Final Flashcards
What are the 5 C’s of Pricing?
Competition, Costs, Company Objectives, Customers, Channel Members
What are the four orientations a company can have as an objective?
Profit, Sales, Competitor, Customer
What is the issue with profit orientation?
It does not take into consideration the value customers have for the product. > Price being set below an optimal level
What is a goal associated with sales orientation?
Gaining market share
Why would firms adopt sales orientation?
To establish a position in the market by getting price sensitive consumers to change brands
What are the benefits of a competitor orientation strategy?
Setting the price equal to that of a competitor will help them be compared with the competitor, knowing consumers use reference prices to indicate quality
What is a customer orientation strategy?
Matching price to customer expectation. E.G. Tiffanys vs Costco diamonds
What types of products have upward sloping curves?
Prestigious products or services
What does it mean if a price is elastic?
Price sensitive
What does it mean if a price inelastic?
Price insensitive
What sorts of products are consumers less sensitive to price increases (which products are inelastic)?
In what circumstance will raising the price not result in an increase in revenue?
In elastic markets, because the increase could drive consumers out of the market, which would lead to demand falling, and a loss of revenue
In what circumstance will raising the price result in an increase in revenue?
In elastic markets, because the relationship between price and demand is weak.
What is an example of a product with cross-elasticity?
Printer and ink cartridge
What are the three major types of costs?
Variable, Fixed & Total
What two types of competition are less price competition?
Monopoly, and Monopolistic Competition
Which two types of competition are more price competition?
Oligopoly and Pure competition
Which two types of competition have fewer firms?
Monopoly and Oligopoly
Which two types of competition have many firms?
Monopolistic Competition and Pure Competition
How has online shopping affected firms’ pricing strategies?
More sensitive to prices, alternatives and retailers
How does EDLP create value? How does High/Low create value?
EDLP: save search costs
High/Low: provides thrill of chase
What are the two new product pricing strategies?
Market Penetration & Price Skimming
What does penetration pricing require?
Consumers must be price elastic
What is an example of deceptive or illegal price advertising?
Merchandise is “put on sale” but was never really a higher price. Bait & Switch, sell something else instead
What is predatory pricing?
Prices set low w/ intent to drive competitors our of business
When is price discrimination not illegal?
In B2B settings when giving quantity discounts
What is the difference between horizontal price fixing and vertical price fixing?
Vertical is parties ad different levels of same marketing channel. Horizontal is when competitors work together.
What is a degree of vertical integration?
A supply chain where the members act as a unified system