (phosphorylase, PFK, LDH), substrate/enzyme [ ]
which system is used for sustained spriniting (max effort over 15-60 sec) and its limits
- anaerobic glycolysis
limits d/t [PCr] - longer duration of up to 60 sec also use aerobic
which system is used for middle distance (up to 6 min) and its limits
- both aerobic and anaerobic
- uses max O2 intake, max [La-] for 3 min or longer
limits d/t enzymes, fatigue tolerance, O2 availability
which system is used for endurance events (up to 40 min) and its limits
- aerobic and support from anaerobic
- almost all ATP produced via oxidative means
limits d/t max aerobic capacity, anaerobic threshold, efficiency/economy
which system is used for long distance (several hours) and its limits
- aerobic with supply form CHO and fats
limits d/t substrate depletion
metabolic limitations of endurance training and types of training
- continuous training: 65-85% Vo2 max, 30-60 min
- interval training: 90-100% Vo2 max, 1-4 min
1. substrate supply: incr in muscle/liver glycogen (depletion-repletion cycles)
2. mitochondria: incr in # and size
3. oxidative enzymes: related to mito size/number
4. glycolytic enzymes
5. fiber type: uses type IIa and IIx
6. endocrine response: incr intensity (incr catecholamines)
metabolic limitations of sprint training and types of training
- supramaximal training: power outputs, >100% Vo2 max
1. substrate supply: incr muscle glycogen storage (depletion-repletion cycle)
2. muscle enzymes: incr of allosteric glycolytic enzymes (PFK, Hexokinase, phosphorylase), incr rate of ATP production, incr oxidative enzymes
3. muscle buffering capacity: buffering bicarbonate, for a given incr in La- –> decr in H+
metabolic limitations of resistance training
- substrate supply: incr resting muscle glycogen and PCr
- muscle enzymes: little-no effect on glyc enzymes, little decr in oxid enzymes
- muscle fiber types: type IIa and IIx
physio factors effecting VO2 max
a-v difference
arterial- venous diff: how well we extract O2 to the muscles
Cardiac output def
how well we deliver O2 to the muscles
anatomy of the heart
factors that determine HR
- cardiac cells (pacemakers)
- systole/diastole
- ANS (incr HR)
- PNS and ANS (CV drift)
- max HR (refractory period of cardiac cells)
- recovery HR (similar ANS experience)
factors that determine Q
- ventricular filling:
- venous return incr with ex
- muscle pump: working muscle contraction displaces blood back from veins to heart
- resp pump: assists heart pressure
- vasco constriction: via SNS, constriction away from non-working organs returns blood
- diastolic filling time: decr with intensity but incr in filling pressure - ejection fraction:
- with ex, incr blood ejected in shorter time
- incr contractility (SNS and frank starling–> higher preload)
factors determining blood flow
- vasodilation in arterioles to muscles
- vasoconstriction of arterioles to non-active tissue
factors determining SV and formula
- ~ 70 ml for adults
- LV EDV depends on: chamber size, filling pressure
- LV ESV depends on: afterload , myocardial contractile force
- with incr intensity –> both ESV and EDV contribute to incr SV
factors that determine o2 content
- red blood cells:
- Hb, HCt (hematocrit)
- o2 binding depends on PO2: anemia
- o2 carrying capacity of blood: CaO2
- erythropoiesis - white blood cells: ex and immune functioning
- plasma
BP controls
- local control: at muscle level, changes metabolites, signalas local vasodilation
- central control: SNS activation of alpha and beta receptors, vasoconstricts non active, vasodilates muscle/heart/skin
- short term and long term BP control mechanism: baroreceptor (neural), kidney and humoral
o2 loading
- respiratory system: o2/co2 transport, blood reservoir, acid-base balance, lung functioning
- ventilation changes
- pulm blood flow
- gas transport and exchange
- co2, bicarbonate buffer
- control ventilation
phsyio response in acute ex
CV system in temp regulation
- heat loss: sweating, skin blood flow, SV decr, HR incr until longer can maintain Q
- ex in cold: vasoconstriction
structural cardiac adaptations
Cardiac functional adaptations in HR
- relative bradycardia (when PNS and SNS blocked)
- involves ANS, reduces SNS, incr PNS of SA node
- decr HR = incr SV –> incr Q
Cardiac functional adaptations in Blood volume
- fluid balance: acute ex, incr temp, metabolism, electrolyte imbalance
- stimulation of renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system can incr plasma volume
Cardiac functional adaptations in contractility
- incr ability to expel blood from ventricle
- incr SNS activation (frank sterling mechanism)
muscle capilliarization
- < 4 weeks = incr capillary density
- angiogenesis: growth of new capillaries
- easier flow to muscle fibre
- stimulated by metabolism, stress on vessel, hypoxia