Final Flashcards
Any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and tax one’s coping abilities
Is the event irrelevant to you, relevant but not threatening, stressful
Primary appraisals of stress
Coping resources and options for dealing with stress
Secondary appraisals of stress
Type of stress: Pursuit of some goal is thwarted?
Example of frustration
Traffic jam
Type of stress: 2 or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression?
Choice between 2 attractive goals?
Choice between 2 unattractive goals?
Choice to purse a single goal that has both unattractive and attractive aspects?
Noticeable alterations in one’s living circumstances that require readjustment ?
Life Chances
Example of Life changes
Getting married/ divorced
Demands that one behave in a certain way?
Example of pressure
Peer pressure, conform to others expectations
Open the mindset and promotes creativity, flexibility in problem solving, undo negative emotions, promotes rewarding social interactions, social support and coping strategies
role of positive emotions in response to stress
What are the three levels we use to analyze a person’s reaction to stress ?
Emotional response, Physiological response, Behavioral response
Performance should improve with increased emotional arousal up to a point after which further increases in arousal become disruptive and performance deteriorates. As the task becomes more complex the optimal level of arousal tends to decrease.
How stress can alter performance and how task complexity is involved in this.
three stages of general adaptation syndrome?
alarm reaction, stage of resistance, stage of exhaustion
behavioral responses: efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress?
behavioral response: unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt
defensive coping
behavioral responses: Healthy efforts that people make to deal with stressful events
Constructive coping
behavioral responses: passive behavior by unavoidable aversive events?
Learned helplessness
behavioral responses: intended to hurt someone, either physically of verbally
behavioral responses: the release of emotional tension
which psychological disorder are linked to stress
Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety disorder
Personality types: (self-imposed stress and intense reactions to stress) strong competitive impatient time urgency and anger hostility
Type A personality
Personality types: relatively relaxed patient easygoing amicable behavior
Type B personality
The immune system can be suppressed by ?
Factors that moderate the impact of stress?
Social support and Optimism
positive stress promotes resilience personal growth self-improvement new skills
examples of how stress may have positive effects
The two unifying themes highlighted in chapter 13?
Multifactorial causation, subjectivity of experience
Distinguishing one illness from another
Causation and development history of illness
Forecast about the probable course of illness
key criteria for abnormality: violate norms
Key criteria of abnormality: everyday adaptive behavior is impaired
Maladaptive behavior
Key criteria of abnormality: individual reports of great distress
Personal distress
four main anxiety disorders: Chronic high level anxiety not tied to any threat
Generalized anxiety disorder
four main anxiety disorders: Persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger
Phobic disorder
four main anxiety disorders: recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly
Panic disorder
four main anxiety disorders: Persistent uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts urges to engage in senseless rituals