Final Flashcards
When discussing the theology of family, what must we know?
God, knowledge of ourselves, God’s Word concerning the family, history of the family, and how these principles apply to real families
Why study the family?
It’s the basic building block of every other social unit and everything grows out of it and depends on it
What are the three characteristics of family structures?
Atomistic, trustee, and domestic
What is the atomistic family structure?
Emphasis on life of the individual apart from the family which leads to moral decay and accelerates the state’s attempt to control it
What is the trustee family structure?
Clan loyalty which leads to the state intruding to control the family
What is the domestic family structure?
Necessary for cultural growth, church held to this model, model of the biblical family advanced through reformation, puritans, and 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, changes culture, and empowered by God to live in families
Define marriage
A covenant of companionship, between equals, resulting in unity, for the purpose of dominion, under God
Explain a covenant of companionship
A covenant (Prov 2:16-22; Mal 2:13-16) is a life-or-death commitment (Gen 15), an agreement with sanctions (Ruth 1:15-17), covenant making and breaking (Gen 2:18), covenant with God (Prov 2:17)
Explain a covenant of companionship
An intimate friend, companion (Mal 2:4), cleave (Gen 2:24), #1 purpose for marriage, necessity of companionship, process of companionship (leave, cleave, weave)
Explain “equals”
Both image bearers, duality reflects Trinity, ontological equality mirrors God, does not negate economic subordination
Explain “resulting in unity”
One flesh is the result (naked and unashamed)
Explain “for the purpose of dominion”
God is sovereign, man is to have dominion under God and over creation, be fruitful and multiply, and to subdue and rule
Explain “under God”
Man marries, not mates, God claims ultimate loyalty, intermarriages are forbidden
Presuppositions to keep in mind
High view of God? God-centered worldview? High view of God’s Word? High view of Christ’s church? Faith in God’s perfect and complete care? Confidence that God’s plan is for His glory and their good? Believe and embrace personal responsibility for their own thoughts, choices, actions, and motives? Have an understanding of dynamic biblical life change?
What are 6 different worldview problems facing marriages?
Relativism (no absolutes), behaviorism (restructure marriage so it works out okay), pluralism (truth is plural), mysticism (subjectivism in a religious context), hedonism (avoid pain and pursue pleasure), pragmatism (if it works, it’s right)
What is the model, method, and means for husbands?
The husband’s model is Jesus, his method is Jesus’ self sacrifice, and his means is by way of example and exhortation
What is the model, method, and means for wives?
The wife’s model is the church, her method is submission, and her means is godliness
Define masculinity
At the heart of mature masculinity is a sense (circumstances) of benevolent (men look out for the good of woman) responsibility (a God-given trust) to lead (not presuming superiority), provide for and protect women (not to diminish a woman’s role) in ways appropriate to a man’s differing relationships (other woman vs wife)
Define femininity
At the heart (not an exhaustive statement) of mature femininity (distortions of “positive,” “negative,” and “mature” traits) is a freeing disposition (rather than a set of behaviors, not replacing the Lord’s sovereignty, and freeing b/c rooted in creation) to affirm (advocate for male/female complementarity), receive (glad to accept leadership) and nurture (senses responsibility to strengthen male leadership) strength and leadership from worthy men (not all men are worthy) in ways appropriate to a woman’s differing relationships
What are the 4 requirements for good communication?
Openness, self-control, charitable spirit, and good listening
What are some practical suggestions for fostering good communication?
Be ready to confess, ready to change, avoid charged words, be responsible for your own attitudes and actions, refrain from re-runs, solve one problem at a time, leave solved problems in the past, major on the positives, learn non-verbal communication, learn to express yourself, practice the golden rule, do good while expecting nothing in return
What are the 4 G’s of reconciliation?
Glorify God, get the log out of your own eye, gently restore, go and be reconciled
When do you begin premarital counseling?
In the nursery
How to find a spouse?
Prayer, work on spiritual and practical gifts and graces, and go to events to interact with other singles
What are the criterion for courtship?
Question on gender: men initiate
Question on maturity: amount of trust is given based on maturity, not age
Question on methodology: keep the front door open, father should speak directly to the suitor, regular communication encouraged
Courtship and dating: fatherly oversight of the daughter is expected, sexuality is limited to marriage
What are the benefits of premarital counseling?
Preparation: prepare saints for Christian ministry, make aware of important issues that will arise, encourage to have accurate view of themselves, focus on God, biblically resolving conflict, seek help of others
Protection: gives session opportunity to lead, guide, and protect, protects for ill-advised marriages, preventing many problems from occurring, prevents small problems becoming big problems, gives tools to deal with problems
How to use the premarital counseling book?
Both individuals purchase a book for themselves, give assignment and work on homework by themselves first, then make time to work through material together, then sit down with couple and review material
What are the biblical ethics of divorce?
Basic considerations: God sets the rules for marriage and divorce; God’s church declares, teaches, and interprets these truths
The place of divorce: God regulates divorce among His people
Grounds for divorce: divorce by death (capital punishment), divorce by breach of marital contract (1 Cor 7:3-5), divorce by authority (consanguinity), divorce by bill (fornication or willful desertion)
What is the process for divorce?
Forgiveness, remedial attempts (church discipline), merciful escape
How do you restore trust after an adulterous affair?
Always start with genuine repentance, then the offender has to take responsibility, ask for forgiveness, demonstrate sorrow for sin, don’t justify actions, establish accountability, keep rules of accountability, wholeheartedness to change, scrupulously honest, fruit of repentance, make known their whereabouts at all times, make detailed schedule each day, accountable for 100% of their time, accountable for finances, personal and family devotions, establish guardrails/boundaries, be patient (offender and offended), build positive experiences, and persevere
What are some things to consider with divorced parents?
Isolation and loneliness, guilt and bitterness, jealously and resentment, relationships with stepchildren, treatment of biological children, and treatment of former spouse
What are some things to consider with divorced children?
Acting out, acting out as an adult, acting with guilt, and acting with fear
What are some things to consider with blended families?
Shining knight syndrome, monkey in the middle, fear, guilt, and danger, resistance to change, visitation, and discipline