Final Flashcards
What are psychodynamic therapies?
- Originate from Psychoanalysis
- The name has changed because they don’t have that analysis part as much
- They’re shorter -> only usually happen 1x/week and not for years on end
- Many of these therapies are short-term (similar to courses of CBT)
- Focus on unconscious processes that impact client’s present behaviour (how they differ from CBT)
- Ex: with CBT, we’re focused on what people are thinking and we have to be able to access those thoughts, whereas with psychodynamic therapies, we’re trying to pull out these unconscious processes through various techniques (ex: dream analysis)
What are some examples of psychodynamic therapies?
- Short-term psychodynamic therapy (can be used broadly)
- Mentalization-based therapy
- Developer: Peter Fonagy
- Treatment used for BPD that focuses on trying to get people to understand better their own emotions as well as the emotions of others
- Transference-focused psychotherapy
- Also a treatment for BPD and other personality disorders
- Focuses on the client-therapist relationship and uses these transference processes to improve people’s relationships with others in their lives
What are humanistic/experiential therapies?
- Interpersonal types of therapies
- Originate from Rogers and client-centered therapy
- Based on premise that individuals are “self-actualizing” -> they want to be the best versions of themselves
What are some examples of humanistic/experiential therapies?
- Gestalt therapy
- Existential therapy
- Emotion-focused therapy
- Other: Interpersonal psychotherapy
Describe Interpersonal psychotherapy
- Developed in the 70s as a controlled condition for studying pharmacotherapy for the treatment of depression
- It was meant to be just a supportive psychotherapy control condition
- They found that it was equally as effective as pharmacotherapy
- People have been interested in it as an alternative to CBT and it shows pretty good efficacy for things like depression and BN and binge eating disorder where interpersonal events often trigger negative affect which then triggers binge eating
- It’s seen as an evidence-based alternative but more of a 2nd line treatment if CBT isn’t a good option
According to Blagys & Hilsenroth (2000), what distinguishes psychodynamic and humanistic/experiential therapies from CBT?
- A focus on affect and the expression of patient emotions
- Although CBT is focused on emotions as to be able to identify your automatic thoughts, one of the first things you need to be able to do is to tune into when you’re having an emotional response and for some clients this is more difficult for them than others (so there’s more time spent on this)
- BUT, the cognitive restructuring/change is what CBT is focused on whereas the others have more focus on emotions (especially emotion-focused therapy)
- Intellectual/cognitive insight not sufficient, need emotional insight or to believe what we’re saying or changing and not just walk/talk through the motions
- Encourage expression of emotions (especially in a safe environment -> ex: in a therapy context) rather than management or
control (not bottle up emotions -> a lot of 2nd conflict comes from bottling up emotions)
- Draw attention to feelings patient regards as uncomfortable -> people don’t like to talk about their emotions and often don’t like to have emotions, even in therapy, but we’re trying to activate them to experience that - An exploration of the patient’s attempts to avoid topics or engage in activities that hinder therapy progress
- Interpreting client’s behaviour that may suggest they’re resistant to therapy or there was a particularly tough session and then they missed the next session
- Ex: redirecting conversation when tough topic comes up, not completing homework, missing sessions, not paying bills
- Explore these disturbances to uncover unconscious meaning -> common in these types of therapies to have conversations about this therapy process and to see if there’s any unconscious meaning and if the client is trying to say something that they don’t necessarily have the words for
- May make more of that in a psychodynamic or interpersonal therapy compared to CBT - Identification of patterns in patient’s actions, thoughts, feelings, experiences, relationships
- Identify patterns beyond those in thoughts -> interested in more than just thoughts but rather patterns across the board
- How patterns in interpersonal functioning repeat over time, settings, and people (ex: talking about how people’s interpersonal styles can repeat overtime and in various types of relationships and can mirror early childhood relationships that are being repeated later, they can interact with the therapist in similar ways as other people in their lives)
- Patterns are identified through interpretations (the therapist suggests to the client some type of pattern that they’ve observed and see if it rings true for the client and see what type of reaction the client has -> ex: if the client is defensive about it or open to it) - An emphasis on past experiences
- Identify origin of patient difficulties and understand why/how they have manifested in lifetime (both past and present)
- Emphasize both pre-adult (childhood experiences) and adult past
- Recent trend for PI treatment to be more present-focused (needs to be focused on the present and to incorporate the past to whatever extent is possible)
- For therapies to be short-term, it’s hard to focus on the past because therapy is about working on maintaining processes and these are not necessarily the same things that initially led to the development of the disorder or even past iterations of the disorder - A focus on patients’ interpersonal experiences
- Understanding problematic relationships -> why do people find themselves in problematic relationships and what type of need is this fulfilling
- Problematic relationships interfere with ability to fulfill needs and wishes
- Compare and contrast patient functioning with that of others -> understanding how the person functions relative to other people
- Impact patient has on other people -> especially important for clients with personality disorders that might have trouble seeing how their behaviour is impacting other people - An emphasis on the therapeutic relationship
- Therapeutic relationship is a vehicle or medium of change
- If therapist is able to maintain boundaries and get the client to work within the confounds of this relationship then this can translate into other relationships in their life
- Transference = patient’s projections onto therapist -> this can be identified, interpreted and discussed within the therapy
- Therapist elicits feedback about client’s reactions to therapy -> always asking clients how they’re reacting to the therapy and how they feel opening up to another person if that’s something that’s been difficult for them in the past (CBT also does this) - An exploration of patients’ wishes, dreams, or fantasies to some extent
- Could be clues to unconscious functioning
- The basis of psychoanalysis
- This is seen less these days but definitely not something you would see in CBT
Describe Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy
- Symptom relief (most people present to therapy because they’re having some distressing or impairing symptoms) and limited, but significant, character change
- Idea with long term psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapy where you’re trying to make more personality and interpersonal changes that take a long time to make and take a lot of practice to have new patterns of behaviour
- Less of this that can happen in a short-term treatment but there’s hope that a lot of what’s being discussed will be generalized and will lead to some of this character change
- Work on one circumscribed area of focus (whether it’s presenting symptoms or an interpersonal problem)
- Once per week for less than one year (ex: 16 sessions) -> but oftentimes when it’s studied in the context of research, especially if it’s being compared to CBT, you want it to be the same length (ex: 16 sessions)
- Therapist must maintain therapeutic eye on chosen focus -> the therapist is responsible and helps guide the client to maintain the focus on whatever area was chosen as the area of focus because with limited time, if you get too far off track, there’s going to be less progress that can be made during that time
- Patients should be psychologically minded, insightful, motivated (these would be great qualities for anyone presenting to therapy but it’s not always the case)
- Not going to make a whole lot of change if the person isn’t ready and if the person isn’t able to stay on task in such a short time
- Capacity to engage in the focal area readily and disengage from other distracting areas easily
Why is behaviour change so hard for people?
We’re so used to and stuck to our routines that it’s hard to form new routines
Describe the techniques of Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy
- Defining the therapeutic “frame” (the boundaries around therapy, the fact that the therapist is not your friend and they have a very particular role and are not going to have personal convos about what you’re doing on the weekend and things like that -> tradition of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy)
- Demonstrating genuine interest and respect for the client (common factor types of skills)
- Noting gains (helps people to feel like they’re making progress, they feel self-efficacy, they’re further motivated to make more progress, important in any type of treatment but particularly a short-term treatment where you’re trying to get people to move forward quickly)
- Maintaining here-and-now perspective
- Offering empathic comments
- Confrontation (when needed - questioning people if they’re not attuned to how they might be influencing other people or how there might be patterns in their relationships, more just questioning)
- Interpretation (suggesting things based on what the client has said -> ex: patterns of relationships in terms of impact of the past on present functioning, not drawing conclusions)
Monitoring countertransference:
- To see how you might be reacting to the client
- This can slow therapy down if the therapist is having some negative feelings towards the client and are therefore not being as effective in their sessions, can take away from the potential for progress
Describe Steinert et al. (2017) study on the efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy
- This article uses a traditional RCT framework to test whether there’s evidence for superiority of CBT or alternative treatments (most of them were CBT)
- Meta-analysis of 23 RCTs comparing psychodynamic therapy to an established treatment (all RCTs that were not waitlist control or were not compared to a supportive psychotherapy), both treatments using manuals (amenable to a research design)
- Article doesn’t explicitly talk about it being short-term, but the trials ensured that there was comparability across the session lengths
- There were short-term forms of psychodynamic treatment
- Primary outcome: target symptoms (ex: depression)
- Secondary outcome: general psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial functioning
- The way that they set up the goal of the study was to test for the equivalence of the 2 treatments -> they were looking that the 2 things would not be significantly different from one another
- Found that there were no meaningful differences and statistical differences between the psychodynamic and the comparator treatments at post-treatment (g = -0.15) and follow-up (g = -0.05)
- At post-treatment, the negative effect size means that there was a slight favouring for the CBT but the effect size magnitude is very small -> suggests there’s no meaningful difference
- Difference favouring psychodynamic treatment for psychosocial functioning at follow-up (g = 0.16) -> consistent with the proponents of psychodynamic therapy (could argue that there was some potential benefit to general functioning with this option for treatment)
- Statistical difference but still very small effect size
- There are differences in terms of main disorders that you’re approaching and the way that it’s being done
- Not all short-term psychodynamic therapies are equivalent but there’s some evidence for their use and consideration
Describe the choice for the primary and secondary outcomes in Steinert et al. (2017) study on the efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Oftentimes what happens is that you might see a difference on target symptoms but not general psychosocial functioning
- People who are proponents of psychodynamic treatment will argue that ultimately we care more about functioning but will still want to put these head-to-head and see how they compare to the outcomes that are typically studied in CBT (symptom functioning)
- Ex: depressive symptoms in the context of people with depression
What are the limitations to psychodynamic treatment that explain how people conclude that CBT is way more efficacious than psychodynamic treatment?
- Psychodynamic treatment doesn’t always lend itself as well to manuals or to short versions of the treatment
- Sometimes the goals are different
- The goal of CBT is often symptom change whereas the goal of psychodynamic therapy is often broader character change which takes longer
Describe Emotion-Focused Therapy
- Developed by Leslie Greenberg at York University
- Originally called Process-Experiential therapy
- Typically a short-term treatment (16-20 sessions)
- The theoretical basis is that emotion is a key determinant of self-organization
- At some point in our lives we’re told that emotions are bad, harmful and inconvenient and need to be suppressed
- But emotions are useful from an evolutionary standpoint (they tell us about when we need to act and when we need to retreat, or who we should maintain contact with vs not), but how we make sense of our emotional experiences is influenced by culture and early upbringing
- We want to re-learn how to make sense of our emotions in the treatment
- Has a lot of benefits for certain clients
- The therapy distinguishes between primary emotions and secondary emotions
What are the different types of emotions?
- Primary: direct initial reaction (ex: sadness from loss) -> instinctual emotion
- Secondary: secondary to primary emotions (happen after - ex: guilt/shame over sadness) -> our judgment of our emotions
- Ex: the loss happened a while ago and you’re still sad but you feel guilty for that because you feel like you should’ve gotten over it already
- Adaptive: primary emotions that communicate info (ex: evolutionary basis of the fight-or-flight response and how we use emotions to navigate our environment)
- Maladaptive: “old familiar feelings” that don’t change with situation
- Ex: things that we may have been stuck with for a long time since childhood that don’t change based on the situation -> not communicating info in the same way
What are the 3 principles targeted in treatment in Emotion-Focused Therapy?
1) Emotion awareness
- Want to be aware and learn to know how we’re feeling in a particular moment (very hard for people)
- Become aware of primary adaptive emotions
- Not thinking about feeling, but actually feeling the emotion -> trying to take the cognitive part out of it, do a lot of tough work in sessions to get patients to arouse those emotional experiences and have them actually feel them rather than just talk about or around them, which is often what happens
- Accept rather than avoid emotional experiences
- Express emotions, including what you feel in words and talking about how it feels in the body and what the emotions make you want to do (behavioural urges or tendencies associated with emotions)
2) Emotion regulation
- First, work to determine which emotions need to be regulated (a lot of primary emotions, depending on the situation, don’t necessarily need to be regulated -> ex: if the person’s having a lot of anger and it’s leading to a lot of anger outbursts in inappropriate situations (ex: the workplace) then this might be different)
- We want to look at the adaptive vs maladaptive view on the emotions
- Teach emotion regulation skills, including tolerance for a certain level of emotion and self-soothing when we need to (ex: children cuddling with their favourite stuffed animal or going to their parents or deep breathing and other skills to manage the strong types of emotions)
3) Emotion transformation
- Process of changing emotion with emotion (undo a maladaptive emotional response with a more adaptive emotion)
- Ex: “Fight fire (emotion) with fire (emotion)”
- Different from CBT because with CBT we would say we want to think about the situation differently and if we think about it differently then our emotional responses differ VS here we’re throwing a different emotion on top of it
- Techniques used in emotion transformation: shifting attention from the negative to the positive aspects of a situation (ex: looking on the bright side), positive imagery, remembering another emotion (ex: you’re feeling sad and you think about times where you have felt happy)
What are some other techniques used in Emotion-Focused Therapy?
1) 2-chair dialogue for self-critical conflicts
- A person who’s trying to gain confidence in themselves but are often criticizing themselves and are having trouble merging those 2 parts of themselves can play out both sides of the conversation
- Similar to CBT technique of “what would you tell a friend in this situation?”
- Trying to externalize or look at yourself from an outsider’s perspective to be able to hear the kinds of things that you’re saying to yourself in your head and notice how mean they may be
- Other part would be to respond to it, to manage some of those conflicts
2) Empty-chair work for unfinished business
- You have an empty chair in the room and the person is talking to it
- Ex: for someone in your life who has passed away or has become estranged and you want to get out some of those “old familiar feelings” that are keeping you stuck by sharing some of those thoughts
Describe the research evidence for EFT for major depression
- EFT has primarily been studied for major depression
- The research evidence is a bit old
- Watson et al. (2004):
- Outcomes similar in EFT and CBT
- Greater decrease in interpersonal problems in EFT compared to CBT (makes sense based on the focus of the therapy)
- Other people have commented that EFT is just like a supportive therapy and that there isn’t much substance to it
- Goldberg et al. (2006):
- Compared EFT to client-centric therapy
- Symptom remission greater in EFT compared to client-centered therapy
- The focus on emotions does matter and it’s doing more than just that supportive nature that a client-centered therapy would provide
Describe Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Developed by Klerman and Weissman in 1970s
- Concerned with interpersonal context
- Relational factors that predispose (vulnerability factors -> earlier things), precipitate (factors that come right before the onset of the disorder), and perpetuate (maintenance factors that continue it going) distress
- Structure: 12-16 sessions
- Suitability: in an ideal world, clients who pursue this treatment would have a secure attachment style (wouldn’t have a lot of trouble with attachment), they would have a specific interpersonal focus of distress, and have a good support system to help them navigate difficult conversations
- Ex: a couple with interpersonal problems -> wouldn’t be a good idea to do this with an abusive spouse or someone who’s emotionally neglectful
- Developed as a control treatment
Describe the potential problem areas explored in Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Role transitions (positive or negative stressful life events -> ex: moving, new job, getting married, getting divorced)
- Role disputes (within the context of a particular relationship -> ex: infidelity, unmet expectations)
- Grief (could be used for a loss)
- Interpersonal sensitivity (general pattern that characterizes people often since early in their life where they have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships)
-> What’s generally recommended is to only focus on the interpersonal sensitivity area if there’s not another topic that could be the focus
-> Because it’s a general pattern that people have had for a while, it’s going to be harder to change and you’re most likely going to get less out of the treatment
-> This is sort of a last resort type of focus
Describe the structure of Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Early-on, during the assessment phase, there’s an interpersonal inventory that’s administered to assess different life experiences and that’s used to choose the problem area
- Work collaboratively with the client to develop solutions to problem
- Patient implements solutions (activities and exercises) between sessions
Describe the techniques found in Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Interpersonal incidents: something happened (ex: a fight occurs with a partner or family member) and we’re going to be detailing those incidents to understand what happened -> similar pattern is communication analysis
- Communication analysis: ineffective communication is thought, according to this therapy, to underlie the problems that people are experiencing and we’re going to figure out exactly what happened and what could’ve been done differently -> where problem-solving would come in
- Problem solving and role-playing (ex: if there’s a big thing coming up, you need to talk to your boss about a raise or have a difficult convo with your mother, then you can roleplay this conversation with your therapist to practice it)
- Encouragement of affect: in terms of the content of what’s happening in the person’s life and in the therapy session but also the process of being able to talk about these things that are generally quite difficult for people
Describe the video example of the communication analysis technique in Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Therapist offers to go through arguments in conflict in more detail
- Therapist asks client if there’s anything that they could have done differently in this conflict with other person
- Therapist brainstorming with client the other ways she could have acted/done to avoid conflict
- Therapist asks how client reacted to the other person’s arguments and then what they answered and then what the client answered (to see how the situation escalated)
- They’re going through each step of this interpersonal interaction (trying to figure out what did the client say, what could they have done differently, how did it make them feel each step)
- Analyzing this incident/pattern of communication
Describe the research evidence for Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Quite a well-studied psychotherapy
- Depression:
- Cuijpers et al. (2016)
- Meta-analysis of 62 RCTs of IPT for depression
- d = .62 in favour of IPT compared to control treatments
- d = .06 for IPT compared to other psychotherapies
- Found that it out-performed control treatments and doesn’t differ from other psychotherapies
- Bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED):
- Agras et al., (2000): CBT more rapidly improves BN symptoms, compared to IPT, but those treated with IPT continue to improve post-treatment
- They found that it takes longer for clients to get to the same point -> they’re slower to improve in interpersonal psychotherapy, compared to CBT, but when they actually finish the therapy, they continue to improve
- When they assess people at follow-up, they find new differences between CBT and IPT
- This suggests that clients are learning skills to improve their interpersonal relationships and improve their communication with other people, that they continue to practice when the therapy is over that continues to help them
- There’s also group formats of IPT that have been comparable to group CBT
- Wilfley et al., (2000): Group IPT comparable to group CBT for BED
What’s mindfulness according to Jon Kabat-Zinn?
“The awareness that arises from paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” (1994)
Who is often considered to be the person that brought mindfulness to the western world?
Jon Kabat-Zinn
What are the 3 components of mindfulness?
- Attention: fully attending to the present moment without being preoccupied with the past or the future
- Intention: knowing why we’re doing what we’re doing -> “on purpose” part of the definition
- Attitude: the way in which we pay attention
- Ex: we stay kind, curious, open, and non-judgmental
What are Kabat-Zinn’s 7 attitudinal foundations of mindfulness?
- Non-judging (being an impartial witness to your own experience -> seeing the experience from an outsider’s perspective)
- Patience (letting things unfold in their own time without trying to rush the experience)
- Beginners mind (always having a beginners mind even if you are very far into your mindfulness journey or practice, being receptive to new things or possibilities that mindfulness might bring you)
- Trust (trusting yourself, your feelings, your experience, the process)
- Non-striving (not trying to achieve anything, not trying to move anything forward, only goal is to be yourself and where you’re at and not trying to change anything)
- Acceptance (seeing things as they are in the present moment)
- Letting go/be or non-attachment (ex: when you’re falling asleep, the act of letting yourself go and fall into sleep -> having this same experience when you’re awake and practicing mindfulness)
Describe formal mindfulness meditation practice
- Set aside a time and have a particular spot in which you do this
- This includes:
- Mindful breathing (paying attention to your breath, counting your breath, making sure to breathe in/out for a certain amount of time)
- Body scan (paying attention to different areas of your body to notice them and notice if you have any sensations of pain or relaxation)
- Mountain meditation (picturing yourself as a mountain and being at a particular spot (the mountain is and always will be), there may be weather around the mountain (emotions and sensations that change) but the mountain is always there steady and still)
- Loving kindness meditation (developing or trying to foster warm and kind thoughts for yourself and other people in your life, including people that you may not get along with)
Describe informal mindfulness meditation practice
- Awareness of thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and sensory input during everyday activities (ex: walking, washing dishes, brushing teeth, eating)
- Taking the time to actually feel the sensations of these things and being present for these activities
- Incorporating it into your daily routine
- Mindful eating is recommended in terms of paying attention to your hunger and satiety and the taste and smell of the food
Describe Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
- Formal program developed by Kabat-Zinn
- Mindfulness packaged into a program -> not a psychotherapy but a formal program
- 8-week workshop with 2-3 hour group sessions each
week, daily homework, and one-day retreat - Not considered a formal therapy, but a compliment to traditional medical (treatment for physical illness) or psychological treatment
- Designed to try and reduce stress and maybe work on burn-out -> terms that are not necessarily formal psychological conditions
- Quite commercialized
- To be a certified MSBR teacher, you have to complete a 7-day course at Center for Mindfulness at U Mass Medical Center which is specifically offered by Kabat-Zinn center
- People have to go through this process and it’s not cheap in terms of being a program
Describe Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- Mindfulness has also been incorporated into other types of existing psychotherapy
- Developed in late 90s for depression relapse prevention (at this time, it wasn’t recommended as a first line treatment for people experiencing current depression, this would be cognitive therapy or CBT, but for people who are vulnerable to multiple episodes of depression, this would be a way to potentially increase the time that they may have without an episode of depression)
- Group treatment that integrates MBSR with CBT
- Group-based treatment that integrates learning skills and the inclusion of homework practice of mindfulness with some CBT skills
- Move away from CBT’s emphasis on changing content of negative thinking towards attending to way in which all experience is processed
- We see this in 3rd wave behavioural therapies like mindfulness, ACT and DBT because what they’re trying to do is move away from actually changing our thoughts and changing the content of our thoughts, towards attending to the way in which our experiences are processed and whether that’s thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, just being aware and noticing them
Describe Teasdale et al. (2000) study on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- One of the early trials where everyone was in a CBT treatment for depression and then at the end of that treatment, they were either randomized to treatment as usual (if they really relapsed and needed more treatment they would go back to treatment, but most were without treatment) VS the mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- A much lower percentage of people relapsed in the treatment condition (MBCT)
Describe the evidence for efficacy for MBSR and MBCT
- Hoffman et al. (2010):
- Mindfulness-based therapy for depression and anxiety across a range of conditions (physical and mental)
- Pre-post treatment: g = 0.63 for anxiety and g = 0.59 for mood -> moderate-to-large pre-post treatment effects
- In patients with mood and anxiety disorders, g = .97 for anxiety and g = .95 for mood -> large effect sizes
- Khoury et al. (2015):
- Studied MBSR in healthy individuals
- Pre-post mindfulness: g = 0.55 -> medium effect sizes
- Between-group: g = 0.53
- Found large effects on stress, moderate effects on depression, anxiety, distress, quality of life
- Evidence that these approaches are helpful for people, regardless of whether they have a psychological problem
- We all experience stress and have times of anxiety and low mood and these things can be helpful in terms of changing our relationship with our emotional experiences and our thoughts
What’s the one thing that mindfulness has been looked at a lot for?
- Physical complaints (ex: pain) because pain is an experience that people can react very negatively to which can increase their experience of pain
- If you learn to recognize your pain without reacting negatively to it, it may not have this paradoxical effect
Describe Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Developed by Hayes and colleagues
- Definition: “Therapeutic approach that uses acceptance and mindfulness processes, and commitment and behavior change processes, to produce greater psychological flexibility” Hayes, Wilson, Strohasal (1999)
- Traditional perspective on suffering: Humans are naturally psychologically healthy and, if we experience psychological pain of some sorts (ex: negative emotions, negative thoughts, bad interpersonal events), it means something is wrong and needs to be fixed (medical/biomedical perspective)
- We experience this anxiety or stress and we think something’s wrong and we have to change our environment or change the way we think, we have to do something to change
- ACT perspective on suffering: negative emotions and thoughts are normal human experience and suffering is due to use of language and our attempts to control our internal human experience
- Everyone of us has these and deals with these things, they’re not specific to people with depression or anxiety disorders
- The pain is normal but the suffering comes from our use of language and our attempts to control, change, or get rid of those negative feelings
- ACT doesn’t position itself as a treatment for any particular psychological condition or disorder
- It works on psychological flexibility
- ACT is meant to work on different processes that they think will enhance psychological flexibility
What’s psychological flexibility?
Being able to relate to the world in a more flexible way and in a way where you’re more open to your experiences
Describe the Philosophical Foundations of ACT
- Major criticism of ACT: it’s a little confusing and hard to follow
- But there’s a lot of good to it too
- Hayes was a cognitive developmental psychologist and worked with children in the early part of his career
- He wasn’t a clinical psychologist
- The development of ACT came from philosophical kinds of ideas as well as his research and empirical observations of children and the way that they learn language
- He developed Relational Frame Theory
- ACT is based on Relational Frame Theory (RFT)
Describe Relational Frame Theory
- The way we navigate our world is based on what we’ve already learned about the world
- Our mind makes arbitrary connections between things, with connections based on history and context
- Ex: we might hear the world apple, we might see the picture of an apple in our head, we might think “apples taste yummy”, and we might also think apples are good to eat because they’re healthy
- We can make all of these connections just based on the fact that someone said the word “apple” and this is all based on our previous experience of knowing that most apples are red, having remembered times when we’ve eaten them before
- Ex: then we might hear the world melon, we might see the picture of a melon in our head and see how it’s bigger than an apple (comparing), and we then might think “melons are good but are not as good as an apple”
- Now, the way that they’re interpreting melons is based on the fact that they were just thinking about an apple
- Whereas if they weren’t thinking about an apple beforehand, they probably wouldn’t be comparing a melon to an apple in these other ways
- We make sense of our world based on our past experiences, based on the context we’re in and what we’re already thinking about, and we also make sense of our emotions and our thoughts in that same way
- We put weight on our emotions and our thoughts that they may differ and may not be as important depending on the context that we’re in (they’re just words)
- Ex: melon and apple are just words and it’s only on the fact that we have experience with them that we see them as actual objects
- But they’re just labels for objects
- Hayes would say that most of our suffering is due to our use of language
According to Hayes, most of our suffering is due to what?
Hayes would say that most of our suffering is due to our use of language
Describe the ACT Model of Psychopathology and Treatment
- Called a hexaflex
- There are 2: psychological inflexibility (hexaflex for what keeps us struggling/suffering) and psychological flexibility (the hexaflex we want to move towards in treatment)
- We want to move from psychological inflexibility towards psychological flexibility
- Each corner of the hexaflex has the problem and its opposite functional state (ex: from experiential avoidance to acceptance of our experiences)
Describe the different components of the 2 hexaflexes of ACT
1) Cognitive fusion/Defusion
- Cognitive fusion: being fused with our thoughts
- “Verbal dominance over behavioural regulation” or taking your thoughts too literally
- Thinking that your thoughts are reality or experiencing yourself as your thoughts as opposed to looking at thoughts as what they are (just thoughts)
- Defusion: mindfully noticing thinking as it occurs
- Ex: In sessions of ACT, you would use terms like “I am having the thought that…”, rather than “I am worthless” or “I am incompetent”
- Want to focus on mentality of “I am having the thought that I am this” which doesn’t mean that you are this, it’s just the way that your brain is thinking
- Another technique would be to picture yourself sitting at the edge of a river and to watch your thoughts go by as if they were on leaves floating down a stream
- You can say “this is the thought, that’s not me, it doesn’t mean that it’s true”
- You’re passively watching the thoughts go by
2) Experiential avoidance/Acceptance
- Attempt to alter form, frequency, or function of our experience of our private events (ex: emotions, thoughts) even when doing so is costly or ineffective
- Trying to just push out and change and not have/suppress those negative emotions
- Need to move towards acceptance
- Acceptance: adopt an intentionally open and flexible posture about moment-to-moment experiences
- Being curious about them and observing them without judging them (using mindfulness kinds of skills)
- If we can just accept our experiences, then they don’t have as much control over us
3) Loss of flexible contact with the present (AKA dominance of the conceptualized past and forced future; weak self-knowledge)/contact with the present moment
- Fusion and experiential avoidance lead us to desire to be somewhere else
- We want to be in the past when things were better, we want to be in the future when something exciting is going to happen but we don’t want to be where we are right now with our current thoughts and emotions
- We want to work towards mindfulness and being in the present moment
- Attend to what is present in a focused, intentional, voluntary, and flexible way
- Use language to note and describe internal events and to understand current situation, rather than to predict what’s going to happen in the future and judge what’s happening right now
- Want to use language to describe in an observational and non-judgemental way
4) Attachment to the Conceptualized Self/Self as Context
- Conceptualized self: idea of ourselves that we hold (maybe it’s a past self or a self that was projected onto us by our parents or by society)
- We’re attached to this self that may not actually represent who we are
- Want to promote contact with sense of self based on the here-and-now -> sense of self right now (who we are right now)
- Using techniques such as “noticing self” and using an “observer perspective” (coming outside of ourselves and seeing ourselves in an objective way where we’re not so attached)
5) Values Problems (AKA Lack of Values Clarity; Dominance of Pliance and Avoidant Thinking)/Values
- Commitment and behaviour change part of the hexaflex
- Persist or change in behaviour in the service of one’s chosen values
- We want to make sure that we’re acting in ways that are consistent with the values that we hold for ourselves
- Either we continue towards things that are consistent with our values or we stop and we change directions if we’re acting in ways that aren’t consistent
- Values: Predominant reinforcer is intrinsic to behaviour pattern itself; a direction rather than a destination
- Key problems in values: they are not yours (they’re someone else’s values), they are not clear, they are based on avoidance (you’re trying to prevent something negative from happening rather than trying to move in a positive direction)
6) Inaction, impulsivity, and avoidance persistence/Committed Action
- Common behavioural patterns
- Inaction: common in depression
- Impulsivity: common in substance-use or binge-eating
- Avoidance persistence: anxiety disorders and avoiding the feared stimuli
- Instead of these types of patterns, which most likely aren’t going to be consistent with values, developing patterns of action that are linked to chosen values and working on goal-setting that are consistent with your values
- Set short-term, medium-term, and long-term concrete goals that are value-consistent
- Once you clarify your values, it’s easier to set goals based on those values
Describe how values are different from goals
- Values: things that are important to us, but they’re not things that we’re going to say we achieved
- Ongoing thing throughout our life
- We’re going to have a certain set of values that sort of guide our behaviour and our choices
- Can never be done with these (as opposed to with goals) -> direction rather than a destination
Describe ACT in Practice
- The psychoeducation section of ACT is very different in that we’re not educating people about a particular disorder or a particular maintenance process of a disorder -> it’s much more broad than that
- Due to problems with the nature of language, metaphors are used to explain ACT concepts to patients
- The use of metaphors is done a lot in ACT because according to ACT there’s this problem in language where we’re always making these associations which is going to be very idiosyncratic to the person based on their past experience or what they’re going through right now and so a lot of metaphors are used to get people to experience the idea as opposed to just talking about it
- One of the main things that you talk about with ACT early-on is the idea of creative hopelessness: bring people into experiential contact with the fact that what they have done so far has not worked
- They’ve been trying and have been very creative in their ways of trying to get rid of their suffering but it’s just creating even more hopelessness because everything they keep trying isn’t working
Describe the 2 metaphors used for creative hopelessness in ACT
1) Chinese finger trap
- Game where you put your fingers in and the more and more you struggle to get your fingers out of this trap, the more it tightens and the more they get trapped
- The more that you struggle, the more suffering you actually have
2) Tug-o-war
- Person is having tug-o-war with all of their negative thoughts and feelings, their baggage and their past experiences and they’re each pulling as hard as possible and both of them are stuck
- Putting all of this energy but staying stuck
- We encourage people in ACT to put down the rope, stop the tug-o-war, stop trying so hard
- If you put down the rope, there’s no war anymore
- Idea that you can have these negative thoughts and baggage walk around with you and still do what you need to do and still get a lot out of life even with this in the background
Describe the evidence for ACT
- ACT is not developed for a particular condition so it hasn’t only been studied in one area
- Quite a bit of research supporting it in terms of treatment
- Less good quality RCT evidence compared to other treatments
- Research support for treating: depression (would be easy to see based on creative hopelessness metaphors), mixed anxiety conditions, OCD (where people are very fused with their thoughts), chronic pain, psychosis
- Research focused on testing processes of change and on functional, rather than symptom-focused, outcomes
- A lot of the research instead of using a traditional RCT design, has tried to test the processes of change
- It’s trying to make sure that, similar to the Dimijian article on behavioural activation where they had 2 potential processes of change and set up a mediation model to test them, what these studies often do is they have ACT in the comparison and want to see if ACT changes these processes that are part of the hexaflex (ex: psychological inflexibility, experiential avoidance) more than comparison treatments and do changes in these processes then predict outcomes
- ACT research is more focused on functional outcomes as opposed to symptom-based outcomes
- Not tied to a particular set of symptoms and instead wants people to live a more rich, full, and value-based life and not let their emotions and thoughts bring them down and keep them stuck
- Mediation analyses that examine whether the treatment predicts change in ACT processes, which then predict change in outcome
Describe Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- The treatment was developed by Marsha Linehan who after developing the treatment has come out and talked about her own experience with suicidality and BPD
- Designed as a treatment for individuals with chronic suicidality or parasuicidality who did not respond favourably to standard treatments like CBT or other treatments
- People often think of DBT as a treatment for BPD
- Most patients with chronic suicidal behaviour have BPD, but not all patients with BPD have suicidal behaviour
- They still may be recommended to receive treatment with DBT
- Originally the development of this treatment was for the subset of people generally with a diagnosis of BPD that also had chronic suicidality or parasuicidality as one of their presenting features
- Recognition that many patients with this presentation can engage in behaviours that interfere with therapy, and that clinicians experience burnout and negative reactions to these patients
- Ex: suicidality -> not necessarily that this is interfering but this is very challenging for clinicians to deal with, they’re very concerned about clients who present with suicidal thinking and their main job is to keep their clients safe
- It’s important to evaluate the extent to which they think the client is at eminent risk
- Recognized that this treatment needed to include some support for the therapists to help boost their capacity to work with patients who were presenting with chronic suicidality
- Based on Linehan’s Biosocial theory of borderline personality disorder and her biosocial model of the development of the disorder