FINAL Flashcards
Matthew 2
The Magi (Wise Man)
Matthew 4
Temptation of Jesus
Matthew 5
Matthew 6
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 7
Build house on rock or sand
Matthew 13
Parable of the kingdom
Matthew 23
Woe to the Pharisees
Matthew 24,25
Signs of the end of the age
Luke 1
Birth of John the Baptist
Luke 2
Birth of jesus
Luke 4
Temptation of jesus
Luke 10
Good Samaritan parable
Luke 15
Three “lost and found” parables
Luke 16
The rich man and Lazarus
Luke 21
Signs leading to Jesus’ return
Luke 24
Jesus on the road to emmaus
John 3
Nicodemus comes to visit jesus
John 4
The woman at the well
John 11
Raising Lazarus from the dead
John 13
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet
John 15
The vine and the branches
John 17
Jesus’ prayer for his disciples
Acts 1
Jesus’ ascension, replacing Judas